The Devourer

Chapter 45

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Ling Tian looked at Su Mengyan who was laughing and even thought whether he should use his Sharingan to trap her in a scary illusion, but when he saw her laughing figure, his irritation went away and a smile appeared on his face and his eyes turned back to its usual pitch black colour.

" You are so strong! I had no idea. When I first saw you that day, I'd thought you to be a servant of some outer court elder. Never thought you'd be this strong." Su Lingyan said to Ling Tian as she walked behind Su Mengyan.

" Eh? Me? A servant? Heh! Someone who can make me a servant doesn't exist!" Said Ling Tian with a proud tone.

" Boy, how did you predict all his moves and counter it?" Elder Sun asked.

" Hmm?" Ling Tian looked at Elder Sun who was expecting an answer from him.

" It's a secret! You can't expect me to reveal one of my trump card just like that, do you?" Replied Ling Tian with a faint smile.

Elder Sun nodded as he understood what Ling Tian meant. No one would want others to know their secrets, not to mention, Ling Tian has only known Elder Sun for a few hours and is not all that familiar with him.

Su Xumei was silent and didn't say anything to Ling Tian.

Su Yu was looking at Ling Tian in admiration as he came forward and bowed to Ling Tian and said in a loud voice.

" Master Ling Tian! Would you please train me, so that I could also become strong like you!"

This caught the attention of everyone. Su Lingyan, Su Mengyan and Su Xumei were looking at Su Yu in sympathetic manner.

" Master? Who? Me?!" Ling Tian was startled by Su Yu's request.

Ling Tian felt a bit embarrassed and said, " I know I'm cool and all. But why do you want me to train you?"

" Because you're cool!" Su Yu replied instantly.

" Why don't you ask this old man?" Ling Tian asked while pointing his index finger at Elder Sun.

" He's old and lame! So no!" Su Yu said and Elder Sun almost spat out blood when he heard this.

Su Mengyan, Su Lingyan and even Su Xumei were trying not to laugh.

" I see... So tell me this, why do you want to get strong?" Ling Tian asked Su Yu with a faint smile.

" I.. I... I don't want to be bullied again." Said Su Yu in a low voice , but everyone heard it.

" Okay... So let me ask you... Why is your body so weak? It's even weaker than Lingyan, whose cultivation is lower than yours." Asked Ling Tian.

" My sisters never let me do any body training and even for Body Refinement Realm, they fed me Yin body pills and forcefully enhanced my body." Su Yu said with an innocent expression.

" Yi-Yin body pills, you say?!" Ling Tian was startled by Su Yu's words.

Ling Tian obviously knows what Yin body pills are. These pills are meant for women cultivators who cultivate their body. This is obviously not something a man can take.

Ling Tian felt like he has to reveal the truth about Yin body pills to Su Yu, but before he could do that, a sound transmission interrupted him.

' I'll kill you if you say anything to him.'

' This voice..' Ling Tian turned to the side and saw Su Mengyan looking at him with deadly cold expression and Su Lingyan bowing her head in shame.

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Ling Tian broke out in cold sweat.

He looked over at Su Xumei and saw that she didn't show any change in expression.

Ling Tian confirmed that, the culprits for Su Yu's weak personality are Su Mengyan and Su Lingyan. Su Xumei probably didn't have anything to do with it.

" Um.. Okay I'll help you." Ling Tian said as he felt sorry for this innocent brat.

" Really?" Su Yu asked with doubt.

" Nn." Ling Tian nodded to affirm Su Yu.

" Thank you master!" Su Yu bowed his head again to Ling Tian to show his gratitude.

" Never mind that. By the way, you all have the surname Su and also have similar aura. Are you from the same family?" Asked Ling Tian.

" Yes! We are all blood related siblings." Su Lingyan answered instead Su Yu.

" Hmm... I see." Ling Tian nodded.

' Did your sisters always make you behave like a girl? Reply to me using sound transmission.' Ling Tian asked Su Yu through sound transmission.

' Yeah! They always treat me like a girl. You see our father abandoned our mother and went with some other woman, even when our mother agreed for our father to have multiple wives. So my sisters hate men, except for brother Xingtian, who is like a big brother to us.' Su Yu replied to Ling Tian using sound transmission.

Ling Tian got the gist of why Su Yu is like this.

' These girls probably didn't like to have a brother and wanted sister. So they went even as far as to feed him the Yin body pills, which changed his body structure into that of a girl, except for his private parts. Poor guy.' Thought Ling Tian and sighed at the poor state of Su Yu.

Ling Tian was now determined to turn this little guy into a manly guy.

" Don't worry, little brother! I'll train you to be a real man!" Ling Tian said as he pat his chest to affirm his decision.

