The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else Chapter 25.4

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Genius Artist (End) - Replacement of the White Moonlight for the Rich CEO

“I’ve been wanting to ask for a while now, but am I the only one with their own consciousness in each world? Is everyone else just NPCs?”

“No, most of the actors here do have their own soul, but they don’t retain their consciousness while acting. They’ll only be able to act according to their character set up. Only after completing a certain amount of tasks will they be able to regain their consciousness and become ‘human’ again.”

“Then Huo Lian . . .” Lu Shijin asked, “Will I have any more chances to meet him?”

“I’m not sure . . . Other than the host, everyone else is disposable and easily replaced. After this drama finishes, no one knows where ‘Huo Lian’ would be placed.”

“I see.”

“How about . . . I'll help you delay a bit and let you go meet Huo Lian for the last time?”

Lu Shijin clenched his phone, his fingertips becoming white, before letting go. His phone fell onto the ground.

Lu Shijin spread his arms and closed his eyes, a light smile on his face. “No need, since you’re not sure if we’ll ever meet again, what’s the point of clinging to hope? Without hope, there won’t be disappointment. Let’s go, send me away.”

He felt a layer of white light surrounding him, stripping him away from this body . . .

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The next time he opened his eyes, Lu Shijin was lying on the ground, surrounded by darkness. Lu Shijin tried to move his hands and feet to get used to his new body. Suddenly, an icy cold hand grabbed his chin.

The owner of the hand stuffed a pill into Lu Shijin’s mouth, feeding him cold water to force him to swallow.

Lu Shijin started choking and coughing from the water. When his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, he lifted his head to see a man whose entire body was covered with a black cloak.

The man was wearing a black iron mask. Through the cold mask, Lu Shijin was met with an icy gaze, as though he was prey for a starving wolf.

After the masked man fed Lu Shijin the pill, he silently stood aside, as if he was observing Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin felt his hair standing up from the man’s gaze, his instincts screaming danger at him as he frantically called for 711. “Convenience store, are you there? What the fuck is this? Who’s this person? What does he want to do?”

But 711 also didn’t know what was happening and didn’t respond.

The masked man seemed to think that the pill should have started working and approached Lu Shijin step by step, untying Lu Shijin, as if he wanted to pull down his pants!

Alarm bells rang in Lu Shijin’s head and he subconsciously decided to fight back. He made a fist with his right hand and silvery metal armor quickly covered his arm. He raised his mechanical arm and a beam of red light shot out!

“Go die, you motherfucker!”

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The man didn’t expect that Lu Shijin would still have a weapon on his body. Before his eyes could show his surprise, his chest was pierced through!

The man’s corpse fell straight to the ground, his eyes staring wide open.

Lu Shijin determined that there was no other danger around before he tidied up the mechanical arm, panting as he got up to survey his surroundings.

It seemed to be a closed room, walls on all sides and without any light.

Other than the masked man’s corpse, there was also another person on the ground. He couldn’t tell if that person was dead or alive.

Lu Shijin didn’t go check. He didn’t want to kill for no reason, and he was confident that he could kill anyone who attacked him.

Thankfully, he had exchanged for many things in the shop before coming into the new situation, or else he’d be the one lying on the ground right now!

But just where was he?

“Host, what are you doing? Ack!” 711’s startled voice finally sounded, shouting in despair. “I was only a bit late but you’ve already killed the villain?!”

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes. “How was I supposed to know that he’s the villain? He was about to rape me, isn’t it natural for me to fight back?”

711 was in shambles. “The villain’s dead, how is the plot supposed to progress now?”

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Lu Shijin didn’t think it was that big of a deal. “Isn’t he just a villain? What’s the big deal? I’ll just play two characters if need be.”

“. . . You said it yourself, don’t regret it!”

Lu Shijin could tell that there was a trap in 711’s words and asked cautiously, “Wait, what’s the story like in this world?”

711 laughed dryly. “It’s very simple. You know Hamlet, right? It’s pretty similar, but the background is a bit different. I’ll send you the plot.

It was a futuristic sci-fi setting, an interstellar ABO world.

Lu Shijin’s character was still a male supporting character, as well as an Omega.

Having never considered these things, no matter how strong Lu Shijin was mentally, he still couldn’t instantly accept it.

“Alpha, Beta, Omega? Don’t these things belong in trigonometry? You’re telling me that they’re sex classifications?” Lu Shijin couldn’t believe it. Suddenly, his expression changed, “Wait, what did you say I am?”


“O- Omega . . .”

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Omega, the rarest and weakest of the three sexes.

Both female and male Omegas had high fertility rates and could produce the best offspring, so they were commonly treated as birth machines.

“Birth machine . . .” Lu Shijin lowered his head to look at himself, but couldn’t find anything on his body that suggested he was different. He muttered to himself, “Men can give birth too? Is this world crazy, or am I?”

711 hesitantly spoke, “Um, host, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

“Good news.”

711 happily said, “Our job in this drama is really simple, it’s very easy to fulfill!”

Lu Shijin would be naive to believe that. “And the bad news?”

711 carefully said, “It just needs you to give birth~”

“. . .” Lu Shijin felt anger rising from his heart and summoned his mechanical arm again, “Where’s the male lead? I’m going to kill him right now!”


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