Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (8)

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Just as Lu Shijin thought that Xu Yifan didn’t notice anything, he suddenly said, “Send me the video link.”

“Huh?” Lu Shijin widened his eyes, pretending not to understand. “What video? What link?”

Xu Yifan glanced up from his laptop, smirking, “The one you were just looking at.”

Lu Shijin swallowed. “Oh that, I just randomly opened it on Weibo, I’ve already forgotten what it is.”

Xu Yifan raised an eyebrow, “Pardon? You randomly clicked on our CP video?”

Lu Shijin: . . . Fuck, he saw! And still pretends to not know!

“Don’t say that a friend sent you that link.” Xu Yifan continued slowly.

“. . . How did you know? It’s true!” Lu Shijin was about to swear by Heaven on the verity of his words, “Not only did he send the link to me, he even edited the video! Don’t you think that these people must be bored all day? Only thinking of these useless things and nothing else. Fan-ge, don’t worry, I’ll tell him to delete the video right now! It definitely won’t bother you!”


Lu Shijin stopped his monologue. Although he didn’t see it, he seemed to have heard Xu Yifan snort?

Was he laughing at him? Not believing? But all of his words were true!

Lu Shijin immediately opened his WeChat and went over, acting like he was handing his phone over to Xu Yifan. “If you don’t believe me, just look. It really was a friend!”

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“No need.” Xu Yifan adjusted his position and leaned against the wall, using an arm to support his head as he looked lazily towards Lu Shijin. “I’m not opposed if you want to be in an official CP with me.”

“But I don’t . . .” Lu Shijin had just said three words as he saw Xu Yifan narrowing his eyes, seeming discontent, and quickly changed his words, “No, it’s not that I don’t want to . . .”

How was he supposed to explain? He couldn’t say he wants to or he doesn’t want to!

Xu Yifan was the most popular out of the six. If he said that he didn’t want to be in a CP with him after he offered, it would be Lu Shijin being ignorant.

It also might make Xu Yifan angry and worsen their relationship . . .

“I don’t think there’s any need to.” Lu Shijin thought of a clever and inoffensive answer, “Fan-ge, you’re already very popular, you don’t need to use a CP to be more popular! But I just debuted, so I’m worried I might drag you down.”

“Do you want to be popular?”

“Yes . . . ?” Lu Shijin added the question mark after his reply after a bit.

“If you do, then you shouldn’t refuse any opportunity that could make you popular.” Xu Yifan stated calmly. “The competition in this industry is far harsher than you think. If you have no topics or news, it would just be a slow death.”

“You have time to think it over slowly.” Xu Yifan finished talking and put on his earbuds, turning to his laptop as he began watching a movie.

Lu Shijin was a bit pleasantly surprised. This seemed to be the most Xu Yifan had ever talked to him.

And he even offered to be in a CP with him. If it was anyone else, they probably would have thought of it as a gift from God and would have instantly agreed.

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But Lu Shijin was lazy. He figured that he was going to leave the moment he finished his task and wouldn’t be an idol forever, so he didn’t care if he was popular or not.

At three, everyone gathered in the hall.

The director told them of the ‘mystery guest’ who would be coming in the evening. They had a few requests for the six to fulfill.

“The first guest ordered a dish. They want to eat Kung-Pao chicken.”

Someone realized that there was something off. “The first? Are there multiple people coming?”

The director continued, “The second guest ordered red braised fish.”

Hearing his favourite red braised fish, He Yang happily cheered.

“The third wanted one of you to dance. As for who, you’ll have to wait until they come.”

There was a pause after the director said the third guest’s request. Then, He Xinyi asked, “Just three people?”

“Yes. They’ll be arriving at around six. You have about three hours to prepare dinner.”

They didn’t have to waste any thought on preparing dinner. Everyone except Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan started eagerly guessing who would be coming.

He Yang asked the director, “What gender are the guests?”

“That’s a secret.”

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Zhao Yue remarked, “I can tell from the director’s smile that it definitely won’t be a group of bulky men.”

He Yang rubbed his hands eagerly, “So there’s gonna be women? Great!”

Lu Shijin couldn’t help but look at He Yang, why was he so happy that there were women coming?

Dancing and waving his hands around, acting like some monkey in heat, had he never seen a woman before?

Lu Shijin’s expression instantly became dark.

Could He Yang be straight? He only switched worlds, was that enough for his sexuality to change?

If He Yang was the one he was looking for, Lu Shijin felt like he would be very disappointed.

He thought to himself that he must quickly find a way to see if He Yang’s shoulder had teeth marks!

Lu Shijin fell into thought as he faced He Yang, not realizing that all of his actions were noticed by Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan’s originally cold expression froze even more.

The six of them plus the three guests made nine people, which was basically enough to fill up the table.

That meant that they needed a lot of food. Since no one else knew how to cook, this difficult task was all up to Lu Shijin.

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Lu Shijin counted all the materials they had and made a list of dishes.

Since they were having guests, the meal couldn’t be too shabby. Lu Shijin decided to make seven dishes and one soup.

Red braised fish, Kung-Pao chicken, sweet and sour ribs, Coca Cola chicken wings, disanxian, stir fried meat, cooked lettuce, and tomato soup.

Other than the ribs, which still had a bit left from yesterday, the chicken, fish, and pork needed to be bought from the market.

Lu Shijin had to stay back to prepare the vegetables, so the task of buying the meat was delegated to He Yang, who had prior experience with the market. Li Xuao also volunteered to go.

Lu Shijin wrote down everything they needed and told He Yang to buy everything on the list.

After He Yang and Li Xiao left, Lu Shijin went to the fields to pick some vegetables. It suddenly began raining and because the cameraman didn’t have time to set up a waterproof point for the camera, no one went outside with Lu Shijin.

There was very little rain. Lu Shijin didn’t think that he’d get soaked in the short time it would take to pick some vegetables, so he didn’t wear a raincoat.

But as he bent over to pick up a lettuce, he suddenly felt no raindrops landing on him.

Lifting his head, he saw that at some unknown time, there was a large black umbrella over him, blocking the rain.

Holding the umbrella was a very pretty hand.

Following the hand up, Lu Shijin saw a cold and handsome face.

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