Su Yu's expression brightened as he smiled happily. Su Mengyan's expression darkened as she coldly glared at Ling Tian.

Su Lingyan's expression brightened as well, as she had always felt guilty about what she did to her brother, unlike Su Mengyan who is still hateful of men.

Su Xumei was indifferent as always.

" By the way, Ling Tian, what's your cultivation level?" Su Lingyan asked as she was really curious about it.

This question caught the attention of others as well. Especially, Elder Sun.

Despite his cultivation level, he couldn't sense Ling Tian's cultivation level no matter how much he tried. When he tried, he felt like Ling Tian is a higher dimensional being, who couldn't be sensed by him. That feeling had honestly scared him very much.

Ling Tian didn't find this question surprising, as he knows that it is impossible for others to sense his spirit energy cultivation level, because of his cultivation technique, Genesis Empyrean's Infinity.

Only people who have a cultivation level of five realms above him can sense his cultivation level.

" My cultivation level huh? Well its 6th leve-" Ling Tian was about to say his cultivation level to the others, but...


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Ye Gouyi who was supposed to be unconscious blasted the tree which he had crashed into earlier and slowly got up.

" How dare you do this to me?! I'll kill you!!" Ye Gouyi yelled as he took out a black jade token from his storage ring.

" ?! " Elder Sun was startled, when he saw the black jade token.

A massive amounts of spirit energy came out from the black jade token and condensed into a yellow spear which was incredibly huge above Ye Gouyi.

" What do you think you are doing, Ye Gouyi?!" Elder Sun bellowed as he panicked.

" Of course I'm killing him! This is a token that contains a full powered attack of my father! Anyone beneath Divine Transformation Realm 5th level will perish! Hahaha! Trash, you will definitely die this time!" Ye Gouyi laughed like a madman.

" You madman!!" Elder Sun exclaimed as even he can't stand up to that attack with his 2nd level Divine Transformation Realm cultivation.

Su Mengyan was truly terrified by the pressure released by that yellow spear. Su Lingyan was also the same. Su Xumei's face went pale from terror. Su Yu was shivering in fear.

Ling Tian looked at the yellow spear that measured about 300 meters floating above Ye Gouyi and smiled.

" You're persistent, I'll give you that. Fine then, give me your best shot." Said Ling Tian as he lifted one of his hand and used his finger to taunt Ye Gouyi.

Elder Sun calmed down after seeing Ling Tian's demeanour, even after seeing the yellow spear.

Su Mengyan and others looked at Ling Tian, unsure of what to think of Ling Tian's bravado.

" Why you!! Fine! Lets see if you can be arrogant even while dying! Now die!!" Ye Gouyi shouted and the yellow spear shot out towards Ling Tian in blinding speed.


Ling Tian wasn't perturbed as he raised his right hand to face off against the incoming yellow spear.

What happened next made everyone's eyes widen in shock.

Ling Tian had easily stopped the yellow spear with just his palm and the yellow spear couldn't move an inch forward.

" No no no... This ca-can't b-be h-happening..?!.." Ye Gouyi was terrified by what he saw.

" He stopped it just like that?" Elder Sun muttered as he stared at Ling Tian in disbelief.

" He hasn't even moved from that spot..." Su Xumei said as she too was looking at Ling Tian with disbelief.

Su Mengyan and the others couldn't believe their own eyes because of what they were witnessing.

" Hmm... So that's it?.... Talk about disappointing... It looks like your so called father is weaker than the regular 6th level Divine Transformation Realm. Indeed, this attack is capable of dealing major damage to most of the cultivators below 5th level Divine Transformation Realm. But your father is a complete trash among those of the same level. Must have used some stupid means to increase his cultivation rapidly... From this attack alone, I can see that your father's foundation is pretty messed up.." Ling Tian said as he looked at Ye Gouyi.

Ye Gouyi couldn't utter a single word. He was completely terrified of Ling Tian at this point.

Ling Tian looked behind over at Su Yu and saw that he was shivering in fright.

" Su Yu! Is that the extent of your resolution? Didn't you want to be a real man?" Said Ling Tian as he looked at Su Yu.

Su Yu was startled by Ling Tian's sudden words. He slowly raised his chin and looked at the back figure of Ling Tian who had stopped the gigantic yellow spear with a single hand.

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" But I.."

" Get up! Stand straight! If you want to get stronger, the first thing you need to do is to stand up for yourself. Don't always rely on others!" Ling Tian said in a loud voice.

" .... " Su Mengyan and the others were speechless. Ling Tian was actually lecturing Su Yu while holding off that massive spear with his hand.

Su Yu expression changed into one of determination and he slowly stood straight and look straight at Ling Tian.

