The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else Chapter 15.1

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Genius Artist - Replacement of the White Moonlight for the Rich CEO

Not long after returning from the island, Lu Shijin moved out of the small apartment Huo Qi gave him and moved into Huo Lian’s apartment.

It was surprising that Huo Lian, who was never intimate with others, acquiesced to Lu Shijin’s actions.

Either way, he believed that they were only using each other.

He was using Lu Shijin to bring down Huo Yan and Huo Qi, while Lu Shijin was using him to get revenge on Huo Qi.

As for the rest, he could satisfy Lu Shijin’s demands as long as they weren’t excessive.

After all, the little substitute also helped him meet certain needs. To put it simply, it was just as though he were raising a steady bed partner.

After New Year’s, the elderly master Huo announced to the board of directors that he was stepping down from chairman.

But he didn’t announce his successor, which had all of the senior management and shareholders of the Huo family wracked with nerves.

Other than his eldest son Huo Yan, he also had a nephew, Huo Gang, whose place in the Huo family was also quite high.

So, the most intense battles, in the dark and outright, were between their two groups

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Because Huo Lian’s identity was so awkward, no one believed that the elderly master Huo would hand the Huo family to an illegitimate son with no foundation. Due to this, Huo Lian became someone completely unrelated to the struggle for power.

In the original plot, Huo Lian’s uncle, Huo Gang, promised that he would aid Huo Lian if he helped him in turn, which is why Huo Lian had cooperated with Huo Gang.

Who knew that when everything was exposed later on, Huo Gang pushed all the blame onto Huo Lian, portraying it as though Huo Lian were the mastermind behind all the schemes.

The elderly master Huo was very disappointed in Huo Lian’s actions of splitting apart the Huo family, so he impulsively disowned Huo Lian.

Since they were so willing to stab their blood relatives in the back so easily, Huo Lian completely gave up hope on this family.

Lu Shijin wasn’t sure if Huo Lian had already joined hands with Huo Gang or not, preparing to deal with Huo Yan and Huo Qi.

But he estimated that it was about time when Ruan Siheng had finished plagiarizing his artwork, and Huo Qi would come to find him soon.

As expected, before two days passed, Huo Qi called Lu Shijin.

It was a Friday. Lu Shijin had just finished his classes and was on his way to have dinner with some classmates when he received Huo Qi’s phone call.

Lu Shijin didn’t bother going somewhere quiet and directly accepted the call.



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“You don’t know it’s me even though you’re the one who called me?”

Actually, Huo Qi was surprised by Lu Shijin’s indifferent tone, which was completely different from his joy before.

But it did make sense. The last time they had met was before the New Years, making it over three months since he had contacted Lu Shijin.

Given how much Lu Shijin loved him, it was to be expected that he was angry.

Since he had something to ask of him, Huo Qi soon stopped thinking of it.

“Of course I know.” Huo Qi said warmly. “Did you just finish class? It seems really noisy on your side.”

“Yup, I’m going to dinner with classmates. Is there anything you need? If there is, say it quickly, if not, I’ll hang up.”

Huo Qi didn’t get angry and instead gently chuckled.

“What’s wrong? Angry?”

“How could I dare.” Lu Shijin sneered. “Do I have the privilege? I haven’t heard anything from you, I can’t even see a glimpse of your shadow. If I didn’t look at the news every day, I’d think you were kidnapped by aliens!”

“Of course you do.” Huo Qi lowered himself and coaxed. “Sorry Shijin, I’ve just been too busy recently. You should’ve heard, my grandpa will be leaving office soon, so it’s a crucial period right now. My dad gave me many tasks. I have to focus on my work first.”

It wasn’t easy for Huo Qi, a young master born with a golden spoon, to humble himself and coax others.

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But thinking of what and who Huo Qi was coaxing him for, Lu Shijin felt so disgusted he wanted to vomit.

Scum. I’ll take care of you sooner or later.

“So that’s what happened.” Lu Shijin said. “Then are you done with work now?”

“Not yet, but I really missed you, so I couldn’t help but call you. Are you free tomorrow? Let’s have a meal. What do you want to eat?”

“Okay, I want to eat steak.”

Huo Qi heard Lu Shijin agree to meet tomorrow night and believed that Lu Shijin already forgave him. He hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

“Right, Shijin, I showed the artwork you gave me last time to some professionals. They all feel like your art’s pretty good, do you have any completed work by your side?” Huo Qi paused, then said, “Maybe I can help you host a solo exhibition.”

Lip service like holding an exhibition for an unknown arts student would only be enough to coax ignorant people like the original host.

Lu Shijin silently sneered, then pretended to be interested and said, “Really?”

Huo Qi smiled. “Of course.”

“Okay, but I have to go back and check. Since it’s an exhibition, I need to pick the best ones.”

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Huo Qi instantly said, “That would be the best.”

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes. Best your ass!

“Okay then. I’m hanging up. My classmates and I need to get on the bus.”

After that, Lu Shijin hung up. On the other side, Huo Qi was stunned in place and couldn’t react.

It was the first time Lu Shijin had taken the initiative to hang up.

“Xiao Lu, who just called you? Listening to your tone, there seems to be some story!”

The students beside Lu Shijin waited until he hung up before grinning to hear some gossip.

Lu Shijin indifferently shrugged. “Nah, it was just some idiot selling insurance.”

They obviously didn’t believe him, “Little Lu, did you start dating recently?”


“Hah, don’t lie to us. Have you seen yourself? You’ve been glowing with health, looking like you’re going through the best days of your life recently. If you say that that’s not love, who would believe it!”

Lu Shijin looked at them in disapproval and smiled. “That’s enough, no more gossiping. Let’s go get dinner, my treat. Is that enough to block your mouths?”

Hearing that Lu Shijin was treating him, the other people didn’t dare to continue poking fun at him and the topic was quickly changed.

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