The Devourer

Chapter 132

Demon God Continent, one of the eight continents in the Heaven's Fall World. Known for its great population of monster beasts. Although a Sacred Land namely, Stardust Sacred Lands are supposed to govern the continent, half of the Demon God Continent is ruled over by Monster Beasts and the remaining half by the Stardust Sacred Lands.

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Unknown Forest, Demon God Continent.

A black haired, violent looking man who seemed to be in his thirties was looking at a red energy cocoon with two figures inside it, with lust and anticipation in his eyes.

" How long will you keep up with this meaningless struggle? That nature energy barrier will fall apart very soon. I'd say, four days at best. After that, your primordial yin will be mine!! Hahaha!!!" The black haired man cockily laughed loudly.

' Hmph! If not for the damn barrier being connected to your life core, I would've easily shattered a Divine Emperor Level barrier! Though its a pity that I couldn't find that red furred Ancient Super Saiyan! I'd love to repay him the favour for the grace he indirectly 'bestowed' on me! Hehehe...' The black haired man thought with an evil smile.

This black haired violent looking man was exactly Apocalypse Evil Dragon. The same one that escaped from Ling Tian because of the untimely intervention of the Jade Phoenix Empress, Shi Qinglan.

The place it had escaped to just happened to be a hidden inheritance altar of a Dragon clan member. There he got a Dragon Core and through which he gained a whole new cultivation base and his body was rebuilt to a terrifying level.

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His current cultivation is the Ninth Stage Nirvana Rebirth. And beyond this level is the end goal of most of the cultivators out there. Immortality.

In order to step into the False Immortal Realm, the Apocalypse Evil Dragon is in need of True Dragon Primordial yin and True Phoenix Primordial yin, because of his new cultivation technique.

But after the process is done and all of the Primordial yin is extracted from the two female individuals, they will undoubtedly die.

Inside the blue energy cocoon were two women with supreme beauty. One was red haired and the other was black haired. They had frowning expression on their faces.

The red haired supreme beauty was Althea and the black haired beauty was surprisingly ..... Shi Qinglan! The Jade Phoenix Empress!

Apocalypse Evil Dragon, after gaining unreal amount of strength, used his mystical powers to scan the entire planet and pinpoint the two people that he wants. Which resulted in him getting hold of Althea who is a True Dragon and Shi Qinglan who has inherited the Jade Phoenix bloodline, which is a True Phoenix bloodline.

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At first, Apocalypse Evil Dragon had located Esdeath because of her Azure Dragon bloodline. But because of a mysterious force on her, his mystical powers couldn't do anything to her. That's why he switched to Althea.

But things didn't go like he planned. The moment he captured both Althea and Shi Qinglan, a huge amount of wretched nature energy burst out from both of them and shielding them. But with his strength he is easily capable of destroying such barriers.

But things didn't go the way he wanted..... Again.

Shi Qinglan had immediately connected the core of her life to the nature barrier after seeing through the Apocalypse Evil Dragon's goal. Althea followed Shi Qinglan and did the same thing.

This made it impossible for the Apocalypse Evil Dragon to do anything to the barrier. If the barrier is forcibly shattered, the primordial yin he wants along with the two women's lives will be gone forever.

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For some reason, he felt a strangely familiar yet hateful presence in the nature energy protecting the women, but he couldn't pinpoint it.

Althea trusted Shi Qinglan a bit because of the presence of Ling Tian's Nature Energy in her. Althea knew that Shi Qinglan must be some sort of important acquaintance of Ling Tian if she possesses Ling Tian's Nature Energy within her.

' Rayne.' Althea thought with a longing expression on her face. She has been worried about Ling Tian all this time because of his sudden disappearance.

' If I knew that this would happen, I would've at least told you how I feel about you. I even miss that annoying knight now.' Althea thought as she thought about Ling Tian and even her eternal rival, Artoria.

Shi Qinglan also had a similar expression, but her thoughts were something only she knows.

Suddenly the Apocalypse Evil Dragon's expression changed.

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A black haired black clothed youth suddenly appeared before the nature energy barrier that was guarding the two supreme beauties.

Althea and Shi Qinglan became dazed as they laid their eyes on the back of the young man who just appeared, their expression were that of disbelief.

" Rayne!" Althea exclaimed in surprise and joy.

This black clothed black haired youth is precisely the Legendary Super Saiyan... No! The now one and only Legendary Saiyan God, Rayne Ashbringer, commonly called Ling Tian.

Ling Tian turned his head back and when he saw that nothing had happened to Althea, he involuntarily let out a sigh as he said, " Sorry for making you wait, Althea. But now that I'm here, everything's fine...."

When his eyes fell on the other woman, Ling Tian's eyes went wide in surprise as he exclaimed, " You're..... Shi Qinglan!"
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