The Devourer

Chapter 122: 122

For the sake of training, Ling Tian had suppressed his lust to the limit. With the second most beautiful girl and the most hot woman he has ever seen in front of him, it was impossible for him to not feel any attraction. He too in the end is still a man.

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Before entering the Meta-Worlds Chamber, he experienced his first sexual experience with Artoria and for the next eight days, because of Artoria being nervous in front of him, he didn't try to ask her to have more sex even if he craved for it himself.

But now, Ling Tian let go of everything that's binding him, releasing the lust he's been suppressing. Helix was also the same. She let go off every worries she had and looked at the man above her who seem to have grown even more handsome.

Her Mother had always warned her about men looking at her body. Her Father would tell Helix that she needed to stay away from boys and make sure she didn't give them the chance to look at her large breasts and curvy hips. The funny thing was that Helix was trying to make Ling Tian to look at her for years.

Right now, it was as if all the restraints binding them shattered.

But now their lust rose to the surface. Their love shattered all previous restraint. Nothing else mattered but each other, as reality melted away and the world beyond became a distant, almost forgotten memory.

Ling Tian kissed her lips and Helix felt her breath being stolen and her heart beating fast.

" Mmm.." Helix let out a moan and whimper of surprise.

Like she has always felt when he kissed her, heat rose from the depths of her being and spread throughout her entire body. Helix felt Ling Tian gently nibbling at her soft cherry red lips.

At the same time, Ling Tian used one of his hand to grab her right breast and fondle it all the while still kissing her.

Ling Tian made her body get even more closer to him as his tongue entered her mouth.

He tasted tentatively with his tongue as Helix opened her mouth with a low moan.

Ling Tian broke the kiss much to Helix's displeasure and looked at her and asked, " I'll ask this once more. Do you really want to do this? There's no turning back after this."

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Helix suddenly wrapped her arms around Ling Tian's neck and a gave him a passionate kiss that lasted for a few seconds and looked him in his eyes as she said, " There you have it. This is this lady's answer. Stop playing around and mark this lady as yours, my adorable monkey."

Ling Tian stared at Helix for a while before asking, " You got the Dual Cultivation memory inheritance from your bloodline, didn't you?"

Helix was surprised for a moment before smiling sweetly as she caught Ling Tian of guard and rolled him over and sat on top of him with her beautiful breasts in Ling Tian's view.

Helix unbuckled his pants and slid them off. Ling Tian attempted to sit up, but Helix pinned him to the bed. She smiled seductively at him. She took her hand and slid it down his chest, she reached his boxers and slid her hand into them.

Suddenly, she caught his cock and positioned it to her pussy and propped down as his large cock entered her, shocking Ling Tian.

" Aaahhh.... It hurts.." Helix whimpered as blood streamed down on her thighs as Ling Tian felt like he just broke through a thin film inside her.

" You idiot! Why did you do that so suddenly? We didn't even get to foreplay." Ling Tian asked. But he didn't move in fear that he might cause pain to Helix.

" This lady just wanted to be your woman..Ngh.... As soon as possible.." Helix said while gritting her teeth enduring the pain in her inner walls.

" Seriously, you're one impatient woman." Ling Tian said as he slowly sat up with Helix now facing her front to him while sitting on his lap with his cock still inside her vagina.

Ling Tian kissed her lips while using one of his arm to support her back and the other to fondle her breasts and sometimes play with her tails.

Helix didn't resist as she responded with passion as she wrapped her slender arms around his neck, enjoying the feeling.

Ling Tian broke the kiss and grabbed her right breast and started to suck on it and licking it, while playing with the other breast.

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She raises her body up and down as Ling Tian's cock penetrated her inner parts, causing her to moan in pleasure.

" Rayne... aah... aaahh... More.... MoreRayne...!!" Helix pleaded as she kept moaning loudly with a heavy blush on her face. Her wonderful voice was making Ling Tian more excited.

Ling Tian gently bites her nipples, causing her to feel even more pleasure.

She pushed him as he fell on the bed with his back with his cock still connected to Helix.

She supported herself by placing her hands on Ling Tian's chest as she propped herself up and down.

Ling Tian groped and fondled the G-cup breasts in front of him earning more louder moans from Helix.

" Rayne.... Th-this lady is cum-cumm-.....Cumming!!" Helix yells as her juices splashed over his cock which is still inside her.

Ling Tian removes his hands from her large breasts and puts his hands on her soft waist as he thrust upwards.

He ejaculated inside her pussy and Helix shakes from the continuous stream of hot semen flowing in her. He kept ejaculating for an entire minute.

Helix falls onto Ling Tian's chest, gasping for breath. She raised her head and looked at Ling Tian with her soul-stirring eyes.

Ling Tian was enchanted and realized that, because of his temperament changing due to him adapting to the devil God's experience, he never thought much about this world devastatingly beautiful woman.

But now she belonged to him. Ling Tian was filled with pride as her thrust his cock again, earning a surprised yelp from the fox woman.

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" Aaahhh~!.... Aaaahhh~!..... Aaaahhh~!..."

Helix hugged him closer and pushed her large breasts onto his chest, making him feel two hard points brushing against him. He kept thrusting, eager to hear more of her wonderful moans.

Ling Tian caught sight of her fox ears and started nibbling on it, causing her to tremble and moan even more.

At the same time, both of their Spirit Energy cultivation is increasing by leaps and bounds.

Ling Tian was really surprised at Helix's endurance. Even Artoria was unable to withstand the nature essence Ling Tian poured into her and had lost consciousness in order to adapt to Ling Tian's nature essence.

He had to say, that Helix's World Perishing Fox bloodline is very powerful, since she was able to keep up with Ling Tian's endurance even after getting infused with his nature essence.

Even after twenty three rounds, she was able to keep up with him.

" Never thought that you'll be able to keep up with me, my Fox Princess." Ling Tian said.

" Humph. Is this...huff... huff...the best....huff... You can do...?" Helix said in a mocking tone while trying to control her rough breathing.

" I see. So you can still go on, huh? I was afraid that I won't get the chance to do this." Ling Tian said with a beaming smile.

" What" Helix got a very 'bad' feeling when she heard Ling Tian's words.

Suddenly, she remembered something and asked in a startled tone, " You... You wouldn't..."

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" Oh yes I will!"


A green light flashed and Ling Tian had transformed into his Super Saiyan form.

He started thrusting into her, she felt a sort of immense pleasure that she has never felt before and she wanted it more.

" Go more faster! This lady is not made from glass. She won't break so easily!" Helix said.

" No. Your not. But if I go like that, your gonna get hurt and I don't want you hurt." Ling Tian said firmly.

" Then just make sure this lady will have a hard time walking tomorrow." Helix said with a coy expression.

" Dammit woman. You're underestimating a Saiyan!"

Ling Tian growled, pulling out of her and turning her around on all fours and started thrusting into her again, hard and fast, so much so that the bed began to creak.

Ling Tian hit all of her pleasure spots around her clitoris and inside her pussy.Biting her bottom lip, Helix could take it no more.

" Aaahhhh~! Rayyynnneee!" Helix screamed as she came.

With a loud roar, Ling Tian soon followed. He turned them so they were on their sides and he wasn't crushing her. Their breathing soon evened out. Ling Tian saw that she fell asleep and reluctantly pulled himself away from her.

Ling Tian kissed her forehead and said, " Helix, I'll definitely protect you at all costs."

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