Scarlet Rose [ABO] – What Happens When the Villain Dies at the Beginning? (37)

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Mrs. Lu opened the boxes with Lu Shijin. Upon seeing the exquisite clothing, she subconsciously exclaimed in appreciation.

Pure white fabric was adorned with complicated rose patterns made from silver thread, with a red rose embroidered over the heart. The center of the rose was a priceless natural pink diamond. It would definitely catch everyone’s attention, especially under the sun.

“My God, this is the prettiest clothing I’ve ever seen!” Mrs. Lu stroked the exquisite embroidery and exclaimed, “His Majesty is so thoughtful, giving something as great as this.”

The person who delivered the clothes smiled and said, “This isn’t all, his Majesty prepared other presents from young master Lu.”

He clapped his hands and a line of people entered, each holding a pot of roses.

“His Majesty knows that young master Lu likes roses, so he specifically ordered people to acquire various kinds of roses throughout the galaxy as wedding gifts. Other than the ones here right now, there are also many kinds planted in the palace gardens. Mrs. Lu, where is your garden? There are a couple gardeners from the palace, do they have permission to help you transport the roses into soil?”

Mrs. Lu was stunned by the room full of roses and only came back to her senses after being reminded by a servant, then hurriedly ordering people to take them to the garden.

After the people from the palace left, Mrs. Lu took her son to look at the roses.

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The enchanting roses of all kinds of colors swayed in the wind, a very pleasing sight.

Mrs. Lu held Lu Shijin’s arm, saying sadly, “It seems that his Majesty really does like you, giving you so many gifts. Child, I’ve seen how many difficulties you’ve gone through, I always thought that it was my fault that someone as great as you wasn’t an Alpha . . .”

Lu Shijin interrupted her, “Don’t say that, whether someone’s an Alpha or Omega can’t be decided by anyone. I’ve never blamed you. You gave me my life, so I only feel gratitude towards you.”

Mrs. Lu’s eyes sparked with tears, hugging Lu Shijin out of relief, “Child, mom’s really happy that someone loves you so deeply. I’m sure you’ll be happy.”

Lu Shijin gently hugged her and said in a solemn voice, “I will.”

The engaged couple couldn’t meet before the wedding, but Payne would often video call with Lu Shijin.

Soon after the people with the flowers left, Lu Shijin received Payne’s video call.

Knowing that the two definitely had some private things to discuss, Mrs. Lu left the garden.

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“Do you like my present?” Payne saw the background of a garden full of roses and smilingly asked.

Lu Shijin pretended to be disdainful, “It’s not like I’m a woman, why’d you give me so many flowers?”

“You don’t like it? I thought you’d like roses, after all, it’s the symbol of ‘Scarlet Rose.’ Do you like the clothes?”

“They’re fine.”

Payne frowned, vexed, “Sorry, I’m not very good at choosing gifts, but it’s almost time for the wedding, so I couldn’t prepare anything else.”

Lu Shijin cleared his throat, “It’s fine. Although I don’t love it . . . I don’t hate it.”

Payne understood that Lu Shijin was saying one thing while thinking another and his brows related, “That’s true, once we’re married, I’ll share everything I have with you. Everything that’s mine will also be yours.”

He really did change quickly, switching between some blackened villain and a loyal puppy at a moment’s notice.

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It was both lovable and detestable.

Lu Shijin was thinking about a problem. Technically the most exciting part of the drama had already passed, so why was the satisfaction stuck at 99%, unable to increase by one percent?

711 knew what Lu Shijin was thinking and popped up, “Could the audience not believe in your love?”

Lu Shijin felt his head hurt, “I was forced to say ‘I love you’ to him in bed countless times in the past few days, how else am I supposed to prove it?”

“You also realize that you were forced . . .”

“. . . But it was from my heart! I do like him!”

“You played too much before and lost the audience’s trust.”

“Heh, these people are so hard to please, they won’t be satisfied if I play it too safe, but they think I’m fake if I play big.”

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Payne slowly talked about the procedures on the day of the wedding. It sounded incredibly tedious and Lu Shijin felt his head hurt just listening to it.

Coincidentally, he received another video call, which was from Frenda. He instantly switched off his video call with Payne and answered Frenda’s.

In the video, Frenda looked flustered, “Boss, urgent news. The Zergs have left their planet and started attacking us! This time, there are tons of elite troops, so it’ll be very difficult for the Empire to fight against them!”

Lu Shijin’s heart jumped, perhaps this was his chance.

“Your Majesty.” Lu Shijin switched back to his call with Payne, gently interrupting, “The Zergs have begun attacking, did you know?”

Payne was stunned and hurriedly checked to see what reports he had received. Just a minute ago, the Imperial Prevention and Control Force had reported an emergency military situation, and the contents were exactly as Lu Shijin said.

Payne’s expression became serious.

“Your Majesty, we may have to postpone our wedding.” The Omega stood up straight, like he was a young pine tree, and said in a firm voice, “I’m a soldier, protecting the Empire is my duty, as well as the way I show my love and loyalty towards you. Wait for news of my triumph, okay?”

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