Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (4)

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Although the show had only been going on for two days, many netizens  knew that in the new boy band “STORM”, there was a member who was really good at cooking.

He was clearly the youngest in the group, but was better at working than all his brothers, being able to cook and complete other chores. It changed the viewpoints that many people had on the younger generation.

A couple of big verified users also liked and shared the videos of Lu Shijin cooking after receiving bribes from Lu Shijin’s company. This pushed Lu Shijin’s popularity even higher.

In this day and age, it was normal for pretty idols to be good at singing and dancing, but very few were good at cooking.

On the third day, the viewers in the stream skyrocketed. By 6 AM, there were more than a hundred thousand people waiting in the stream, waiting for the six members to wake up and the content to start.

At seven, the program team learned from yesterday and went upstairs with an old-fashioned radio from the 70s or 80s.

Putting the radio right in front of the three rooms, they pressed play and the loud sound of “Dream To Awakening” sounded, a gift for the six sleeping young adults.

The sudden sound of a saxophone woke everyone up. They all leapt up from their beds, blearily staring at their respective roommates with a face full of confusion.

“You should know that sorrow is always inevitable, in every awakening from a dream . . .”

“Wake up, wake up, wake up! Don’t think I don’t know that you’re awake if you don’t talk!” The staff member knocked on the doors,

[I was wearing earbuds . . . Almost turned deaf from that!]

[Scared me to death! I had to immediately turn the sound down!]

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[Hahahaha, this is so funny. What kind of wake up is this, aren’t they afraid that it’ll scar them for life?]

[Boys, wake up quickly. If you don’t, you’ll be scolded again!]

[With such loud music, I don’t believe that you guys are still sleeping. Hurry up and come out to start working!]

The early stream started happily with the song “Dream To Awakening”.

After experiencing this baptism, they were no longer in the sleepy and listless state they were in yesterday as they went downstairs.

Six handsome men with long legs were all dressed up and lined up, the scene very eye-catching.

He Yang, who liked to dress in a ‘cool’ way, even styled his hair.

“Good morning everyone. Your performances today were very good, worthy of praise.” The director’s megaphone made a reappearance.

Zhao Yue took advantage of the situation to ask, “Is there only verbal praise? Nothing material?”

The director hid his laughter and said, “No, only verbal praise.”

The other people grumbled in discontent.

“Okay, let’s talk about the tasks you need to complete for today. For this morning, you must go to the fields and pick radishes. This time, the money you get will be based on how many you pick. Every radish is worth thirty cents, so it’s all up to you.”

“Director, I’m going to give you a chance to clarify what you just said.” He Yang rolled up his sleeves. “How much is a radish?”

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The director was too powerful to give in, “Thirty cents.”

“Wait, wait wait, I’m too dumb for this. Thirty cents per radish, how much would 100 radishes be worth?” He Xinyi resorted to using his fingers as he dumbly tried to calculate.

Xu Yifan coldly said, “Thirty.”

He Xinyi was so shocked that he forgot to maintain his persona and yelled unhappily, “Director, aren’t you going too far? Even rabbits bite when they’re provoked!”

“Add money!” Zhao Yue raised his hand to protest, “You guys are blatantly exploiting us, we’ll quit if you don’t add money!’

The director said calmly, “That’s fine, then you can just depend on 200 yuan to live on for the next couple days.

Everyone felt angry at this crafty program team for bullying those with no power.

As expected, indulgence required a price. They were as regretful right now as they were happy during their meal yesterday.

“Xiao Lu.” Li Xiao said bitterly, hooking his arm around his shoulder, “Next time you go to the market, please save a bit more. Our circumstances don’t support fish and meat.”

Lu Shijin nodded in agreement.

“Wait.” He Yang took a step forward and crossed his arms, looking at the director and a couple editors, “Yesterday night, you all ate the braised meat our Xiao Lu made, did you forget?”


He Yang put his hand out, saying with conviction, “You need to pay. Doesn’t eating food cost money?”

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One of the editors hid her laughter and said, “You didn’t say that I needed to pay last night. If I knew that, I wouldn’t have eaten it.”

“No way, we had to buy the braised meat, but if you get to eat it without doing anything, isn’t that unfair?” Li Xiao pushed Lu Shijin forward, “How about this, we won’t ask for the braised meat money, but for the sake of Xiao Lu, how about one radish is fifty cents?”

The director remained indifferent, “Nope, only thirty.”

Li Xiao signaled Lu Shijin, “Xiao Lu, quick, cutely ask the director to increase our pay.”

“Huh?” Lu Shijin was confused, how was he supposed to act cute?

The director knew that Lu Shijin was currently rising in popularity and had brought the show quite a bit of attention, so he would definitely give him opportunities to perform.

So the director relented and said, “How about this, Xiao Lu needs to perform a talent and if the three editors here are satisfied with it, then we’ll increase the price of a radish by . . . ten cents!”

This was stinginess at its finest!

But ten cents was still money, and was better than nothing.

In these circumstances, a single cent would make a huge difference to them. Lu Shijin didn’t expect that there would be a day where he would sell his talents for ten cents.

His teammates cheered him on eagerly, “Good luck, Xiao Lu!”

Lu “Everyone’s Hope” Shijin laughed awkwardly in front of the camera.

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He wasn’t a real idol and didn’t have any talents.

Singing? Sorry, he was tone-deaf.

Dancing? Sorry, he had no coordination.

Lu Shijin felt very unsure, “Just me?”

He Yang asked, “Do you want to perform with someone?”

Lu Shijin was planning on that. Having a partner would be more insurance. In case he failed spectacularly, there would still be someone to carry him.

So he looked at his teammates one-by-one, thinking of who to pick.

“Let me.” Surprisingly, Xu Yifan took the initiative to speak.

Lu Shijin was very happy. It would be best if Xu Yifan could accompany him! With how popular Xu Yifan was, he could do everything by himself!

“Convenience store, convenience store, I require your assistance!” Lu Shijin begged 711, “Do you have a card that can make me sing or dance well?”

“Let me check, I do! Do you want to use it right now?”

“Yes! There’s no time better than the present!”

“Aye-aye! ‘King of the Night’ has been redeemed and is in use. Effective period is 24 hours!”

“King of the Night”? Why did this name sound so strange?

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