The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else Chapter 17.1

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Genius Artist - Replacement of the White Moonlight for the Rich CEO

“T-to Hawaii?” Lu Shijin couldn’t react for a moment, stunned.

Huo Qi nodded. He thought that Lu Shijin was speechless from happiness, making him believe in Lu Shijin’s love for him even more.

“I remember that you went to the U.S. before, the visa hasn’t expired yet, right?”

Lu Shijin dumbly shook his head.

“That’s good. Pack up, we’re leaving the day after tomorrow.”

“The d-day after tomorrow?” Lu Shijin said. “This fast?”

Shit, he was completely ignoring my displays of love before, but now that he suddenly wants to go on a trip together, it caught me completely off guard.

“Do you think it’s too early or too late?” Huo Qi smiled, “If you want an extra day with me, I can change the tickets to tomorrow night.”

Lu Shijin: . . . Fucking hell, is this the point? The point is that the person going to Hawaii with you is wrong!

“Little assistant! Little assistant!” Lu Shijin hurriedly called for 711. “Did someone take over Huo Qi’s body? Or does he have something wrong with his brain?”

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711 lazily said, “Nope, the data is showing that Huo Qi’s affection for Ruan Siheng has slightly decreased and his affection for you has skyrocketed.”

Lu Shijin understood. “It turns out that this piece of dog shit wants to have a foot in each boat!”

After three months of not seeing him, he found Lu Shijin novel and interesting. Especially after running into a dead end with his white moonlight, he felt that the more easily tamed Lu Shijin was better.

711 reminded, “Don’t forget your task.”

Lu Shijin sneered. “Of course I haven’t. How far has the story progressed?”

“Already past half, approaching a small climax. Ruan Siheng was framed for plagiarism, but he’ll make everyone eat their words. By the time that passes, the audience satisfaction will be at around half.”

“Wait, what did you say?” Lu Shijin said. “I’m afraid you’re misusing the word ‘framed’.”

“. . . Either way, you need to cooperate when the time comes. Ruan Siheng’s the main character. If the main character’s character setup is gone, then there would be no story.”

Lu Shijin said that he didn’t care, but didn't feel great.

Huo Qi looked at how Lu Shijin still hadn’t responded to him, not agreeing or disagreeing, and his expression grew cold.

“You don’t want to?”

Lu Shijin returned to his senses and concealed his unhappiness as he smiled brightly. “Of course not. I want to go. As long as I can be with you, I’m happy anywhere!”

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A smile resurfaced on Huo Qi’s face. “Then that’s that. The plane will be in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, I’ll send someone to pick you up from the apartment.”

It seemed that Huo Qi still wasn’t aware that Lu Shijin had long moved out of that apartment. Lu Shijin hurriedly said. “You don’t have to trouble yourself, let’s just meet at the airport?”

Huo Qi didn’t suspect anything. “That works too.”

“Then . . . I’ll leave first?” Lu Shijin felt like Huo Qi seemed a bit strange today and wanted to leave first before thinking about it.

If it weren’t for Ruan Siheng being so impatient and urging Huo Qi to give the paintings to him as soon as possible, Huo Qi really didn’t want to let Lu Shijin leave so soon.

He felt at ease with Lu Shijin.

Huo Qi stood up, wanting to see Lu Shijin off. “I’ll call a car over.”

Lu Shijin waved his hand in refusal. “Don’t, it’s convenient to get a taxi here. I just have to wave down any taxi from here to go back, you don’t need to waste your time sending me back. I’ll be going now, if there’s anything, we can call.”

Seeing Lu Shijin’s resistance, Huo Qi didn’t insist anymore and felt that Lu Shijin was even more sensible and considerate of him.

After leaving the restaurant, Lu Shijin was lost in his thoughts and accidentally bumped someone on the road.

That person was wearing a baseball cap and mask, only a pair of eyes showing.

It was unclear if that was their preference or if they were afraid someone would recognize them.

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The person and Lu Shijin raised their heads at the same time, and simultaneously apologized.

Then, Lu Shijin continued walking without thinking about the encounter. However, the person stared thoughtfully at Lu Shijin’s back for a long time.

When Lu Shijin was far away, the person took off his mask and cap, entering the restaurant Huo Qi was in.

“Siheng, you’re here.”

Huo Qi’s smile was awkward. He had lied to Ruan Siheng, saying that he had an appointment with an artist to discuss cooperation. When Ruan Siheng asked him about the restaurant they were meeting at, he told him the restaurant.

He didn’t expect that Ruan Siheng would say that he was nearby and wanted to drop by to talk with the artist. Before Huo Qi could find an excuse to refuse, Ruan Siheng was already at the restaurant.

He could only be glad that Lu Shijin had already left, otherwise, if the two met, Huo Qi could only imagine the scene of devastation that would have occured.

Ruan Siheng lightly responded and sat on the seat Lu Shijin had just vacated. The plate that was on the table had long been taken away by the waiters and only two cups of water were left.

Ruan Siheng’s skin had always been fair and clear, his eyes and nose being very similar to Lu Shijin’s, yet also a bit different upon closer inspection.

Ruan Siheng’s eyelids were thin and he had a small mole under one eye. When he didn’t smile, his eyes seemed exceptionally cold.

“The artist?” Ruan Siheng directly asked.

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“Unfortunately, he had just left when you sent me the message, saying that there was an issue back home.”

Ruan Siheng stared at him, making Huo Qi’s heart shake.

But he could only force himself to remain calm and continue to act as if nothing had happened, “Maybe you two met when you came in.”

Ruan Siheng took a sip of water. “I didn’t meet anyone.”

Huo Qi silently sighed in relief.

Ruan Siheng asked again, “The paintings?”

Huo Qi couldn’t help but smile bitterly. From the moment he entered, all of Ruan Siheng’s words were about the paintings he wanted. Not a single word held any concern for him.

But he was already used to it. In Ruan Siheng’s life, his pursuit of art was higher than everything.

He just didn’t know if there would come a day when he couldn’t endure it anymore.

He was the future heir of the Huo family. The heavy burdens of the entire family rested upon him. The old people in the family would definitely not accept that he was with a man.

Huo Yan knew that his son liked men, so he turned a blind eye to his actions.

If Huo Qi came out of the closet publicly and let the Huo family line end, he was sure that his father and grandfather would cancel his right to the inheritance altogether.

Ruan Siheng wouldn’t understand this kind of pressure, nor would he care about it.

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