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Li Bingbing stopped talking with him for the whole day since she was still angry at him.

Xia Sinian introduced himself to her mother and he was easily accepted by her.

When Li Bingbing graduated, she entered the same college as Xia Sinian. There, they decided to live together in an apartment.

Things were going well with them, except every now and then, Li Bingbing has to protect her gentle and kind boyfriend from the traps that were set to him by other girls that were trying to get his attention.

Xia Sinian grew taller and Li Bingbing became a fine lady for him. She even grew her hair since she learned that he loves her hair.

Although... everything ended after his graduation day.

"Lets break up." Xia Sinian said, his face was void of emotions.

"Stop joking. We're not breaking up." Although Li Bingbing said this with a calm voice, she started getting nervous inside.

"We have to. Starting from now on, I will have no time for you. I have set my eyes on making the Xia Company great."

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"Bullsh*t!" She glared at him. "You're breaking up with me because of that d*mn family business of yours?"

"Yes. I've wasted my time enough with you. From now on, I need to use it wisely."

She never expected this day will come. Even if his reason was not about another girl, she still got hurt because of his cold words.

Her eyes started becoming blurry because of her tears. "Sinian... please, not this. I can make time for us. If you're busy, then I won't disturb you... but please... please don't do this. I love you. Let's not break up."

"You're just gonna be a burden to me. I'm sorry, Bingbing. Even if you say that you'll make time for us, I cannot make time for you. It's time for use to grow up."

Who would have thought that everything will start and end with his graduation days?

She can't believe that he was sacrificing their love for his family business. They could think things out but no, he won't even do that.

"You know what? Fine! Don't come begging for me to return to you once you realize that you can't live without me! I'll definitely give you a good beating once you come begging for me!" She turned and run away, leaving him there. She was crying while heading out of the campus.

He clenched his fists tight. She was a woman that came from a normal family while he was a man who from an elite family. Now that the company was given to him, he will have to do everything to bring it up since... he promised his deceased father that he will make the Xia company great again.

After packing her things and leaving the apartment, Li Bingbing waited everyday for him to come get her from her parents. She thought that maybe, after a few days, Xia Sinian will come and realize that he can't bear the pain of being away from her. But that didn't happen.

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She tried calling him but he never answered. She messaged him about meeting him at a restaurant but he never arrived even if she waited and waited. She cried because of this. She was in great pain. Was he really never going to show up? Was it really over for the both of them? Why is he so cruel? He knows how much she love him.


Li Bingbing smiled at him, "Why hello there, Mr. Xia."

There was no hint of gentleness in Xia Sinian's face. Just like that day where they broke up, it was void of emotions. He nodded his head at her as an acknowledgement of her before he turned to his sister. "How's Mello?"

Xia Meilin blinked a few times. The last time they met, her brother was not fond of Little Melon but this time, he was asking for him.

"He entered preschool this week." Xia Meilin took a glance at Li Bingbing then back to her brother. Not wanting to come in between them, she found an excuse to leave, "I will go check on my husband."

Escaping the awkward atmosphere between them, she headed to where Lu Yifeng was. She held on his arm and greeted the men that were with him.

Meanwhile, Li Bingbing and Xia Sinian ended up staring at each other. "Looks like you're doing well."

Xia Sinian turned and looked at the musicians instead. "Hn."

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"Have you found yourself a girl?"


She furrowed her brows."Yes? Then where is she?"

"At home. Taking care of the baby." When he took a glass of wine from the waiter, Li Bingbing noticed a silver ring on his ring finger.

Seeing this was like a knife that stabbed her heart. "You're married? Why didn't I heard it from anyone?"

"What right do you have to know it?" With that, he turned away and left her there.

He's lying... He's lying, right?

Feeling her eyes becoming teary, she hurriedly went to the woman's restroom. Despite her strong facade, Li Bingbing's feelings were always so ensitive when it come towards the person she loves and care.

Lu Xian Yu was able to notice Li Bingbing leaving in a hurry. Seeing that something was wrong with her, he excused himself from the girls he was chatting with before he followed her.

Meanwhile, after greeting the people that Lu Yifeng introduced to her. Her smile became stiff.

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Noticing this, Lu Yifeng decided to take her away from there. "Are you tired? Do you want to go home now?"

"No. I'm fine." She turned to look for Li Bingbing and Xia Sinian. She saw her brother but she didn't saw her best friend. Lu Xian Yu was missing as well, did they leave?

Lu Yifeng noticed that she was distracted with something. "What are you looking for?"

"I can't see Bingbing and Lu Xian Yu. Did you see them leave?" She asked as she faced him.

"I didn't realize. Forget them." He held her by her waist and smiled. "Do you want to ditch this place?"

She blinked a few times, she never expected him to suggest something like this. "Where should we go?"

"Somewhere. This place is noisy, lets leave." He continued to offer.

Since Li Bingbing has already left, Xia Meilin decided to leave as well. "Okay." She smiled. "Let me go use the restroom first."

"Do you want me to accompany you?" He smiled.

She blushed lightly at this, "Haha very funny." She said in a sarcastic tone before she left him there.

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