Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (6)

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Zhao Yue looked at all the radishes and concluded, “Well, the largest is definitely Fan-ge’s, the smallest Xiao Lu’s. Hahaha, xiao-Lu, seriously, I think your radish was still growing, why don’t you bury it back into the ground and let it grow for a couple days?”

Lu Shijin gave up and threw his radish into his basket. “We’ll use it for tonight’s stewed spare ribs!”

He Yang said, “Fan-ge won and Xiao Lu lost. Xiao Lu, truth or dare?”

Lu Shijin thought about it and said, “Truth.”

He Yang smiled evilly. “Oho, then Fan-ge, you better think of a really good question!”

Lu Shijin glanced at He Yang with a fake smile, if such an insensitive child was his prince, then he’ll eat all the radishes in the field!

“Okay.” Xu Yifan thought for a moment and asked a question, “In the team, other than yourself, who’s your favorite person?”

Lu Shijin: . . .

Everyone else: . . .

[Hahahaha, Fanfan, how is Jinjin supposed to respond to that? Wouldn’t he offend someone no matter what?]

[This question is so good I can’t control my excitement!]

[Quick, quick, quick, place your bets! There are many risks in betting, so please be careful. After you place your bets, changes are not permitted!]

[I’ll bet on Yangyang, Jinjin and Yangyang play really well together!]

[Jinjin, you need to think about your response, Fanfan is definitely hoping that it’s him!]

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Lu Shijin didn’t expect Xu Yifan to ask him that at all.

When did this iceberg become so gossipy?

Shit, how was he supposed to respond? It would be bad no matter who he responded with!

How sinister of him, this was clearly a trap for him to offend someone!

Lu Shijin weighed his choices again. Since Xu Yifan was setting a trap for him, he would drag him down with him.

He suddenly smiled widely and said brightly at Xu Yifan, “My favorite person is obviously Fan-ge! You’re super handsome, good at singing and dancing! I’ve always thought of you as my idol!”

Since he was doomed to offend someone, then Xu Yifan also had to do it!

[Jinjin, could your expression be any more perfunctory?]

[He’s clearly retaliating against Fanfan for setting a trap lol, they’re both so blackbellied~]

[I don’t care, it’s real! I announce “YiLu with You*” is legit!]

*”Yi Lu” could also mean “path” so it’s saying how Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin will be with each other the entire way

[Let’s raise the “YiLu with You” banner up high!]

Xu Yifan didn’t have any emotion on his face. He could tell that Lu Shijin was being sarcastic, so he would obviously not take it seriously.

“Okay, I’m done.”

The other people who were waiting for some drama were dumbstruck. “That’s it?”

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“What else could there be?”

Li Xiao said deliberately, “Fan-ge, Xiao Lu said that he views you as his idol, shouldn’t you do something as his idol?”

“I’ve already done that.” Xu Yifan looked at Lu Shijin, his gaze darkening, “I’ve given him an autograph and allowed him to take pictures everyday. Thank you for liking me.”

Lu Shijin: ???

Their teammates stared at each other, those two people had something like that behind their backs?!

“You haven’t taken a picture today yet, do you want one right now?” Xu Yifan’s words continued to shock them.

Lu Shijin immediately refused, shaking his head rapidly, “N- no need!”

Xu Yifan slightly frowned, “Why?”

Lu Shijin’s expression was grave, “Fan-ge, I’ve already told you. I don’t want your pictures, they’re for a friend!

They suddenly understood and looked at Lu Shijin. It turned out that he really wanted his pictures!

“Why not anymore?”

Lu Shijin said seriously, “Because he climbed the wall!”

They couldn’t help but laugh. Clearly, Lu Shijin felt embarrassed and said that.

Who didn’t know that “I have a friend” is equal to “myself”?

Xu Yifan also smirked.

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Lu Shijin also realized that he was digging himself into a hole, cursing in his mind, Keep on laughing, you bastards, I’m telling the truth!

The little fatty really did climb the wall, and it’s even because of me, bet you didn’t expect that!

Heh, I don’t care if you believe me or not!

“Okay, okay, let’s continue. We’ve only gone through one round.” Li Xiao was afraid that Lu Shijin would become more annoyed if they continued and came out to smooth things over, “Xiao Lu, you need to choose better this time.”

Everyone went to find new radishes. After a few minutes, they put their radishes together to compare. This time, Li Xiao’s was the biggest and Zhao Yue’s was the smallest.

“Yue-ge, truth or dare?” Li Xiao asked.

“Dare, dares are more exciting.”

Li Xiao thought a bit and said, “Then why don’t you do a plaza dance here?”

“Sure.” Zhao Yue agreed easily, “But that’s a bit simple. Do you want to change it to something more exciting?”

Li Xiao smiled, “This is enough. I can’t think of something more exciting off the top of my head. Then let’s begin? I’ll play some music.”

Then, Li Xiao took out his phone and prepared to play a song.

Lu Shijin suddenly remembered that he currently had a problem where he would start dancing the moment he heard music and hurriedly shouted, “Don’t!”

Li Xiao paused, looking at him curiously, “Why?”

“I . . . I—” Lu Shijin stuttered for a long time and couldn’t think of a fitting excuse, so he went over to Li Xiao and whispered, “I need to go to the bathroom, you guys continue, I’m gonna leave!”

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Lu Shijin left the field by himself. He didn’t actually need to go to the washroom, but he was afraid that he’d start dancing when he heard the music.

So he planned on just walking around until Zhao Yue finished dancing.

Without a camera recording his every action, he felt like he could breathe easier, and look at his phone openly.

Lu Shijin was anxious about how Tao Qinghong was progressing on his weight loss and sent him a message asking if he’s started yet.

Although Tao Qinghong may have said that he climbed his wall, it would be fine as long as he still liked Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan was annoying, but he had to admit that he had charisma too. If he wanted to, it would be very simple for him to charm a fatty into losing weight for him.

Lu Shijin: [Taotao, have you started losing weight? <pokes>]

Taotao: [I’m about to, but I think I need a bit of motivation. <pleading>]

Lu Shijin: [What kind? Xu Yifan’s picture? Sure! I’ll get it for you right now!]

Taotao: [Nonono, not Xu Yifan’s picture, but pretty close <hehe>]

Lu Shijin: [?]

Taotao: [Shijin-ge, can you send me selfies of you and Xu Yifan together?]

Lu Shijin: [???]

Taotao: [Don’t misunderstand! I obviously know that you have nothing going on with Xu Yifan! The sugar you guys have in the stream is just for publicity, but my heart feels sweeter than honey when I see the two of you together! I don’t even want to eat anything then!]

Lu Shijin: [. . .]

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