Scarlet Rose [ABO] - What Happens When the Villain Dies at the Beginning? (13)

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The guards blindfolded the three with black cloth and took them out of the cell, leading them to an aircraft and shutting them inside the flight cabin.

The aircraft was auto piloted. The cabin would only open when the aircraft got to location.

Scarlet Rose’s base couldn’t be exposed, so there were no windows in the cabin. Thankfully, their movements inside the cabin were not restricted.

After an unknown amount of time, Maupay found some food in the cabin and brought it to Payne.

Payne’s mental state seemed pretty bad, seeming quite dazed.

Not only did this operation end before it even started, the original team of four shrank to three.

In order to save him, Lu Shijin willingly stayed behind as a hostage while pregnant.

Thinking of this, Payne felt much heartache.

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“Your Highness, you should eat.” Maupay put a glass of water beside Payne and looked at him with worry.

Payne took a sip, then suddenly grabbed Maupay’s hand, “Maupay, let’s pilot the aircraft back! Major Lu’s still in their hands, we have to save him!”

Maupay was stunned, and remembered Blood Owl’s order to him to not let Payne go back no matter what.

He had not known why Blood Owl would pass down such a command at the time, but he now realized that Blood Owl had expected Payne to want to go back and save Lu Shijin.

“Your Highness, it was very difficult for us to leave; going back would be going to our deaths.” Maupay cajoled him, “We can go back to the Empire first, and bring reinforcements to bargain with Blood Owl to retrieve Major Lu. Your Highness, Major Lu sacrificed himself to have Blood Owl let us go, you can’t make his sacrifice useless!”

Payne naturally knew that it wasn’t time to be impulsive, but the moment he thought about Lu Shijin being there, his life and death unknown, he couldn’t help but want to turn the aircraft back.

“If you want to return, you guys can do that.” Rondon suddenly said gloomily, “I don’t want to return to that creepy place.”

Rondon was a smaller sized Alpha. He was agile and good at fighting with mechas. But without a mecha, his battle power was less than that of a strong Beta.

He was ordered here by Neptune to spy on Payne, so he definitely wasn’t willing to go through any unnecessary danger for Payne.

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Maupay lifted his head to coldly gaze at Rondon. Rondon shivered from Maupay’s cold gaze and touched his nose, not continuing to voice his opinion.

Before leaving, the guards had returned their weapons and communication devices, which were all lying haphazardly on the table.

Rondon went over to grab his gun and used a towel to carefully wipe it down once, then put it into his holster and went to the washroom.

“Your Highness, Rondon seems off.” Maupay whispered, “I think he might be a spy against us.”

Payne glanced at the washroom, not quite believing, “Rondon, a spy? What made you think so?”

Maupay said, “I accidentally heard the guard say that thank goodness someone gave them inside information, or else they wouldn't have been able to capture us so quickly. Your Highness, think, we can first eliminate Major Lu, so it would be either me or Rondon. Of course, you can suspect me, after all, I don’t have any evidence to prove my innocence.”

Payne looked at his aide with a complicated expression, and finally smiled faintly, patting Maupay’s shoulder, “Of course I believe you. We’ve fought together many times after all. If I couldn’t even trust you, I wouldn’t know who to trust.”

Maupay finally felt his tenseness loosen and smiled gladly.

“Thank you, your Highness, for your trust. I promise to always be loyal to you!”

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Maupay sincerely vowed his loyalty, but Payne didn’t have much reaction to this.

He said, “If Rondon really is a spy, then we have to think of a way for him to show his tail.”

Maupay nodded in agreement, “There’s still some time until we arrive. I’ll keep an eye on his movements.”

The autopilot timer on the aircraft was twelve hours. After twelve hours, the machine would land a bit outside the Empire’s capital.

At eight hours, it was two in the morning.

People would be the most tired at that time and naturally be less aware.

There was only one bed in the cabin, and it would naturally be left for Payne to rest. Maupay and Rondon each dozed against the wall.

Hearing Payne and Maupay’s breathing become long and steady, Rondon suddenly opened his eyes.

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He got up quietly, carefully walking over to the bed. He took out his gun and aimed it at the unaware Payne.

Other than telling him to monitor Payne’s actions, Neptune gave Rondon another order.

“If Payne comes back alive, it will be up to you to kill him and blame his death on Blood Owl.”

In other words, don’t let the crown prince return to the capital alive.

As long as Rondon pulled the trigger, his job would be completed.

Just as he was about to do so, he felt a cold, hard thing against the back of his head.

“Rondon, you finally couldn’t hold still.”

Maupay’s ghostly voice sounded behind him, cold sweat instantly running down Rondon’s back.

“I’ll count to three for you to put down your gun, or I’ll make a hole in the back of your head.”

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