Scarlet Rose [ABO] – What Happens When the Villain Dies at the Beginning? (26)

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Not long ago, one of Frenda’s informants heard an interstellar merchant chatting, saying that the neighboring planet γ had secretly sold many weapons to the Zergs.

The resources on the Zerg planet have long been drying up. The barbaric Zergs had always liked wars and fighting, and coveted the vast amount of resources on this planet, preparing to invade.

However, the authenticity of the information could not be confirmed as it was only overheard when people were drinking and chatting. Before the truth can be ascertained, they shouldn’t say anything.

So Lu Shijin stayed behind to tell Frenda to continue paying close attention to the Zergs actions, immediately reporting to him if anything happens.

Although he didn’t care about protecting this Empire that had virtually no relation to him, the leader of the Empire was his little prince.

“Lu Shijin” was brought to the capital and Payne personally brought him down from the aircraft.

The person in his heart was finally by his side again. Payne had an indescribable feeling of time and circumstances changing greatly.

He stared at the Omega in his arms, who seemed very pale and fragile, asking with great concern, “Why isn’t he waking up?”

Maupay, who brought him back, replied, “Maybe they injected Major Lu with sedatives.”

“Damn it, they dare give him drugs!” Payne tightly hugged “Lu Shijin,” his blue eyes frosty and he said gloomily, “I’ll definitely make them regret it someday.”

“Your Majesty, you should quickly bring Major Lu for a checkup.” Maupay urged.

“Yes, you should go tell the Royal Hospital to prepare. I’ll only take the best doctor.” Pausing, Payne added, “Preferably one versed in obstetrics.”

Obstetrics? Maupay was a bit surprised and subconsciously looked at ‘Lu Shijin’s stomach.

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Payne noticed Maupay’s gaze and coldly tucked ‘Lu Shijin’ away from his sight.

“Go.” The young monarch coldly ordered, his voice full of impatience.

Maupay had gotten used to how Payne had changed. He had accompanied and witnessed his ascension to the throne.

From a gentle and easy-going prince to a cold and cruel king with unparalleled power.

He couldn’t feel any love for this Payne, and even missed the person who used to smile gently at him.

In the end, Maupay still respectfully bowed his head, “Yes.”

The arrival of the new Emperor alarmed the Royal Hospital.

Lu Shijin was ushered into a room for physical examinations and Payne waited right outside.

The young Emperor was dressed in his exclusive outfit. The tailored dark blue suit made him appear very spirited. A golden belt emphasized his narrow waist, displaying his height, wide shoulders, and long legs.

He was clearly extremely handsome, but no one at the hospital dared to look at him.

They had all heard of how the new Emperor ascended to the throne and no one wanted to accidentally anger him and be punished.

After a while, a doctor came out trembling to report.

“After examination, everything is normal. However, we found that . . .” The doctor swallowed, looking up to judge Payne’s expression, not knowing if he should continue.

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Payne calmly said, “What did you find?”

“Major Lu’s secondary gender doesn’t seem to match with what’s recorded in the system. H-he’s an Omega.”

“I know about that.” Payne flipped through the paper report in his hands. It used a lot of professional terms, so he couldn’t really understand and he subconsciously frowned, “And?”

“And?” The doctor wiped at the sweat on his forehead, asking with surprise, “What else is there? There’s nothing else that stands out.”

The hand Payne was using to flip through the report paused and looked at the doctor with an indescribable gaze. “What do you mean nothing else, what about the child?”

“Child?” The doctor was frozen in place due to Payne’s gaze and stuttered, “W-what child?”

Payne’s voice suddenly dropped below freezing, “He’s pregnant, could you not tell?”

A large bead of sweat rolled down the doctor’s forehead. “We did run blood tests, but there were no signs of pregnancy.”

Payne’s expression turned from white to black, standing up and walking towards the room. “Has he not woken up?”

“N-not yet.”

Payne’s voice had a hint of anger, “What’s wrong with you? Why is he still unconscious?”

The doctor was about to cry, “This . . . We’re not sure. Everything is normal, but Major Lu just won’t wake . . .”

“Not sure?” Payne stopped in front of the door, coldly hissing, “It seems like your lives are too comfortable, living as incompetent waste.”

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The doctor’s face paled. He was worrying about his future when a nurse’s surprised shout came from the room.

“The patient is awake!”

Hearing this, Payne stopped wasting time with the doctor and immediately entered.

Everyone in the room wisely left, leaving Payne and Lu Shijin alone.

Lu Shijin obviously only woke up because his consciousness returned.

He slowly woke, and saw a magnified version of a handsome face right in front of his eyes when he opened them.

Deep blue eyes, high nose, and lips that were just right for kissing.

Who would it be if not his little prince?

“You’re awake?”

Payne’s gloomy face returned to its former gentleness.

The Alpha’s eyes were sharp, but when he saw Lu Shijin, the edge to them disappeared.

Payne saw that Lu Shijin was struggling to sit up and personally aided him up, tucking a pillow behind his waist to make it more comfortable.

“How are you feeling? Are you uncomfortable anywhere?”

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“I’m fine.” Lu Shijin hadn’t spoken for a long time, so his voice was a bit hoarse. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. By the time he opened them again, Payne was holding a glass of warm water against his lips.

Lu Shijin lifted his eyes to look at Payne affectionately. At that moment, he felt very happy.

After all, who can have such a great partner who had the looks, money, feelings and dedication!

Me, I can!

“No! You can’t!” 711’s voice suddenly sounded, dragging Lu Shijin’s soul, which was brought out by Payne, back into his body, “Look at the audience’s reactions! Wake up!”

【Wow, they met. Is this the end?】

【That was boring. I still don’t know how they even got together.】

【These half-assed ABOs are all like this.】

【Currently losing my expectations for fluff.】

Lu Shijin was startled. He immediately lowered his gaze, not wanting to meet Payne’s in case he lost control again.

“Have some water?” Payne’s voice was gentle enough to impregnate his ears.

“I’ll do it myself.” Lu Shijin took the cup and took a sip. His actions showed some alienation.

Payne didn’t pay it much heed. He thought that it was expected for Lu Shijin to act a bit off after finally escaping from danger and going through a rollercoaster of emotions.

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