The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else Chapter 26.3

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Scarlet Rose [ABO] - What Happens When the Villain Dies at the Beginning? (3)

“That’s what I was about to tell you. This world isn’t the same as the previous one where you could do whatever you want. You have to give birth to the child between you and Payne.”

“Why?!” Lu Shijin felt incredulous.

“Because that child is the actual male lead.”

Lu Shijin felt as though lightning had just struck him and burnt him to a crisp.

“I thought I was a devoted second male lead? How come the main character is . . . my son?”

“Who said that devoted second male leads only had to love the main character? Blood Owl is the most popular kind of hardcore villain, isn’t it natural for a supporting character to like him? The rest of the plot is like this: to save you and your child, Payne comes back, trying to assassinate Blood Owl, but is instead killed by him. Then, Blood Owl started a civil war and overthrew Neptune. He became regent and supported your and Payne’s child to rule, sending the empire into eighteen long years of darkness.”

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“"Eighteen years later, your and Payne's child grew up. Like his father, he was also an extremely powerful alpha. Blood Owl was worried that he would lose his control over the little emperor, so he began planning to take his place. At the same time, the young emperor also knew that Blood Owl was the person who killed his father. He was unwilling to stay as his puppet and planned to kill Blood Owl and regain his power. You were in a dilemma on who to help. On one side was the one you loved, and the other was your child. Finally, you still chose to stand on the side of righteousness and helped your child defeat Blood Owl. He was executed and you followed him in the name of love. The shadow cast by Scarlet Rose finally disappeared and the empire ushered in light again!”

“. . . This kind of fantastical plot, do you really think I can’t tell that it’s a mix between 《Thunderstorm*》and 《Hamlet》?!”

*Thunderstorm is a play written in 1933 by the Chinese dramatist Cao Yu. It is one of the most popular Chinese dramatic works of the period prior to the Japanese invasion of China in 1937.

“That’s why Blood Owl can’t die.” 711 emphasized each of his following words. “The. Child. Must. Be. Born.”

Lu Shijin calmly thought about his next actions.

First, he had to have sex with a stranger to become pregnant.

Second, he had to act as the villain to kill the child’s father.

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Then, as a single father, he had to raise his son while pretending to be the villain who opposed him.

Finally, not only did he have to help his son kill the villain he was playing, he also had to suicide out of love.

So surprising! So shocking! So exciting!


Lu Shijin laid on the floor and began throwing a tantrum, “I’m not doing it anymore, whoever wants to have a kid can do it, whoever wants to act can act!”

711 tried to convince him. “Host, please calm down. This task isn’t hard, and we’re just acting. It’s all fake. As long as you can pretend, there’s no hill you can’t climb.

Lu Shijin sneered. “Is this a hill? This is clearly a mountain, a huge mountain! Mount Everest! I have to act as the supporting male lead and villain, how do I have the time? I’m not the Monkey King, I can’t turn into multiple monkeys!”

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“Who said you can’t?”

Lu Shijin: ???

711 laughed, “Since it is partially my fault that Blood Owl died, I’ll help you out by getting a puppet substitute for him!”

Lu Shijin was doubtful. “What does that mean?”

“I’ll get you another body, and your consciousness can switch between the two bodies at will. For example, your current body is ‘Lu Shijin,’ but when ‘Blood Owl’ is needed, you’ll be able to switch to him and ‘Lu Shijin’ would be the puppet. The puppets would only have basic thought processes. Do you understand?”

One person and two bodies, it sounded a bit interesting to Lu Shijin.

After hearing 711 say all that, Lu Shijin was a bit moved, but still had something he couldn’t get over. “That solves the character aspect of it, but what about giving birth? I’ll kill that Payne before I give birth to his kid!”

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711 said cheerfully, “It’s really simple, you already have two bodies, so when you do those things or give birth, you can just bring your consciousness to the other body! It’s like you’re not the one doing it.”

It made sense.

“Okay, let’s do that for now. It’s not like there are any better methods.” Lu Shijin pointed at Blood Owl’s corpse. “How are you going to deal with that?”

“It’s nothing more than some data, I’ll make it disappear.” 711 paused. “Right, don’t you want to take off his mask to see what he looks like? That way I’ll be able to make an identical puppet.”

Lu Shijin thought for a bit before replying, “Has anyone ever seen Blood Owl’s real face?”

“No, those who have are all dead.”

Lu Shijin lightly said, “Since there are none, then there’s no need.”

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