The Devourer

Chapter 128: 128

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" Sh*t!!"

Ling Tian was startled. All the battle training he had done with the Perfect copy clone and adapting to a percent of Devil God's battle experience, his fighting instincts are at the peak every second.

Although he held back all his strength in the last moment, he still couldn't stop his fist.

" Ke'er! Are you alright?" Ling Tian asked in worry as he helped her up.

" Ma-master... *sob* *sob*" Lin Ke'er started to sob, causing Ling Tian to feel nervous. He'd rather deal with world destroying foes than deal with a sobbing woman.

" I'm sorry, Ke'er. It's my fault! I swear I won't make this mistake again, so.... Please stop crying." Ling Tian said in a helpless tone.

" No, it's me who should be saying sorry. I'm the one who tried hit you even after master said that the spar was over." Lin Ke'er said.

" No. You were only trying to do what I had asked you to do... So as long as you stop crying, I'll be satisfied." Ling Tian said.

" Ke'er, I noticed that you're losing your concentration in the fight. If there's something troubling you, you can always talk to me. You might feel better once you say it to someone. Besides, I'm sort of a good listener." Ling Tian said with a smile as he patted Lin Ke'er's head.

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Lin Ke'er looked at Ling Tian's smiling face and a determined expression appeared to her face.

" Master..?" Lin Ke'er lightly asked in a hushed tone.

" Yeah?" Ling Tian inquired.

Lin Ke'er hesitated at first, but then went along with what she was going to say.

' I have to say it, otherwise I'll never get the chance.' Lin Ke'er thought.

" ..I love you." She said silently.

Ling Tian was stunned to silence by Lin Ke'er's words.

" Master always treats me well and I even started to have feelings for master. I started to love you as a man, even though I knew I shouldn't." Lin Ke'er said while still sobbing.

" Uhh...." Ling Tian was stunned to silence.

[Ding! Congratulations host for completing the quest 'Make Lin Ke'er confess her love for you.'. Host has been rewarded - Djinn-Valefor, Djinn-Focalor, 2 Upgrade Points, 1,000 Void Points.]

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' Seriously?! That's it?! All the plans I had thought of.... It's all for naught.' Ling Tian thought bitterly.

" During these days, I always think of marrying master, having kids, living in a quiet peaceful village.... But I know, it's not possible. Master has so many women who are much prettier than me around you, so you'll not be interested in someone like me. So I hid my feelings for you." Lin Ke'er said.

" .... " At this point, Although he knew that she was confessing to him, Ling Tian didn't know why she is suddenly confessing to him.

" But I still want to let you know! You taught me that one must live without any regrets." Lin Ke'er quietly muttered and waited for Ling Tian's reply.

After a while, Ling Tian said, " It's not that I don't like you, but maybe your love for me might change in the future. You have to understand, Ke'er, I just don't want to get hurt… at least emotionally. It's a pain I hate and fear the most." Ling Tian said while lowering his head to look at her.

Lin Ke'er was startled. She expected Ling Tian to simply accept her feelings or bluntly rejecting her, knowing Ling Tian's personality. But she never expected such words from him.

' So even he has things he fears..." Lin Ke'er's eyes became gentle and she lovingly looked at Ling Tian.

" I would never hurt you, Master. You're everything to me." Lin Ke'er whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

" I…I just want…to be with you…" she then softly spoke.

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Ling Tian gently took her hand into his before he pulled her close to him.

" Then just be with me." He whispered softly.

" But master, you have other women as well. Will they agree to me being with you?" Lin Ke'er asked.

" Other women?" Ling Tian thought, ' Artoria and Esdeath will have no problem. Yue'er also will have no problem. Helix..... She probably won't have any problem with it as well... I hope.'

" There's no problem. They'll accept you as their sister. In fact, they already consider you a sister, so there's nothing to worry about." Ling Tian said.

" Mn." Lin Ke'er nodded.

" By the way, you can stop calling me master now that you're my girlfriend and all. Just call me Rayne." Ling Tian said.

" Rayne? Isn't master's name Ling Tian?" Lin Ke'er asked.

" Ling Tian is just an alias of mine. My real name is Rayne Ashbringer." Ling Tian said.

" I see. I'll still call you master. A forbidden Master-Disciple relationship sounds exciting, don't you think master?" Lin Ke'er said with a weird glint shining in her eyes.

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" Uhhh... Well, look who's become bold enough say such things." Ling Tian said helplessly. He could see that Lin Ke'er right now seems more free than restrained. Maybe during this almost eight months, he'd gained her complete trust.

Ling Tian decided to not do the deed with Lin Ke'er, at least until she broke through to Divine Emperor Realm and form a Divine Power/Skill seed. Vital yin is very necessary for it. This is also the reason why he didn't do anything to Esdeath, while he did it with Artoria and Helix since they had already formed their Divine Power/Skill seeds.

Two more months passed.

During this time, Ling Tian didn't slack on his training and his cultivation. He had long broken through the Divine Emperor Realm and formed his Divine Skill Seed which was Overburst. A divine skill he constructed basing the Eight Inner Gates technique's final gate - the gate of death which can bring forth the maximum potential of one's body for a temporary amount of time, while dealing major damage to the users body.

But because Ling Tian has a terrifying levels of regeneration, this skill didn't mean much of a problem for him.

At the last day of the one year in the Meta-Worlds Chamber, Ling Tian broke through to the 6th level of Divine Emperor Realm.

Lin Ke'er was still at the pinnacle of Divine King Realm, since Ling Tian didn't let her cultivate until she comprehend the laws and build a stable foundation for the future cultivation.

After getting out of the Meta-Worlds chamber, Ling Tian thought, ' I should take Esdeath and Virgo in as well sometime soon. I should take them individually, then I'll get to train more time.'

Lin Ke'er who was standing next to Ling Tian suddenly felt like smacking his head for some reason.

For some reason, Ling Tian felt that, soon some powerful opponents will appear before him and take away his boredom. Although there was no proof, he trusted his instincts.

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