" I.. Will get.. stronger.. Strong enough to...protect my family..!" Su Yu said with a bit of difficulty, but still managed to stand straight and finish his sentence.

Ling Tian smiled at this and turned around.

Su Mengyan and Su Lingyan's eyes became watery when they saw Su Yu's determination. Su Xumei's cold expression also softened seeing her brother's determination.

" It's time to end this." Ling Tian said and made a grabbing motion with his hand and cracks started appearing on the gigantic yellow spear.

" N-No! Impossible! That's my father's attack! A trash like you can't compare to my father! You can't!!" Ye Gouyi yelled in frantic manner.

" Trash this, trash that. You piece of sh*t! How the hell do I even resemble a trash? In terms of appearance, I'm way above you. In terms of talent, I'm the best in all of existence! Call me trash again and I'll be sure to send you to hell!" Ling Tian said in a very irritated voice.

Ling Tian calmed down and said, " Well, listen carefully you shitty young master! If you want me to even take this seriously, you need to at least have the battle power of a Divine King Realm cultivator. So be careful next time, not to provoke me."


The gigantic yellow spear burst into many fragments and eventually vanishing.

Ling Tian sensed two individuals spying on this place ever since Ye Gouyi took out his black jade token. But since the ones spying on this place were basically weaklings to him, he didn't bother with them.


Ye Gouyi fell to his knees and stared at Ling Tian with a blank look.

" You're..... Amazing..." Su Mengyan absent mindedly said as she stared at Ling Tian in a daze.

Su Lingyan and Su Xumei were also in a similar situation like Su Mengyan.

" You're super strong, master!" Su Yu exclaimed loudly in excitement.

" Stop calling me master! You are making me look old. I'm not even sixteen yet!" Ling Tian said as he rubbed his forehead.

Elder Sun was now contemplating what he should address Ling Tian as. Ling Tian is obviously far stronger than him and he couldn't possibly continue to call him boy.

Suddenly Su Mengyan and Su Xumei's body glowed with a sinister black light and they groaned in pain.

" Mengyan! Lil'Mei!" Su Lingyan called out.

Su Yu and Elder Sun were startled by this.

Ling Tian was also startled by this sudden development.

" This is Death Linking Cursed inscription! But how?" Ling Tian immediately realized what it was.

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" I had secretly put those curses on them in case they ever get taken away by some other man before me!"

" If I can't have them, you can't have them as well! Hahaha!!" Ye Gouyi laughed frantically.

" You!! A righteous sect's disciple actually using a curse.. Do you know what will happen to you if others come to know of it?" Elder Sun yelled at Ye Gouyi.

Ling Tian frowned as his expression became cold.

[Ding! Quest triggered.

Task:- Destroy Ye Gouyi's cultivation and make it so that he will never be able to cultivate again.

Reward:- 50 mid grade spirit stones, Virgo's Celestial Summoning key, Random bloodline x1

Penalty:- Sealing Copy-Wheel Eye for 2 years. ]

With the sudden appearance of this quest, Ling Tian's determination to punish Ye Gouyi was raised to a new level.

Ling Tian turned to see Su Mengyan and Su Xumei who fell to the ground while groaning in pain.

Ling Tian felt very angry. Although he hasn't known Su Mengyan for long and she knows how to annoy him, he still likes to see her laughing and smiling. And seeing Su Xumei in this state made his heart hurt.

Ling Tian pointed his hand towards the two suffering girls and a wave of whitish blue energy came from Ling Tian's hand and entered the two girls bodies.

This was nature energy. And it is extremely pure because of Ling Tian's Nature Immortal body.

Nature energy counters against all evil forces. And the curse in their body were destroyed at rapid speed.

" No! Nooo!!! Why?? No one should be able to lift the curse!!" Ye Gouyi was going nuts when he realized that the curse he put on the girls is being wiped out by some very pure energy.


Ling Tian suddenly appeared before Ye Gouyi and was looking at him coldly.

" You went too far.. Don't expect mercy from me." Ling Tian said in a cold tone.


A blue Ki blast was condensed in his hand.

Ling Tian touched Ye Gouyi with that Ki blast and the Ki blast completely engulfed Ye Gouyi as its size increased.

" Urgaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!"

Ye Gouyi's dantian was destroyed, his meridians were pulverized and even his pen*s was burned away by Ling Tian's energy blast. There was no other damage done to him, or rather, Ling Tian refrained himself from doing more.


Ye Gouyi fell down on the ground and lay there lifelessly. But he was still alive. Though, with Ye Gouyi's current state, he's better off dead.

[Ding! Congratulations for completing the Quest! Host has been rewarded 50 mid grade spirit stones, Virgo's celestial summoning key and Ghoul Bloodline(Tokyo Ghoul)]

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