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With Lu Yifeng's protesting look, Xia Meilin turned away, ignoring it.

"Li Bingbing, can I have a moment with you?" She let go of her husband's arm. Xia Meilin gave her a scolding look before she passed by her. "Follow me."

With the way Xia Meilin called her, Li Bingbing knows that she's in it for interrogation. "See you later, boys."

The twin brothers were left with each other as they watched their women walked away.

"What can you say about my new girl, bro?" Lu Xian Yu turned to him and grinned.

The coldness in Lu Yifeng's eyes returned when Lu Xian Yu asked him that. "I suggest you stay away from her."

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Lu Xian Yu raised an eyebrow at his statement, "You know her?"

Lu Yifeng didn't give him an answer. He just stood there quietly.

Yes, he knows her very well. Li Bingbing was someone dangerous in his previous life that almost killed his brother after the news about Xia Meilin's death spread. How will he be able to forget someone that almost took his brother's life?

Meanwhile, Xia Meilin and Li Bingbing went away from the crowd by going to the balcony.

"Explain." Xia Meilin said the moment they entered the balcony.

With this one word, Li Bingbing sighed. "That night, he knocked to my door. I kicked him and he got his revenge a few days after. Since he has the upper hand at that time, I asked for a truce. We ended up became friends."

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Li Bingbing wasn't the type to give others a long explanation so she went on straight to the point, leaving the details out.

"Then what was that kiss earlier?" Xia Meilin didn't doubt her even one bit. "Friends don't act so intimately with each other."

"Yes they do." Li Bingbing took a sip from her glass of wine before answering, "I'm getting the benefit of being his friend. He helps me quench my womanly needs, he cooks for me. In return, I provide a safe place for him to stay. Besides, he's really great in bed so it's a win-win situation for the both of us."

Xia Meilin furrowed her brows as she frowned. "He's a dangerous man, Bingbing. He has slept with countless of girls!"

She chuckled, "You think I don't know?"

Xia Meilin pursed her lips. She was only worried for her best friend's safety and feelings. What if she ended up falling for him? It will definitely leave Li Bingbing's heart broken.

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"Don't worry, he's clean." She leaned against the terrace and smiled at her. "He can sleep with any girls he want, I can even watch if he allows me too. I will never fall for him, Meimei. He's not my type. I only have one man in my heart."

Xia Meilin went and stood beside her. "Do you... still love him?"

Li Bingbing looked at her glass of wine, the sadness in her eyes was seen when Xia Meilin asked this. "I can't help it. He's still single after we broke up. He has never dated other women." She chuckled softly. Her strong and fearless face became gentle. "You know how I tried to forget him. I tried dating other men but... I ended breaking up with them because I can't forget him."

Xia Meilin turned and looked at the celebration that was happening inside. She saw Lu Xian Yu was surrounded by girls and by the looks of it, he was flirting with them.

"So you're using him as a distraction?"

"No. I will use my babe to make my hubby realize that I'm better than his work!" She smirked. "How dare he replace me with his work!"

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"You're playing with fire, Bingbing." Xia Meilin sighed.

Li Bingbing turned to her with a playful smile on her face. "Don't worry, I have a fire extinguisher with me."

Xia Meilin can only shake her head while she was chuckling. "You're crazy."

She admires Li Bingbing for being so brave but sometimes, she can't help but get worried since it can be dangerous to her, especially now, she's using a dangerous man like Lu Xian Yu.

Li Bingbing rested her head on Xia Meilin's shoulder while looking at the people from the entrance of the balcony. It was until she saw someone which made her straightened her back. "He has arrived."

"Yeah. Brother will definitely attend this kind of event." Xia Meilin took a quick glance on her to check on her reaction.

"He still looks so handsome as ever~ I can't wait to get my hands on him again." Li Bingbing held Xia Meilin's arm and grinned. "Lets go greet him."

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