The Devourer

Chapter 120: 120

Ling Tian calmed his mind and thought about which skill he should train in first since its granted that he can increase the level of whatever ability immensely with his newfound passive ability, Ability Transcendence.

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Suddenly, a skill came to his mind. A skill that he doesn't use that much, Telekinesis.

Ling Tian decided enhance his Telekinesis. It will be very useful for him. Saiyans have a natural aptitude towards Telekinesis, but the warrior race they are, they don't even bother with the multiple advanced ways of using Ki and only use the basic 'Ki Empowerment' to fight, much less Telekinesis.

Ling Tian didn't want to be like that. He wanted to make the maximum use of every ability he has.

Thus, Ling Tian started his training in Telekinesis.


A month passed.

Helix just finished taking a bath and was currently going to look for her 'Pervert Monkey'.

As she walked up to the depths of the white void, she could sense the dense atmosphere in the entire place. Curious, she closed in.

What entered her sight was Ling Tian sitting cross-legged on mid air, with his eyes closed. The space around him seemed distorted and sort of dense atmosphere.

Curious, she walked closer to him.

" Wha-?!" She exclaimed.

When she entered the dense distorted space around Ling Tian, she sensed that the time flow was hundreds of times faster and Ling Tian seemed completely unaffected by all this.

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Ling Tian stopped his meditation and landed on the ground. With that, the mysterious domain vanished.

" You're a Divine Emperor Realm Cultivator for god's sake. Don't you know that you shouldn't try to mess with things you don't know?" Ling Tian reprimanded Helix.

" Humph! This lady knows that you, perverted monkey will never hurt her." Helix claimed with a cheeky smile.

Ling Tian on the other hand frowned a little. He turned around and said, " I wouldn't be so sure. I'm an existence born for destruction. It would be in your best interest not to lower your guard too much when you're with me."

" Humph. This lady will put you in your place if you have any ideas on her." Helix said in a haughty tone.

' That's not what I meant... Well, whatever...' Ling Tian thought as he said, " Lets go. I'll make something with dragon meat today."

Ling Tian then walked towards the central building. Helix beamed with a cheerful smile when she heard Ling Tian's words and followed him.

When Ling Tian entered the central building, he saw that the entire place was messed up.

A few months ago, due to Helix's constant pestering about how boring this place is, Ling Tian was left with no choice.

Ling Tian bought a few modern devices like PC and game consoles and even a lot of anime and manga, comics, movies, etc, basically everything an otaku would watch, stored in the PC from the system.(PC - Personal Computer.)

Ling Tian simply imprinted the knowledge of languages and the use of these devices on her mind. She has been hooked up with it and doesn't bother Ling Tian too much now other than the time when she needs to eat.


Two weeks later....

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" Finally... It's done. Hahaha!" Ling Tian started laughing in excitement.

Ling Tian was excited as he developed multiple variants of Telekinesis.

" What's done?" Helix asked confusedly.

Ling Tian looked at the beautiful fox girl and smiled as he said, " Say, Little Fox princess. You wanna see something amazing?"

" Hm? Are you gonna kiss this lady again?" Helix asked warily.

" No. Why would I do something like that?" Ling Tian asked in a weary manner.

" You said the same thing the last time and you keep kissing this lady every day." Helix said with a blush.

" You can't blame me for that. If you know I'll kiss you, why do you still sneak into my bed?" Ling Tian asked in a weary tone.

" Your justification is not enough to justify your lecherous behaviour. Humph." Helix snorted.

" Sigh.. Forget it. See this." Ling Tian said as he took hold of his left wrist and..


He tore apart his left wrist from his left arm, scaring Helix into silence.

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As soon as the wrist was severed, new flesh and bones started to regenerate as Ling Tian stored his severed wrist in his Soul Storage Space.

" My hand is already regenerating and will be completely regenerated within thirty to forty seconds. But if I do this..." Ling Tian said as he used his Telekinesis.

In an instant, his regenerating wrist completely regenerated.

" How is it? I used my telekinesis to boost the healing properties of my body, which in turn boosted my bloodline perk, 'High-speed Regeneration' to a whole different level. I guess this can be called Instant Regeneration. The only downside is that, this process drains my stamina by a tremendous amount since I'm basically boosting my body functions to impossible levels. So Helix, What do think of my invention? Don't be too surprised, I've made dozens of variations of Telekinesis and trust me, they are all pretty awesome." Ling Tian said with a smug smile on his face.

" .... "

" Hm? Why aren't you saying anything?" Ling Tian asked confusedly as he didn't receive any reply from Helix.

Suddenly, Helix punched at him which he easily dodged even if he was unprepared. Helix kept on throwing punches at him and Ling Tian stopped her by catching both of her hands.

" Why are you attacking me?" Ling Tian asked confusedly.

" Why do you always keep hurting yourself? Why?" Helix raised her head and looked at Ling Tian with a tear stained face full of deep worry and sadness.

Ling Tian flinched as he felt a pain in his chest, but he didn't understand what to do.

He started to feel like he should stop with the training, but remembering his hateful nemesis still out there, he couldn't afford to stop getting stronger and he would pay any price for it.

Unable to give the sad and sobbing Helix a satisfactory reply, he simply hugged her and muttered, " I'm sorry."

Ling Tian didn't understand why she was being sad for someone like him who'd completely disregard anything other than his pride and morals to gain power. He refused to believe that him kissing her would cause her to have feelings for him. She has the soul of a Divine Emperor, she has hundreds of times of resistance towards worldly desires compared to Esdeath and Artoria. Not to mention, her charm is basically twice that of his.

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When he had first met her, what he felt from her was curiosity and freedom. What she felt towards him was pretty obvious at that time. Someone who she could do with, and could do without. But, today, when Helix was sad and deeply worried about him and even shed tears for him, he was once again confused… He completely unable to figure out what kind of place he currently had in her heart.

In the end, Ling Tian came to a single conclusion. If there is anything in this world that he'll never be able to understand, then it is definitely.....a woman's heart.


A month passed and Helix seemed pretty upset with him the entire time, although it barely affected her daily routine.

Unknown to Ling Tian, when he is busy training, she too started to cultivate. She decided that she would get stronger and help Ling Tian with whatever revenge he wants, so he'll finally get a peaceful life.

Unfortunately, Helix has no clue about a Saiyan's nature. No matter how naive and innocent, a Saiyan becomes, one thing about them will never change.

Their unending thirst for battle and supremacy. If a Saiyan knows that there are beings higher than them, then they'll not be satisfied as long as they've surpassed those beings.

Not knowing what to do with her, Ling Tian simply continued with his training and finally one day...

[Ding! The skill 'Telekinesis' has evolved into 'Psionics'. Currently lv.1.]

[Psionics - User can use various forms of psychic/mental powers including Telekinesis, Teleportation, Precognition, Foresight, Mind Control etc.,]

" Now then, what should I develop next?" Ling Tian thought for a moment.

" That's it. If anything, I have a power unique only to me. My iconic special power, Devour!"

Ling Tian decided to develop and increase his efficiency in this skill. This was something that has unlimited potential. With his passive state, Ability Transcendence, he didn't worry about not improving this skill.

" But before that, it's about time I fuse with the rest of the bloodlines since I've already gotten used to the power boost I've gained after fusing with the Chaos Dragon God Bloodline... Hmmm... Maybe I should say Devour, I suppose." Ling Tian muttered as he smiled.

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