The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else Chapter 40.2

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Idol, You’re Acting OOC - Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (5)

The director had seen Lu Shijin’s skills and had an idea, saying with a face full of seriousness, “All the vegetables you took from the fields yesterday costs money. This money will be deducted from your living costs.”

The scene instantly filled with protests.

“What a stingy directing team!”

“Director, if you continue being this mean, you won’t have any friends!”

“Director, can you be more humane?”

Lu Shijin was the last to sleep yesterday. Because of this, he had been out of it since morning. While his band members argued with the director, he was off in his head.

He Yang noticed that Lu Shijin was out of it and poked his forehead, “Xiao Lu, why are you nodding off? Wake up, if you don’t, the director’s going to leave us in our underwear.”

“Underwear?” Lu Shijin jerked awake at the word ‘underwear’. “What underwear?!”

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Everyone laughed at his cute reaction, only Xu Yifan was expressionless.

His gaze swept across Lu Shijin’s face, which was just poked by He Yang and a slight frown appeared before going back to his usual lack of expression.

Finally, under the protests and coaxing from the other four members, they reached an agreement to give them 200 yuan.

Although it was only 100 more than the original amount, 100 yuan was enough to buy a lot at the market. It counted as a win in the battle of wits with the director team.

When everyone finished washing up, Lu Shijin finally woke up.

He went to the kitchen to get some noodles, then pulled out some spring onions from outside, preparing to make a bowl of spring onion oil noodles for breakfast.

After warming up the oil in the wok, he poured in the green spring onions, frying them until they turned black. That way, the oil would be ready.

He then cooked the noodles. After boiling them for three minutes, he scooped them out and dipped them in cold water before pulling them in bowls and sprinkling the oil over them. Topping them off with some fresh green spring onion pieces, the noodles shone with oil and the scent was so delicious that the cameraman wanted to cry out of longing.

[Why is this abusing me, who didn’t eat breakfast? I’m going to quickly get some instant noodles and pretend I’m eating Jinjin’s spring onion oil noodles!]

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[Slurp slurp, my saliva’s dripping onto the screen, lick lick]

[The person licking their screen, I suspect you are up to some censorable stuff]

[Oh great little master! How could his cooking be so great at only 18 years old, whoever marries him is so lucky! <dog head>]

[Me, me, me! I’m gonna marry him, not accepting any objections!]

The noodles drew everyone in.

He Xinyi only had to take a bite before happiness appeared all over his face, “It’s so good, Xiao Lu, you’re too good at this!”

Lu Shijin was humble. “It’s nothing, as long as you like it.”

“I do! I really like it!” Zhao Yue said as he stuffed his mouth, “I’m pre-ordering a second bowl, no one can fight with me over it!”

Not to be outdone, Li Xiao praised Lu Shijin, “Xiao Lu, your noodles are even better than those famous chefs, I seriously love you!”

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He Yang had been hard at work, not talking as he inhaled a bowl before going for seconds. Only after he got his second bowl did he wipe his oily face and say, “Xiao Lu, I also love you!”

Lu Shijin didn’t care about the other members’ compliments, but hearing He Yang say that he loves him, Lu Shijin couldn’t help but glance at him.

Could the person whose mouth looked like it was dipped in oil really be the one he was looking for?

Xu Yifan continued elegantly eating without saying anything. Very few people could make eating noodles seem so proper, like an elegant young master from the ancient times.

Until he noticed Lu Shijin looking at He Yang eat. His gaze held heat, not something someone would feel looking at a team member.

“I’m done.” Xu Yifan put down his bowl and chopsticks.

Lu Shijin saw that he didn’t eat a lot and asked, “Fan-ge, how come you only ate this much? Rice transplanting takes energy and you’ll get hungry quickly. Do you want to eat a bit more? I boiled a lot of noodles, more than enough.”

“No need.” Xu Yifan stood up, heading outside, “I’ll go to the fields first. You guys can eat slowly.”

When Xu Yifan went away, everyone blinked at each other.

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Xu Yifan seemed to be the kind of person who didn’t fit in with the majority?

Then Xiao Lu would be ignored by Xu Yifan everyday in their room, that was a bit sad.

As older brothers, eating their younger brother’s food everyday, they couldn’t just watch on!

“Xiao Lu, have you decided who to team up with for the rice transplanting?” Li Xiao asked kindly.

He Xinyi suddenly asked, “How about with me?”

Lu Shijin was stunned, “Aren’t you with Yue-ge?”

Zhao Yue laughed, “Who says we have to be together? It’s just some physical labor, it would be the same with anyone.”

“Even if you say that now, I’m afraid that if Xiao Lu actually accepts, you wouldn’t be able to bear the separation.” Li Xiao joked, “Xiao Lu, do you want to go with me? You’ve been working hard, preparing us all these meals in the past two days. I can do all of your work for you.”

Seeing how enthusiastic his team members were, as the first time being coddled, Lu Shijin felt a bit embarrassed, “You don’t have to be so polite . . .”

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