The Devourer

Chapter 27

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" Now what to do?"

Ling Tian, now had completely mastered the 'Mortal Steps' and was thinking of what technique to train in, next.

" First, I should probably master Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha wave. Then I can think of something else."

" Lets do this!"

Ling Tian took on a horse stance and took a step forward with his left leg while maintaining his position. He cupped his hands and drew them sideways to his right side.

Ling Tian then, concentrated his Ki on a single point between his cupped hands.


Bluish-white energy appeared in between his cupped hands.

" Ka-Me-Ha-Me... -Haa!!!"


Ling Tian shouted as he thrust his hand forward to shoot out a streaming powerful beam of energy.

The energy beam travelled far until it struck the surface of the blood red tornado and went off with an exploding sound.

" That was easier than I thought." Ling Tian said as he looked into the distance.

It was only easy for Ling Tian because he learned how to fire an energy blast when he fought against Jiang Zhentian.

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While fighting Jiang Zhentian, Ling Tian had managed to learn how to control his Ki much better. Later on in the fight, he even learned how to fly by using his Ki.

So, with a little bit of Ki control, it was very easy for him to learn KAMEHAMEHA wave in a few seconds.

" Should I try to master Final Flash or Special Beam Cannon?... But both attacks take too much time to charge. Unless there are idiots who will stand there still for me to attack, these attacks are completely useless to me."

Suddenly a revelation came to his mind.

" Oh right, I still haven't learned how to control Spirit Energy... Aha haha ha..." Ling Tian said to himself as he laughed a bit embarrassed at his ignorance.


In this World, all the cultivators(even if they specialise in Ki or Body or Soul) focus on Spirit Energy cultivation, since the universe is mainly reliant on Spirit Energy for its sustenance.

Only a fool like Ling Tian will learn Ki control before learning Spirit Energy control. Controlling and manipulating Ki is countless times difficult than controlling Spirit Energy. Spirit Energy is very tranquil in nature unlike Ki.

Spirit energy can be easily cultivated by cultivators since it is an energy that exists in nature. But Ki is a whole different case. Ki is an energy that all living beings have. To cultivate Ki means getting a grasp of your own existence. Ki is many times more potent than spirit energy, which makes it harder to cultivate it.

Only natural born freaks like Saiyan race are capable of cultivating Ki like it is natural for them. And with proper techniques and methods to train and control Ki, their growth speed in Ki department is almost unrivalled.

There are very few races that can match a Saiyan's potential in Ki department.

And among Saiyans, Ling Tian is simply an anomaly. His abnormal talent, despite losing all his gifts once, makes him more weird.


Ling Tian decided that first he has to learn how to control his spirit energy.

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Ling Tian closed his eyes and completely focused on one of his spirit roots, the Nine Sun Fire Spirit Root. He could feel the blazing hot spirit energy in the spirit root.

Ling Tian tried to move that spirit energy through his body and he was successfully able to do that. He then focused the fire spirit energy into his right hand as his right hand started to glow in dark golden light as flames started to burn in his hand.

Ling Tian opened his eyes and looked at his hand. He saw a dark golden flame burning in his hand.

It was the most beautiful flame, Ling Tian has ever seen in his past and present life.

But Ling Tian knew that this beautiful flame was extremely deadly. He could feel the incredible heat emitted by the dark golden fire.

Ling Tian was sure that, if he was not in possession of the Nine Sun Fire Spirit Root, he would have been burned to ashes by the dark gold fire.

Ling Tian tried to control the shape of the flame and after a few tries he succeeded.

He then tried to condense the flame and give it a definite shape. Surprisingly, he achieved it with ease as he condensed the flame into a two edged sword, although its shape was not perfect, it was still okay.

Ling Tian tried to condense the flame into many different forms like knife, broad sword, spear, multiple arrows, and even a whip and etc.

If any other cultivators saw Ling Tian's antics, they would be frightened by it.

After all, a body refinement realm cultivator is unable to bring out the spirit energy within him/her, with the exception of gifted one who are born with spirit roots that have extreme affinity to elements. That too it's only possible if the one is gifted with a great level of perception.

And Ling Tian is literally playing with spirit energy here. So it could be said that he has insane levels of perception.


After 20 minutes.

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Ling Tian stopped using his fire spirit energy since he already familiarized with it as he is able to easily control it and now he is also able to condense the flames, almost instantly and they have almost perfect shapes as well.

Ling Tian now focused on his Glazed Ice Spirit Root. He realized that he could almost instantly control the frost spirit energy.

He tried channelling the frost spirit energy and focus it on his hand. Which was surprisingly a bit too easy.

Icy blue frost covered his hand.

Ling Tian tried to control the frost spirit energy and condense into different shapes, which he succeeded instantly. The shapes were much more perfect than that he made with the dark gold fire.

" What the hell?! Why is it so easy?!" Ling Tian was shocked. He was not happy but afraid of his instant success.

" !! "

Ling Tian suddenly came to a revelation and everything became much more clearer for him.

" Ah... I see now..... Fire has no mass and density. It has no definite shape. Whereas, ice is different. Ice has mass and definite shape. Compared to manipulating the irregular shape of fire, ice is obviously easier. Damn I'm a genius!!!" Ling Tian said with a smug smile as he felt proud of himself.

And for Ling Tian who can now control fire spirit energy with ease, To Control Ice Spirit energy which is much more gentle in nature is simply too easy.

" Fire, water..... Will I be able to use Ninjutsu? I pretty much remember most of the hand signs in Naruto.... Well, it wouldn't hurt to try." Ling Tian muttered with some expectation.


The reason Ling Tian is able to come up with such ideas is because, his brain is working at 100% because of the pure red energy that is being infused in his body by the black vortex. His soul is also completely active because of the black vortex.

At this moment, Ling Tian's perception is at an impossible level. He is able to master anything at great speeds. As a Saiyan, Ling Tian already has a monstrous level of perception. Now combined with his fully working brain( which will not feel any stress because of the red energy), his perception can be only defined as godly.

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If someone was here to demonstrate the techniques to Ling Tian, he would have managed to learn and master those techniques almost instantly with his current state of perception.

But this is also amplifying his Saiyan traits. Saiyans has never been an intelligent race. Sometimes they can be unbelievably foolish. And on top of that, they have unrivalled arrogance, extreme pride and very short temper.

As Ling Tian was formerly a human with simple traits and had a kind, naive and cowardly character, he can subconsciously suppress his Saiyan instincts.


" Lets do this."

" Snake..... Sheep.....Monkey... Boar...Horse...Tiger.." Ling Tian performed hand seals according to his memory and he channelled his spirit energy to be directed according to the hand seals and he took a deep breath.

" Phwww.."

' Here goes nothing!'

" Fire style : Fire ball jutsu!!"

* Phshhhoooo*

As Ling Tian yelled, he breathed out fire that was spread out randomly.

" It worked!! It really worked!! I just have to practice it a bit more to perfect it." Ling Tian said excitedly at confirming his guess.

When Ling Tian was at Earth, he memorized almost all of the hand signs of Ninjutsu in Naruto, and always imagined himself to be a ninja in Naruto world, using jutsus.

Now that he can actually perform Ninjutsu in reality, there's no doubt that he is extremely happy at the moment.

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