Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (1)

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“Shijin-ge, you have to remember to ask Xu Yifan for an autograph for me! Preferably if there’s a ‘to my dear Taotao’! Do you understand? Yes?”

The moment Lu Shijin entered this new world, he was hit by some unknown object.

This thing seemed to be about 180 cm, with huge arms and legs that had the same width all the way through. His waist seemed to have an inner tube around it. On his fairly clean and white face, the fat nearly completely covered his features.

The man used his fat body to hug Lu Shijin, almost squeezing his nose askew.

Lu Shijin found it difficult to breathe, but he couldn’t move this giant whose weight was almost twice of his.

“Shit, who’s this fatty? Is he trying to suffocate me?”

711 finally arrived, “He’s Tao Qinghong, and the protagonist of this story.”

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“Who? Protagonist? Him?!” Lu Shijin was incredulous, “Do people have such strong tastes these days? Tao Qinghong? He sounds like he should have a decent figure, but how is he light*? He should’ve been called Tao Taishan!”

*light = Qing and Taishan is referring to Mount Tai

711 sneered, “How can you judge someone so superficially?”

“Heh, sorry, I’m just a sucker for appearances. This is a society ruled by how you look after all.” Lu Shijin said, “Hurry up and give me the background on this world, I’m about to suffocate!”



This was an inspirational idol drama set in the entertainment industry.

The main character was Tao Qinghong, the person weighing 250 pounds in front of Lu Shijin.

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Tao Qinghong, the young master of Chuang Xing Entertainment. He was a 17 year old senior high school student who had recently become a fan of a new idol in a talent show the company was doing. That idol was the Xu Yifan he just mentioned.

Xu Yifan, 20 years old, was the other lead of the story. He was cold, arrogant, and withdrawn. He had a face as handsome as a statue, which drew in many fans. He was called “Ice Prince,” and won the talent show, debuting as center. Everyone believed that he would become the next big star.

Xu Yifan’s face fascinated many people, Tao Qinghong being one of them. Tao Qinghong was particularly dedicated, to the point of addiction.

But there was no way that a handsome idol would end up with a fatty.

The reason that this was an inspirational story was because Tao Qinghong decided to lose weight in order to catch up with his idol, and lost 120 pounds in just 4 months.

Reborn, the 250 pound man became a handsome young man with a thin waist and long legs.

Through hard work, not only did he earn recognition from his idol, he also earned his love. It was the prime example of how to chase your idol successfully!

The plot seemed much simpler than the previous two worlds.

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“With such a simple plot, what makes the audience satisfied?” Lu Shijin was confused.

“Successfully losing weight, idol-chasing, and dating his idol. Could there be anything more satisfying for people who have chased an idol before? They’d be a winner in life!”

“Sorry, I’ve never chased anyone so I don’t understand. What’s the purpose of my character?”

“You’re Tao Qinghong’s childhood friend who’s a year older than him. You’re also an idol and debuted with Xu Yifan in the same group, which is why Tao Qinghong would ask you for Xu Yifan’s autograph. During Tao Qinghong’s journey to lose weight and chase Xu Yifan, you played the role of a good brother, encouraging him to do what he wanted. However, after Tao Qinghong successfully lost weight, you found yourself subconsciously falling in love with this cute younger brother of yours. But to ensure Tao Qinghong’s happiness, you hid your feelings and silently watched Tao Qinghong be happy.”

“. . . What a background character.”

711 could tell that Lu Shijin was up to something from his tone and said, as if he was facing a formidable enemy, “The task this time is simple, so don’t go off on your own. Don’t forget that you had to die in the last world to fulfill the audience’s wishes, but you don’t have a second body this time!”

Lu Shijin laughed, “Don’t be scared, convenience store, as long as you tell me that Payne isn’t in this world, I won’t do anything.”

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“That’s outside of my jurisdiction. The process of putting souls into these dramas is random. The fact that you came across him last time was already extremely lucky, it’s very unlikely that he’d been in this world as well.”

“So I have to look for him myself? How annoying.”

711 tried to persuade, “You can quickly finish this world, then you guys might meet in the next world!”

Lu Shijin sneered, “Don’t try to lure me. It would be great if the task was that simple. The most difficult thing in the world is dedication. Look at Tao Qinghong, do you think it would be easy to make him lose weight?”

He suddenly had an idea and asked sneakily, “Do you have any card that instantly makes a person skinny? Wouldn’t it be very efficient to just give that to Tao Qinghong?”

“Don’t even think about it!” 711 was very serious, “That’s cheating, not following the rules!”

“You’ve changed, convenience store.” Lu Shijin complained with tears in his eyes. “You’re not as caring as you once were.”

711 snorted arrogantly, “I never was.”

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