Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (28)

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“Wait, wait, wait, who said YiLu with You was gone?” Lu Shijin pointed at Xu Yifan who was sitting quietly beside him, “Look at who this is.”

Tao Qinghong looked at Xu Yifan. Although he was wearing a mask, Tao Qinghong was once Xu Yifan’s die-hard fan, so he instantly recognized him from his eyes.

“You’re! Xu—” Tao Qinghong gaped at Xu Yifan, shaking in excitement.

“Shh!” Lu Shijin interrupted, “It’s enough to know. You don’t need other people to know.”

Tao Qinghong nodded, asking Xu Yifan in a whisper, “You’re Fanfan, no, Xu Yifan, right?”

Xu Yifan nodded, “Hello.”

Tao Qinghong smiled shyly, “Hello, hello, I’m Tao Qinghong. I used to be a huge fan, I really liked you.”

Lu Shijin helplessly frowned, How blunt, like he needs Xu Yifan to know that he’s not a fan anymore.

Thankfully, Xu Yifan didn’t seem to mind, and no unhappiness showed on his face.

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Tao Qinghong began chattering upon seeing his previous idol, describing to Xu Yifan his path of chasing him, “I used to be Shijin-ge and your CP fan, and edited a bunch of videos for you. Sadly, you two seemed to have gotten into an argument, and stopped appearing together. I was sad for a long time!”

Xu Yifan suddenly asked, “Is your Weibo ID ‘Taotao not Taotao’?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I’ve seen all of your videos before, you’re very good. Thank you.”

Tao Qinghong widened his eyes in excitement, quietly screaming, “You’ve seen all of them? Really? Ahhhhh, it feels like I’ve been chosen by my idol, I’m so happy!”

“Wait, you’ve watched them all?” Lu Shijin asked suspiciously, “How come I don’t know?”

Xu Yifan glanced at him, “You don’t know a lot of things.”

Lu Shijin was unconvinced, “Then tell me, what else don’t I know?”

“Don’t you like chatting with fans on your alt?”

Lu Shijin was shocked, “How did you know?”

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“Because I’m one of them.” Xu Yifan snorted, “‘Ordinary Life’ is me.”

Lu Shijin was stunned, “. . . The fuck?”

Xu Yifan smiled, “You didn’t close your Weibo positioning, and it said you were less than 10 meters away from me, so of course it’s you.”

“Shit!” Lu Shijin was regretting his oversight and slapped the table and stood up, “Wait, wait, wait, so you’ve known it’s me, but you still told me all that? You said I was promiscuous! How am I loose?!”

Xu Yifan pulled Lu Shijin down, “If you want to settle this account, we can do it when we get back. You have to be careful on public occasions.”

Tao Qinghong stared at their clasped hands and how they were arguing like a couple and his jaw dropped.

“Shijin-ge.” Tao Qinghong excitedly clasped his hands together, “So are you guys together? Have I gotten a real CP???”

Lu Shijin turned around and said, “Yup, congratulations, you’ve gotten the real thing. But didn’t you quit? It doesn’t matter if it’s real or not to you.”

“Who said I quit?! Can’t I come back?” Tao Qinghong pinched himself, making sure that he wasn’t dreaming, “I’ll always support YiLu with You! This is great! So, Shijin-ge, are you guys going to go public?”

“We’re planning to.” Lu Shijin met Xu Yifan’s gaze and said before he could say anything.

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If they publicized it, it would stir up a lot of waves.

It’s not that Xu Yifan had never thought about it before, but because there would be a lot of obstacles, he was too afraid to make a concrete decision.

But now that he had heard Lu Shijin agree, the troubles in his mind instantly disappeared. He gripped Lu Shijin’s hand, implicitly agreeing.

Tao Qinghong wanted to scream, but he was afraid that it would attract too much attention, so he just squeezed out a couple of ‘yes’s from between his teeth.

“This is great! Am I the first to know? God, what day is it today, it feels like a dream!” Tao Qinghong asked eagerly, “When are you planning to go public?”

“Actually, Taotao, one reason I came to find you today is for you to witness this.”

“I’m willing, I’m willing, 110% willing!” Tao Qinghong nodded.

“Hear me out first. The other reason is to make a deal with you.” Lu Shijin said, “We’ll go public whenever you succeed in losing weight.”

“Huh?” Tao Qinghong was stunned, not understanding what the correlation between them going public and him losing weight was.

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Lu Shijin explained, “You’re pretty much our first CP fan, and we were able to come this far with your support. So, I think there’s a lot of meaning in this agreement, don’t you agree?”

Tao Qinghong thought about it. Having the pressure on him to decide when they go public was a bit too much.

But other than the pressure, there was also energy flowing into himself.

He was the first to see YiLu with You be real, and as long as he could lose weight successfully, they’d go public. How exciting was that!

“Okay! I’ll definitely work hard to lose weight!” Tao Qinghong made up his mind, “This time, I’ll lose weight at the fastest speed!”

“Uh, you shouldn’t lose weight too quickly, It’ll harm your body.” Lu Shijin hurriedly added.

He was a bit conflicted. On one hand, he wanted Tao Qinghong to lose weight faster so he could finish his task, but he also didn’t want him to do it too quickly, because he wanted to spend more time with Xu Yifan.

“How long would be ‘not too fast’?” Tao Qinghong asked curiously.

“How about . . . one year?” Lu Shijin looked at Xu Yifan, gripping his lover’s hand tightly.

Although a year was short, this was the best he could do at this time.

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