Actual Fairytale – Picking up a Mermaid! (11)

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The area under the weird scale was pitch black, so Lu Shijin couldn’t see what was under it.

But regardless, Lu Shijin had a feeling that if he continued with his actions, the consequences would be very dire!

“Ahahaha, it seems like your scale doesn’t want to stay down, what a temper it has. Then I’ll just let it be.” Lu Shijin retracted his hand and stood up, laughing awkwardly, “Right, I suddenly remembered that my stomach is a bit uncomfortable today, so I shouldn’t swim. Then I’ll be leaving, you can continue swimming here, the pool is yours from now on.”

Then, he turned away, wanting to leave. But before he could, he felt a cold and slippery thing around his leg.

Lu Shijin looked down and saw Jun Yu’s tail around his leg!

Lu Shijin felt his scalp go numb, feeling that suffering was coming.

Clearly, his premonition was correct. Jun Yu’s tail moved from his leg to waist. Then, he threw Lu Shijin into the pool!

Lu Shijin choked on water and flailed to get his head above water.

“My lord! Merpeople’s king! If you have something to say, say it, don’t use force!”

Jun Yu also slipped into the pool and his tail found its way around Lu Shijin’s legs again, his strong torso constricting Lu Shijin’s flailing arms, not giving this human any chance to escape.

A dark and cold voice sounded behind Lu Shijin’s head.

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“Do you know what you just touched? You dare?”

Lu Shijin was about to cry. Although he didn’t know, he had an idea right now. If he knew about it before, he wouldn’t have dared no matter what!

Curiosity killed the cat, wandering hands killed the human!

“I didn’t know.” Lu Shijin decided to deny it with his life, saying astutely, “What? Isn’t it just a scale? Can it not be touched? Isn’t that a bit petty? Here, I’ll let you touch mine, so let’s say that we’re fair now, okay?”

“Fair?” Jun Yu smiled, “Don’t you know that it’s the mating season for merpeople right now?”

Lu Shijin shook his head.

“After investigating merpeople for so long, don’t you know their anatomy?”

Lu Shijin shook his head again, replying earnestly, “I haven’t gotten to that part yet. Maybe you could let me go upstairs to read that section, and then have this talk.”

“Still acting dumb?” Jun Yu pulled Lu Shijin back and twisted to face Lu Shijin, his blue eyes dark. “Daring to molest someone, yet denying responsibility, do you not think about the consequences of your actions?”

Lu Shijin blinked, continuing to act ignorant. “What are you saying? I just saw that a scale was stuck and wanted to move it back, how did I molest you? Don’t place the blame on me.”

Jun Yu sneered, and yanked Lu Shijin into his embrace. Although the pool was cool, Lu Shijin could feel how hot the merperson was.

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“What are you doing?!” Lu Shijin widened his eyes in shock. He was afraid that this merperson would lose himself and do him.

Jun Yu smiled evilly, coaxing in a low voice, “Don’t you want to know what’s under my scale?”

Lu Shijin immediately shook his head, Nope, not at all!

Jun Yu ignored Lu Shijin and said cooly, “Don’t you know what merpeople think about during mating season? You have to take responsibility for your actions.”

Lu Shijin heard that merpeople did have sexual intercourse. Although they only had mating season once a year, it would last as long as a month.

During this month, they would be focused on finding a mate and reproducing.

No wonder Jun Yu was out late! He was doing those things!

Apparently, more and more female merpeople were unwilling to be with male merpeople, so they’d begun being looser with who they were with, not even letting go of male humans!

Why was he so unlucky, finding Jun Yu during mating season?!

Lu Shijin looked at Jun Yu’s dark gaze and swallowed, crossing his legs in nervousness.

Although he did look good, he still couldn’t accept a merperson.

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Lu Shijin decided that if this fish dared to force him, then he would fight him to the death!

Lu Shijin then had an idea and pretended to say in a neutral tone, “Oh, so your heat is here, do you need my help?”

Jun Yu frowned, not seeming to have expected this response from Lu Shijin.

Shouldn’t he be shaking and begging for mercy?

“Why didn’t you say that earlier, I’m not the kind of person who’d reject a plea for help.” Lu Shijin said happily, “It just so happens that I’ve never tried to do it with a merperson. Your tail is also really pretty, your face super handsome, and you’re a king to top it off, it should be me getting the longer end of the stick.”

Jun Yu: . . .

Lu Shijin saw that Jun Yu’s expression changed and knew that doing this was the correct decision.

He twisted his body, sticking against Jun Yu’s chest. “Here, do you want to do it in water or on land? Turn back into a human or stick with the tail? I can take both~ but I do like your current appearance more.” He smiled at Jun Yu’s tail. “Your tail is too gorgeous!”

Jun Yu’s expression immediately turned disgusted and he didn’t give another chance for Lu Shijin to get close to him. He used his tail to throw Lu Shijin back onto solid ground and told him to go away.

Lu Shijin had successfully escaped and protected himself, so he immediately turned and ran.

When he reached his room, he immediately locked the door and collapsed, his heart feeling like it was about to beat out of his chest.

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What was excitement? This was excitement!

What was intelligence? This was intelligence!

Lu Shijin had just barely escaped danger, but his entire body was wet.

Half of it was because he was in the pool, the other half was all the sweat that came from adrenaline.

When he eventually calmed down, he got onto bed and searched about merpeople anatomy.

Only by learning from his mistakes and learning more about merpeople could Lu Shijin avoid a repeat of today.

He would’ve remained ignorant if he didn’t search, the world was full of secrets.

Apparently, that organ was hidden under their scales, and whenever merpeople needed to use it, they would just move the scale away. His prediction was right, he did touch Jun Yu Junior, no wonder his reaction was so big.

Lu Shijin looked at his hand in sadness, You’ve been corrupted . . .

The website had a safe search. If a minor saw it, it would only have a couple sentences to describe the anatomy.

But if an adult used it, they could click a link to see more specific pictures of the parts.

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