The Devourer

Chapter 40

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Ling Tian sat right there cross-legged and started to gain comprehension on Genesis Empyrean's Infinity.

It didn't take too much time for Ling Tian to get a gist of the technique as Devil God had spent quite a lot of time trying to understand this technique, so that he could improve his own cultivation technique, even if he couldn't cultivate Genesis Empyrean's Infinity.

And for Ling Tian, he will never encounter a problem in his spirit energy cultivation, at least till he become an Eternal God, because Ling Tian has all the comprehensions and understanding of laws and techniques that Devil God had spent his entire life for.

Ling Tian started cultivating the technique and his dantian started to tremble as if it was going to shatter. Ling Tian felt alerted by this, but he didn't stop. Because He knew that if he couldn't even get through this, he'll never have what it takes to kill Gran Ashbringer.

Ling Tian's dantian started to transform and now looked like an empty black space.

But the process was very painful. Ling Tian withstood it.

" Now I can finally start!" Ling Tian muttered as he started to circulate his spirit energy into his dantian according to Genesis Empyrean's Infinity.

" To cultivate this technique is even harder than ascending the heavens. One needs to understand the laws of creation to cultivate this technique. For others, it might be impossible, but for me, it couldn't be more easy!" Ling Tian felt elated as he continued to cultivate.

Laws of the world can be touched upon by only those who have went through Life Reconstruction. Life Reconstruction is the process where a cultivator rebuilds his/her body to enter the path to divinity as he/she will shed away their mortal shackles that limits them.

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Only the most heaven defying geniuses could touch upon the surface of the laws, while still being a mortal, which is also a requirement for cultivating Genesis Empyrean's infinity. This is also the reason what makes it almost impossible to cultivate this technique.

Devil God had comprehended most of the laws to the highest level possible for an Eternal God, because of his obsession to reach the peak of strength.

But now that Ling Tian has all of Devil God's comprehension of laws, cultivating Genesis Empyrean's Infinity is pretty easy for him.

Ling Tian unconsciously immersed himself in an enlightenment state and the massive amounts of spirit energy left in his body due to his newly emerged Spirit Roots, started to circulate in a systematic pattern and started to condense into Ling Tian's black dantian.

At the same time, a special energy was circulating within his body, that was coming from his black dantian. This was not Ki, soul power or even spirit energy. It was a completely different force.

Ling Tian's meridians and pathways were being cleansed by this special energy. His life force had increased exponentially because of this.

Meanwhile, in Ling Tian's black dantian, a small brown light dot appeared and it was slowly increasing in it's size while maintaining a spherical shape.

Ling Tian's aura was increasing dramatically by each second as the brown light dot increased in size.

Suddenly the blue sun within Ling Tian's heart started to send out blue energy into Ling Tian's body and this energy started to cleanse his entire soul and body. Strangely, the black vortex didn't react towards this energy and just let it do whatever it wanted.

The cleansing process caused an immense pain for Ling Tian, that pulled him out of his enlightenment state. But he didn't stop cultivating and kept on repeating the process.

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The brown light dot had expanded to the size of a football and the spirit energy in Ling Tian's had decreased by 70%.

At the same time, Ling Tian's skin started to dry like a dead wood. But after a few minutes, the dead skin started to peel off from Ling Tian on its own and what was left was a fair and smooth white skin and his skin looked full of life.


Suddenly Ling Tian's body trembled a bit and Ling Tian spat out black blood, which seemed to be the impurities in his body.

Almost all the spirit energy stored in Ling Tian's body was used up, so he had no choice but to stop cultivating.

Ling Tian got up and stretched his body a bit.

" My body has gotten much stronger again, although I never intended to in the first place. And my spirit energy cultivation is.... F*ck!!" Ling Tian was a bit happy at the unintentional body power up. But when he sensed his spirit energy cultivation level, he was freaked out.

" Mortal Core Realm!!" Ling Tian uttered in disbelief at sensing his cultivation level.

Ling Tian's spirit energy cultivation was now at Mortal Core Realm. That too, at the 6th level of Mortal Core Realm.

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" My goodness! This is..... Insane!!"

Ling Tian, who was originally at the peak of Body Refinement Realm is now a practitioner at Mortal Core Realm. And this happened within an hour since he started cultivating the Genesis Empyrean's Infinity.

Ling Tian's cultivation had skipped over two entire realms to reach the Mortal Core Realm. This sort of cultivation speed is supposed to be impossible, but the Genesis Empyrean's Infinity had made it possible. And Ling Tian will never have to worry about his foundation because such a thing doesn't even matter to this heaven defying technique.

Ling Tian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst out into laughter.

" Hahahaha!!! This is great!! With this technique, I'll only need a few decades to ascend to the level of gods and kill that son of a b*t*h!!"

If the gods at God Realm heard him say this, they would probably judge Ling Tian for having a screw loose. Because even the most talented individuals need more than a million years to achieve godhood.

" All I need is spirit energy and my cultivation will keep on increasing. But the problem is, I only have God spirit jades. I'll only be able to use the spirit energy of the God spirit jades after I shed away my mortal shackles. So its useless for now, despite having trillions of them."

"Spirit stones are my only hope now. But where will I get them? I can't possibly go stealing from sects right? If only my past self didn't throw away those spirit stones left behind by grandpa, then I wouldn't have to......" Ling Tian suddenly stopped.

" !! "

" That's it! Those spirit stones must still be in the lake if no one took it. I should go and check it out after I get out of here. I've got nothing to lose anyway... Maybe I can steal from some 'evil' sects. No one would say anything about that. I'm already being kind enough to not steal from the 'Righteous' sects. If anyone wants to say anything about it as well, they can go f*ck themselves!"

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Ling Tian made up his plan and was smiling in contention. He was too happy at the moment that he failed to notice the changes in his character. He had a massive breakthrough and got to meet his grandfather and he was very thankful to the black vortex (Devouring Force) because, it had given him most of the powers he has right now. Without it, he would have been taken over by Devil God instead of having all of Devil God's memories.

Ling Tian sighed as he still had no idea about what triggers the black vortex to do it's thing.

Ling Tian knows that, if he is able to control the black vortex, he will be invincible. But he just can't seem to find a way to do that.

He also realized that, the black vortex will not always protect him, even if he is about to die. This was proved when Ling Tian fought against the seven sins, where he was almost killed.

" It's time I return to the sect before they judge me dead!"

After thinking things through, Ling Tian decided it's time for him to leave.

He picked up the items left behind by his grandfather and stored them in the Soul Storage Space.

Ling Tian walked towards the spatial transfer formation array and saw the black pearl, which is also something that his grandfather left for him.

Just as he was about to get it...

[ Ding! Void Origin System.... Initializing!]

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