The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else Chapter 7.2

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Genius Artist - Replacement of the White Moonlight for the Rich CEO

Lu Shijin was still looking eagerly at Huo Lian, eyes shining. It was like there was a stream in his eyes, full of affection.

His face, which seemed so tender that water could be squeezed from it, appeared to be covered in a layer of light, making people unable to look away.

When his eyebrows furrowed the slightest bit, it made people want to give up their everything to ease his sorrow and make him smile.

“Huo Qi, I really want to see him.” A bit of sadness could be seen between Lu Shijin’s eyebrows, “When we met at the bar the first time, I thought you were really similar to him. Later, I heard you were his uncle, right?”

Lu Shijin pinched his thigh, forcing a couple tears out of his eyes and hanging from his eyelashes.

“Huo Qi’s my boyfriend, but for some reason, he’s been avoiding me lately. I can’t find him, and I don’t know what to do, so can you please bring me to him?”

If it was anyone else, they would’ve been charmed the moment Lu Shijin used the Supreme Charisma Card and done everything they could to protect him.

But the person in front of Lu Shijin right now was the coldest and most emotionless man in the story.

Under the influence of the card, Huo Lian didn’t immediately leave, but that was all. He didn’t seem to like Lu Shijin.

Huo Lian coldly refused, “You’ve got the wrong person. I’m not that familiar with Huo Qi.”

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Lu Shijin saw that he was about to leave and hurriedly grabbed his arm.

“Mr. Huo, please, just let me see him! I really love him, I just want to see him once, to ask why he’s avoiding me. Rest assured, if he really doesn’t love me anymore, I won’t continue pestering him!”

Huo Lian looked down, staring at the hand Lu Shijin was using to hold onto him.

The boy’s hand was very pretty. He had distinct joints and long fingers. His fingernails were also cut nice and round.

The owner of these hands has clearly not experienced what the world was like.

Huo Lian understood his nephew. Huo Qi liked this type of innocent, pure and ignorant little boy.

However . . . Huo Lian narrowed his cold eyes, remembering what his spy by Huo Qi’s side had reported to him.

Huo Qi had been accompanying a man named Ruan Siheng lately, who was rumoured to be his first love.

Huo Lian finally looked at Lu Shijin. The boy’s eyes were hazy, full of helplessness and confusion.

“Is Huo Qi really your boyfriend?”

Lu Shijin quickly nodded, “Yes, we’ve been together for three years.”

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Huo Lian felt like things were becoming interesting.

Maybe he could use this boy to stir up some trouble on Huo Qi.

“Okay, I can bring you to him.” Huo Lian’s face rarely showed anything that wasn’t sarcasm, but he now had a faint smile on his face. “But you have to promise me some things.”

Lu Shijin eagerly agreed, “Okay!”

Huo Lian sneered in his heart. Love really makes people blind. He hadn’t even said anything and the boy already happily agreed.

Seems like he really loves his nephew.

Sometimes, someone’s love could become the sharpest knife.

Huo Lian calmly shook off Lu Shijin’s hand, “Okay, then accompany me to finish this round of golf.”

Huo Lian pushed open the door to go out and Lu Shijin hurried after him.

There were already a number of people there.

Of the group, a fat middle-aged man stood out.

From how other people treated him so respectfully, the man should have the highest standing there.

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“How could second master Huo have just come?” The man greeted Huo Lian, “We’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“I was delayed, apologies for making President Chen wait for so long.”

President Chen said with a smile, “Well, it’s fine, as long as it’s not because you were scared. I often play with your older brother and young master Huo, they’re not bad. As a member of the Huo family, I assume second master Huo’s wouldn’t be that much worse, right?”

Although the man was talking about golf, everyone could tell that he was deliberately ridiculing Huo Lian.

The people around them continued to chat and laugh, as if they didn’t hear the man’s words. No one stood out for Huo Lian.

Huo Lian’s background had long been exposed in this circle.

The elderly master Huo was getting old. The one with control over the Huo family would definitely be the oldest, Huo Yan.

So there were many people who wanted to push Huo Lian down to please Huo Yan.

Huo Lian was the vice-president of the Huo corporation and attended many social gatherings.

The person who invited him today, president Chen, had a very good relationship with Huo Yan and had tried to trip him up many times.

Since he had long known that he wouldn’t say anything pleasant, Huo Lian naturally ignored him.

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Lu Shijin was still wearing a caddie uniform, so even though he came in with Huo Lian, other people only thought that he was a worker at the golf course.

And because he was currently under the effects of the Supreme Charisma Card, he still drew other people’s attention, no matter how simply he was dressed.

President Chen’s sight fell onto Lu Shijin and couldn’t move his gaze away.

Lu Shijin had just cried, so his eyelids were still pink and soft. His nose was slightly upturned and delicate, matching with his lips that were like cherry blossoms.

Oh, how could there be such a cute boy in this world?

President Chen stared straight at Lu Shijin. There was an undisguised greed in his eyes, which were squished together by all his fat. He pointed at Lu Shijin.

“You can be my caddie. If you do well, I won’t be stingy with my tip.”

Then, he went over to Lu Shijin, clearly wanting to take advantage of him.

Huo Lian promptly moved in front of Lu Shijin and helped him block president Chen’s greasy groping hands.

“That can’t do, he’s not a caddie. I brought him here.”

“You brought him here? But he’s clearly wearing a caddie uniform!” President Chen raised his downturned eyes and angrily glared at Huo Lian, unhappily snorting, “Did second master Huo also take a liking to this child and want to fight with me?”

Huo Lian lifted the corners of his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes, “President Chen should be careful with your speech. According to seniority, this child should call me uncle, so I should naturally look after him.”

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