Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (18)

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Lu Shijin could smell the scent of ink and touched his face. When he looked at his hands, they were stained black.

It seemed that the ink was the girls’ weapon.

“Who are you? Stop!” Their agent was already motioning for the guard at the doors to capture the three girls. Their teammates also hurriedly came out of the car, checking the conditions of Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin.

“Are you okay, Fan-ge?” He Yang looked unhappily in the direction the girls escaped to, “These people have got to be crazy, waiting here in the middle of the night. What do they want to do?”

“It’s fine.” Xu Yifan let go of Lu Shijin. He had used his back to block the bottle of ink going towards Lu Shijin and stained his entire back black. Lu Shijin only got a couple drops on his face in comparison.

Lu Shijin was a bit startled and didn’t know what to say, subconsciously saying what He Yang just asked.

“Are you okay?”

Xu Yifan glanced at him, “Yeah, you . . .”

“I . . .”

They spoke almost simultaneously and paused.

They had rarely spoken over the past few days, so it was expected for them to be a bit awkward.

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At last, Lu Shijin said, “I’m fine too.”

Xu Yifan replied with a light hum.

The three girls didn’t run fast and were soon brought back by the security guards and taken in front of their agent.

After some interrogation, they quickly confessed everything.

They were fans of another boy band, and because STORM became more popular than that group, they wanted revenge.

Then, they got provoked by some anti-fans and learnt that STORM was going to be recording at this TV station, so they came over to get revenge on them for their idols.

They didn’t dare to actually harm them, only pouring some ink on them.

The girls begged for them to let them go. They were victims of other people too, and didn’t mean any real harm.

He Xin was softhearted and upon seeing them cry so pitifully, he couldn’t help but plead with their agent. “Shen-ge, why can’t we let them go this once? It’s not like they did something terrible, they’re pretty pitiful.”

“Pitiful?” Lu Shijin sneered, “Xin-ge, they broke the laws first, but you think they’re pitiful? If they had thrown glue instead of ink, or even boiling water that would peel off a layer of skin, would you still think of them as pitiful?”

He Xinyi was stunned. Lu Shijin seldom had such a harsh tone, and it made him feel like a stranger.

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But he quickly reacted and recognized his mistake, having been empathetic to the wrong people, and lowered his head, not saying anymore.

“Shen-ge, let’s let the police deal with this. If they dare pour ink on someone, they might use an actual weapon next time.” Lu Shijin was unaffected by the girls’ crying and said coldly, “There should be a limit to chasing after an idol. Liking someone isn’t an excuse to harm another. A little punishment and a large admonition goes a long way.”

Everyone there couldn’t help but look at Lu Shijin. He was normally full of smiles, not this stern and harsh expression.

The girls’ actions probably touched his reverse scale, which is why Lu Shijin was so hung up on it.

The agent agreed with Lu Shijin and let the guard contact the police, waiting for them to arrive to deal with it.

When the police came, they asked for witnesses to go with them to the police station to take statements. Xu Yifan went as the most affected victim, and Lu Shijin volunteered to go with him. Their agent told the driver to take everyone else back to their dorms, and went with them to the police station.

When they finished their statements and returned to the dorms, it was close to 4AM.

They were staying in an apartment suite that had four bedrooms.

He Xinyi and Zhao Yue shared a room, Li Xiao and He Yang shared a room, and Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan each had their own smaller room.

When they returned, everyone else had already slept. Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan took care to be quiet to avoid disrupting their teammates’ rest.

The ink on Xu Yifan’s back had long dried. Being as obsessed with cleanliness as he is, he was near his limit. He immediately went to the bathroom to shower and change.

“Fan-ge.” Lu Shijin came out of his room and called lightly to stop Xu Yifan, “Want to wash together?”

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Xu Yifan blinked, doubting his ears.

Lu Shijin walked over and pointed at his back. You can’t see your back, so you won’t be able to clean off all the ink. I’ll help you.”

Xu Yifan blinked again, and figured that Lu Shijin made sense, and nodded slightly.

They went into the shower together. There wasn’t a lot of room in the showers, and it was clear that it was a bit tight for two men.

Xu Yifan stripped and went under the shower head. Neither of them spoke. The only sound in the bathroom was the sound of water.

After a while, Lu Shijin also went over and took the handheld shower head from Xu Yifan, helping him wash his back.

The dried ink was liquefied by the hot water and flowed down along the smooth lines of the man’s muscles, gradually showing his healthy and bright skin.

Thinking of Xu Yifan blocking the ink for him, Lu Shijin’s heart felt weird again.

It was very sudden, and no one knew what the girls were going to throw at them.

But Xu Yifan helped him block it with no hesitation. How could he possibly be unaffected?

Thankfully, it was some harmless ink. If it was something more dangerous, Lu Shijin couldn’t bear the consequences.

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“What are you doing?” Xu Yifan felt that as Lu Shijini wiped his back, his hand wandered lower and lower.

Lu Shijin said calmly, “There’s also ink there. I’m helping you clean.”

“I’ll do it myself.” Xu Yifan took a step away from him and turned around, trying to get the shower head from Lu Shijin, but Lu Shijin dodged him.

Xu Yifan lifted an eyebrow, expressing his confusion.

Lu Shijin continued aiming the shower head at his back and smiled, “You saved me today. It’s only right that I help you wash all the ink off.”

“No need.”

“Why not?” Lu Shijin traced random patterns on the man’s back. “Or, could it be you don’t like this kind of repayment and want me to do something else? Let me think, how do people normally repay their saviors, maybe with their bodies?”

Lu Shijin was satisfied to see all of Xu Yifan’s muscles tense up at that.

He continued pushing him, tracing the man’s elegant spine down.

“You should give me a chance to properly thank you.”

Xu Yifan said nothing as he looked at Lu Shijin with unknown emotions in his eyes. It seemed dangerous, but also strangely attractive.

Lu Shijin knew that it was the look of a predator.

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