Scarlet Rose [ABO] – What Happens When the Villain Dies at the Beginning? (39)

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Payne lowered his eyes to hide the worry in them, “If I don’t come back, then you have to tell him on my behalf . . .”

“Your Majesty! We will definitely win! You and Major Lu will both be safe.” Maupay said with a firm smile, “Major Lu would definitely want to hear you tell him personally.”

Payne raised his gaze to look at him and suddenly laughed, “That’s right, we’ll definitely win!”

Carrying the hope of the Empire, the five thousand mechas advanced towards the battlefield in an orderly manner.

At the area where the battle was most intense, the space above was darkened by all the Zerg, a sight that sent chills down the spines of anyone who witnessed the scene.

Payne ordered the main troops to attract the focus of the Zerg and divided the five thousand into two groups, each going on a side to flank.

However, the Zerg had strong defense on their sides and the Empire’s forces couldn’t flank very well. The situation continued at a stalemate and neither side could break through.

The ammunition stored on each mecha was limited. Once they ran out of ammunition, their mechas were no different from scrap metal.

The number of people in the suicide squad kept on decreasing, and the ones alive were gradually running out of ammunition, unable to hold out.

Payne ordered everyone left in the suicide squad to turn their attention onto the comparatively weaker left wing. He drove his mecha to take the lead and used his immense mental energy to flexibly manipulate his mecha to kill countless Zerg. He broke a small hole in the defense line.

But the other people were obstructed by jumping Zerg and could not follow up.

Going solo was about to cost Payne his life, but suddenly, hundreds of mechas appeared in the sky and flew toward Payne!

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The mechas were black, with red lines that formed roses drawn on them. They were like black lightning as they quietly arrived on the battlefield.

Maupay’s excited shouts came from Payne’s headphones, “Scarlet Rose! It’s Blood Owl!”

These mechas were piloted by the elite from Scarlet Rose, led by Lu Shijin. They had long been waiting near the battlefield, waiting for an opportunity to strike a fatal blow to the Zerg.

Although Zerg were very tough physically, most of them did not have high intelligence. They would send signals to each other to divide up the labor. The Zerg in charge of this would be one that had higher intelligence than humans— Intellinsects. They had the second highest standing amongst the Zerg, only below the Queen.

Scarlet Rose had already detected where the Intellinsect was located, which was near the left side center!

As long as they killed off the Intellinsect, then these Zerg with low intelligence would be like flies without heads and would collapse naturally!

Lu Shijin didn’t know that Payne was leading the army in person and thought that there was just someone who had the same thoughts as him, going after the commander first.

Scarlet Rose only brought five hundred people. The small amount was why neither the Imperial army nor the Zerg noticed.

Lu Shijin had been watching the situation on the battlefield and upon seeing those mechas, he knew that it was his chance.

Scarlet Rose’s mechas followed the path Payne had carved into the Zerg army. With their immense firepower, nothing could stand in their way!

With a hail of bullets, five hundred mechas surrounded where the Intellinsect was located and focused all their firepower on the Intellinsect.

The Intellinsect was shaped like a sarcoma. Although it wasn’t protected by a hard shell, it had a thick layer of fat over itself that protected its central nervous system.

The layer of fat could be as thick as twenty or thirty meters. Unless an explosive could be inserted into the Intellinsect’s body and set off, it would be difficult to kill it in a short period of time.

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And on the battlefield, every second counted, as people died at any time.

Decisions had to be made in split seconds.

Lu Shijin’s mecha did have a bomb that could do what was needed, and because his mecha was also the fastest, it made sense for him to do the most important thing.

Lu Shijin looked at what was happening around his mecha. The Imperial army was unable to hold against the Zerg and was being forced to continuously back off.

There wasn’t any more time for him to hesitate.

Payne was surrounded by a group of flying Zerg and was battling fiercely when he saw a black mecha rush into the Zerg forces.

Faced with the Zerg defense, the mecha didn’t even try to dodge. Instead, weapons popped out of the mecha and shot in all directions. It seemed like the person in the mecha was intent on dying with the Zerg.

For some inexplicable reason, Payne had a strong premonition in his heart that the person in the mecha was Lu Shijin.

His heart was about to stop!

With a sudden sidestep, he almost messed up from how anxious he was. He could not break free of the Zerg.

He could only watch as Lu Shijin rushed into the masses of Zerg and was swallowed by the crowd, not leaving a single trace behind. He didn’t even know if he was still alive.

Lu Shijin approached the  Intellinsect. A drill came out of the front of his mecha and drilled into the Intellinsect’s thick fat.

As he dug deeper into the Zerg, he ordered the rest of Scarlet Rose to leave the battlefield.

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All of the black mechas stopped, then left as per Lu Shijin’s orders.

Maupay found it strange and asked Payne, “Your Majesty, they suddenly left, what do we do?”

Payne understood what Lu Shijin was going to do and shut his eyes. Then, he opened them, his gaze full of sorrow and regret.

At last, he took a deep breath and said decisively, “Everyone, retreat!”

Less than half of the five thousand soldiers he brought were left. The ones that were alive had witnessed numerous comrades die in sacrifice and their grief was turning into anger. Since the fight was not over yet, no one was willing to retreat.

“This is an order! Retreat!” Payne’s voice suddenly rose and uncontrollably trembled.

Don’t let his sacrifice be for naught . . .

All the mechas turned back. Maupay was right beside Payne and was preparing to go back as well, but he found that Payne’’s mecha had not moved.

“Your Majesty, aren’t you doing?” Maupay hurriedly shouted.

Payne had already removed his communicator and turned off the display screen so that he could see what was going on outside clearer.

His blue eyes peered out of the glass, as though he could pierce through the darkness and see his loved one’s face.

Lu Shijin had found the beating nerve centre of the Intellinsect. It was like a brain and beat like a living thing.

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“Ah, how great of me, sacrificing myself for the greater good. I’m going to be moved by myself.”

Lu Shijin started the five second countdown for the bomb and unfastened his seatbelt, comfortably leaning in his seat.

“Convenience store, can you play a song and let me welcome death with music?”

“What do you want to listen to?”

Lu Shijin closed his eyes, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.”

My prince, please don’t cry for me.

If one person’s sacrifice could save millions of lives, then it doesn’t matter if I am against millions. I will still go.

I just hope that my sacrifice can change how people view Omegas.

I’m not inferior to anyone.

At the last second, with the music that was composed to commemorate a great First Lady of Argentina with a lowly origin, and her activism for the rights and freedoms of people in poverty, the bomb detonated. The blast burst into the sky, creating a giant wave of fire that swallowed everything.

Maupay saw that it was approaching them and quickly went to Payne’s mecha, using all his strength to push him out of range of the explosion.

“Audience satisfaction is at 100%, plot progression is at 100%. Congratulations Host for successfully completing this world’s mission. Would you like to leave right now?”


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