The Devourer

Chapter 111: 111

Ling Tian had an excited smile as he said, ' System, upgrade the 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber.'

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[Ding! Host has chosen to upgrade 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber' for the cost of 1 upgrade point. Confirm?]

' Yes.' Ling Tian answered.

[Would you like to use a catalyst?]

' Yes.' Ling Tian affirmed.

[Present your catalyst to the system.]

Ling Tian started thinking and guessed that just one God Spirit Jade wouldn't do much. So he took out one black and one white human head sized crystals.

" Chaos crystal and Void crystal.... These should be more than enough right? Maybe a few more should do..." Ling Tian muttered as he took out ten more of each crystals.

These two crystals' value is unknown. But Devil God Virtyq had received it from the mysterious 'Soul Storage Space'.

Soul Storage Space has many different levels. Even Devil God Virtyq had only managed to unlock 39 levels and more than 90% of his wealth and source of strength came from these 39 levels. One could say that, in each level, there are many treasures stored and the owner has to unlock these levels to gain access to these treasures.

Since Ling Tian literally devoured Devil God Virtyq, Ling Tian too have the access to 39 levels and all the treasures within it.

The crystals, Ling Tian decided to use as catalyst for upgrading the Hyperbolic Time Chamber has an almost infinite value. Even trillions of God Spirit Jades is not capable of comparing to even a shard of the Chaos crystal or Void crystal.

Here, Ling Tian's Saiyan nature is getting the better of him. The thought of finally getting the chance to train and gain more strength is messing up his rationality.

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[Ding! Host has chosen ' Chaos Essence Crystal'(x10) and 'Void Essence Crystal'(x10) to upgrade 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber'. Confirm?]

" Yes!" Ling Tian affirmed.

[Starting the upgrade process.....]

A white light covered the white coloured Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

[5....4.....3....2.....1.....0.... Upgrade complete.]

[Result:- 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber' is now a Initial Primal Origin Rank Existence.

'Hyperbolic Time Chamber' has transformed into 'Meta-Worlds Chamber'.

Bound to Rayne Ashbringer.]

[Meta-Worlds Chamber :-An ultimate chamber that hosts ten thousand different worlds with a different time flow. It has many functions.

Time Flow:- 1 minute in the outside world = 100 years in the worlds inside Meta-Worlds Chamber. No time restrictions set on those that enter the Meta-Worlds Chamber.]

" .... "

Ling Tian stayed silent for ten whole minutes standing there with an expression of disbelief. He couldn't believe that he had ended up creating a Primal Origin Rank existence. Something the likes of which, even Eternal Gods would do anything to get their hands on it.

" .... I think.. I went.... too far with this..." Ling Tian muttered while still in shock staring at the black coloured semi-spherical chamber with a platinum coloured door, which was originally a white house with brown door.

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Suddenly, the mansion exploded and a pillar of purplish black light as a powerful neigh of a horse was heard from within the the pillar of light.

" I just bought that mansion..." Ling Tian muttered with a helpless expression as he looked at the destroyed mansion.

A black horse with white mane and an armoured figure with a black lance on its back came out of the purplish black light pillar and appeared before Ling Tian.

" Master!" Artoria called out as Llamrei and Rhongomyniad disappeared, probably returning to her summoning space.

" Hey, Artoria." Ling Tian looked at the woman in front of him and barely managed to restrain his lust. Artoria had a sharp aura and her charm had increased as well. She could rival Althea in terms of charm now.

Artoria smiled and came forward and gave a quick peck on his lips and entered the dimension rune on Ling Tian's hand before giving him a chance to say anything.

Ling Tian smiled wryly. Artoria seemed quite different after they had bonded.

Ling Tian then resisted his urge of entering the Meta-Worlds Chamber since he still wanted to meet Xin Qinyue. He felt like he was ignoring her too much, ever since he got to know of other women. He had his promise with Esdeath as well.

Ling Tian made the system restore the mansion and got out of the inner world of Azure Gravity Ring.


Ling Tian disappeared from the spot.

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The next second, Ling Tian was in the location where the group waited for him.

Everyone were startled when Ling Tian suddenly appeared and most of them showed various emotions.

" Brother Tian!" A small violet haired figure rushed towards Ling Tian, snuggling upto him.

This was Xin Qinyue.

Ling Tian patted her head while smiling, then he looked around and was slightly surprised to see Su Fengxi's group here with Xin Qinyue's group, but almost all of the people he had seen in Xin Qinyue's group except for Yan Zuqing, Lin Ke'er and Su Xumei, were not here.

" So.....why are you guys still at the same spot?" Ling Tian asked.

Yan Zuqing said how Althea insisted on staying here for his sake. Ling Tian felt ticked off and wanted to reprimand Althea, but when he saw her meek and obedient expression and how she was looking at him, he simply patted her head.

Everyone else were shocked by Althea's change of attitude in Ling Tian's presence. It almost resembled an obedient wife.

Esdeath was more straightforward as she hugged him and whispered in his ears, " If you run away again without taking me, you'll be having a pet collar on your neck."

Although he was sure that, with his level of strength, there was nothing Esdeath could do to him, he still complied since he knows that sometimes, women can be more dangerous than universe destroying villains.

Virgo pretty much didn't say anything to him other than "Welcome back, Master."

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There was a faint smile on her lips and that was all it took to make Ling Tian feel at ease. From the looks of it, while he was gone, Little Blue seems to have taken a liking to Virgo.

Yan Zuqing pretty much simply smiled at Ling Tian, but she felt at ease when she was in Ling Tian's presence. Duan Xingtian saw Yan Zuqing smiling so sincerely and saw that Ling Tian was treated with more sincerity, unlike him. He isn't a guy who would jump to the wrong conclusions, but he still felt kind of unwell.

Ling Tian walked towards the women from Su family and said, " Hey, been a while huh, Lingyan, Mengyan."

" Oh it's just you Stupid Tian…." Su Mengyan just gave him a casual greeting.

"What's up with your expression and reaction…" With twitching lips Ling Tian chastised her.

" He-Hello Ling Tian... It's nice to meet you again.." Su Lingyan said in a rather nervous tone.

" Lingyan, could you turn around a bit?" Ling Tian asked.

Su Lingyan didn't understand why Ling Tian asked that, but she turned around anyway. Maybe it was her trust in him.

Ling Tian looked at her and repeatedly nodded, saying, " Oh, know I see. Apparently, not all angels have wings!"

Su Lingyan blushed hard when she heard Ling Tian's words.

Ling Tian continued teasing Su Lingyan. Esdeath was looking strangely at Ling Tian and Su Lingyan. From what she knows, she has never seen Ling Tian trying to tease anyone.

Su Mengyan couldn't take it and punched Ling Tian in his gut, separating him from Su Lingyan.

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