Scarlet Rose [ABO] – What Happens When the Villain Dies at the Beginning? (34)

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Payne brought Lu Shijin back to the palace.

In Payne’s room, Lu Shijin was met with his other “self”— a Blood Owl without his usual mask or cape, wearing normal clothes.

It was like seeing his twin.

Lu Shijin didn’t know what to feel.

But he didn’t have much time to think about it, as the heat brought on by Payne’s pheromones was about to begin.

Omegas would be overtaken by their instincts once they go into heat. Lu Shijin hated feeling so helpless.

Last time, at Scarlet Rose’s base, he could avoid the effects of heat by going into Blood Owl’s body.

But this time—

Payne gently laid Lu Shijin on the bed, then brought over the unconscious Blood Owl as well, placing them beside each other.

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He then left the room to go to some unknown place.

Just as Lu Shijin felt so uncomfortable he wanted to go out to find him himself, the door opened.

“Can’t hold on? Don’t worry, it’ll be fine soon.

Payne smiled and picked up Lu Shijin, whose legs were so weak that he almost fell to the ground, and put him back on the bed. Then, he took out two white rings that looked like rubber bands.

He put one of the bands on Lu Shijin’s wrist. It was elastic and hugged his wrist after being put on, not too tight or loose.

He then put the other one on Blood Owl.

“What is this?” Blood Owl suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Payne coldly.

The Omega was already consumed by his heat and could only instinctively writhe around on the bed.

Since he already knew that Lu Shijin could switch between the two bodies at will, Payne wasn’t surprised.

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And he had already drugged Blood Owl, so he didn’t have the strength to do anything except to blink and speak.

“It’s the neural connection device I was telling you about. With this, the sensations that the two bodies of yours feel will be synchronized. How is it?” Payne stroked the ring and smiled. “Can you feel it? Tell me, how does it feel to be an Alpha in heat?”

As Lu Shijin heard that, he immediately felt a heat rising in Blood Owl’s body, his consciousness becoming blurred.

The worst thing was that although Blood Owl’s body couldn’t release pheromones, he was still an Alpha.

With the sweet and fragrant pheromones of an Omega, Blood Owl couldn’t use his own pheromones to resist it, so he was inadvertently affected.

It was torturous, as the desire to be possessed and the desire to possess pulled his nerves in two difference directions. Lu Shijin was going crazy from his instincts.

He thought, How is this some kind and gentle prince, he’s clearly a demon!!!

711 was going through even stronger emotions than Lu Shijin. “The satisfaction meter passed 90! Hehehehehehe!”

“Fucking hell, can you not ‘hehehe’? It’s so obscene!”

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711 felt wronged. “But this is exciting. Host, you’re so impressive, your skill at changing the plot is simply breathtaking!”

“Shit, I’m sacrificing so much. If the satisfaction meter doesn’t fill up from this, I might be forced into the ICU!”

“95, 95!” 711 cheered, “It’s almost full!”

Lu Shijin continued cursing.

“Do you still not want to enter your other body?” Payne licked his full lips, his gaze full of nefarious intent, like a lion preparing to pounce on prey. “I don’t mind if you want to stay in ‘Blood Owl’s body, but keep in mind that Alpha bodies are different from Omega ones. You might suffer some pain.”

The pheromones were overpowering, and it was very difficult for an Alpha to endure. Payne’s blue eyes had traces of blood, his control might snap at any point.

Lu Shijin thought about it and figured Payne made sense. If he continued to stay in this body, with an Alpha physique, then there would definitely be a lot of blood.

That would be too scary, so he went back to the Omega body without further protest.

Payne stroked Blood Owl’s face, which Lu Shijin had already left, and warmly praised, “Good boy.”

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“Can you fucking hurry up?” The Omega felt empty, tears streaming down his face instinctively. He looked like a sad beauty, but his words were very rude, “If you can’t, then I’ll do it myself!”

His body was having Alpha physiological reactions anyway, so he could top himself if he wanted to!

Payne stood beside the bed, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, then bent over to kiss his Omega.

As he kissed, he paid attention to what was happening on the other side of the bed.

“Look, he seems to like it too.” As their lips parted, Payne acted as though he had discovered a whole new world and was very excited, “Open your eyes and look.”

Look your ass!

Lu Shijin had never felt so ashamed before. He kept his eyes closed, refusing to look. He told himself that the person beside him didn’t exist if he didn’t look!

“Help, this is beyond perverse!” Lu Shijin wailed to 711, “Convenience store, I regret everything!”

“Hehehe, reward only comes after sacrifice. The audience satisfaction meter is almost 99%! It’s almost full!”

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