The Devourer

Chapter 64

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The two girls standing behind Xin Qinyue stopped glaring at Ling Tian.

" Growing girl? Can't you see how mature I've become? There are so many people in the sect that are courting me. Hmph! You jealous now, Brother Tian?" Xin Qinyue asked with a cheeky expression.

" The sect must be full of lolicons." Ling Tian replied absent mindedly.

" What did you say?!" Xin Qinyue exclaimed in exasperation.

Su Xumei and the chestnut colour haired girl were looking at Ling Tian with a weird expression.

The others that were looking at the conversation between Ling Tian and Xin Qinyue also had a strange expression. They couldn't believe that Ling Tian was bluntly saying such things to a beautiful girl.

" sigh.." Xin Qinyue sighed and looked at Ling Tian and said, " The time to fulfil my promise has come."

" Promise? What promise?" Ling Tian asked doubtfully.

" That you will marry me." Xin Qinyue said in a bland tone.

" What??!!" Everyone exclaimed.

" When did I make such a promise?!" Ling Tian asked a bit shocked.

" I am the one who made that promise and I intend to keep it." Xin Qinyue said with a proud expression.

" Me marrying you aside, do you think your father will agree to such a thing?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask in a wry tone. Ling Tian had no intention of marrying anyone at such a young age.

" Of course he will! I don't know what Brother Tian think of Father, but my Father is very kind and caring. He treats me like his very life. I already told Father that Brother Tian will be my husband and he agreed to it. All those people who tried to ask for my hand were chased away by my Father!" Xin Qinyue said proudly with a very happy smile.

The others also smiled when they saw Xin Qinyue's smile.

Because of his Nature Sense, Ling Tian could sense the happy emotions Xin Qinyue was feeling when she mentioned her father.

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Ling Tian put a hand on top of her head and smiled and said, " It's good that you've been living well."

Ling Tian had smiled from the bottom of his heart and his expression was very gentle. Everyone were entranced by the current Ling Tian. Su Xumei and the chestnut haired girl blushed inadvertently when they saw Ling Tian's gentle smiling face.

But when Xin Qinyue saw Ling Tian's smile and the relief in Ling Tian's voice, her eyes started watering up and she hugged Ling Tian and plunged her face into Ling Tian's chest.

Ling Tian could feel his chest getting wet from Xin Qinyue's tears. He simply pat her back softly.

" I-I always thought about you *sob* I always wanted to see you, I went to the village two years ago after I completely refined the excessive yin in my body. But you were not there. *sob* I wanted to see you so much..." Xin Qinyue said in a low sobbing voice.

Ling Tian couldn't say anything, or rather, he didn't know what to say.

After a few minutes, Xin Qinyue reluctantly let go of Ling Tian. That's when she saw an angel like beautiful little girl standing next to Ling Tian while looking around everything curiously.

" Brother Tian, who is this little girl?" Xin Qinyue asked while wiping away her tears from the corner of her eyes.

The others also paid attention to Ling Tian while expecting an answer.

" She's Little Blue. Well, she is..... my sister?" Ling Tian said a bit unsure.

" .... " Everyone was speechless at Ling Tian's answer.

Xin Qinyue tried to touch Little Blue, but Little Blue got startled and hid behind Ling Tian and climbed up his back again.

Ling Tian smiled cheekily when he saw this and said with proud smirk, " Sorry, but she won't get near anyone other than me."

Ling Tian just noticed the chestnut colour haired girl beside Su Xumei and was stunned.

She was as beautiful as Su Fengxi. She had blue coloured eyes which strangely suited her chestnut colour hair. This girl was the most sexy woman he has ever seen. Her curvaceous body was at the epitome of sexiness, despite her clothes covering most of her skin. She seemed to be 20-22 years old, which is the same as Su Lingyan and she has a mature air around her.

" Hey, beautiful girl. What's your name?" Ling Tian asked the girl with a carefree smile.

Despite seeing this sexy girl, he is now not easily affected by the Original Sin Spirit Root because of his soul upgrade.

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The chestnut colour haired girl was surprised for a moment before replying Ling Tian.

" My name is Yan Zuqing. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Yan Zuqing said politely.

Ling Tian looked at her like she is a rare creature. This was the first time, someone had talked to him politely ever since he came to this world. Nobody ever gave him the respect he deserved for his strength, not that he minded such a trivial thing.

" Yeah. I'm Ling Tian! It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Zuqing!" Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

Yan Zuqing raised her eyes in surprise. This was the first time someone other than her family called her in such a manner. But she didn't find it detestable, so she just let it be.

" Brother Tian, could you please let me hold Little Blue?" Xin Qinyue asked in a pleading tone.

" I wonder.." Ling Tian said gloatingly.

" This mature lady will give you a kiss." Xin Qinyue said.

Ling Tian looked towards Yan Zuqing and asked with an expectant expression, " Will you give me a kiss?"

" No." Yan Zuqing said almost instantly.

" Why are you looking at her when I said I will kiss you?" Xin Qinyue asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

" She's the only mature lady I see here." Ling Tian stated like it's a matter of fact.

" Are you saying this lady is not mature?!" Xin Qinyue said in exasperation.

Ling Tian wanted to continue teasing Xin Qinyue, but he sensed a very powerful individual coming to the place he was standing at.

This individual had a cultivation level of half step Divine King Realm. But this level of cultivation alone was not capable of making Ling Tian alert. It was because, Ling Tian could sense that this individual is a Ki cultivator as well and his/her Ki almost rivals that of Ling Tian.

Ling Tian looked towards a direction with a serious expression which was devoid of his carefree smile he had just now.

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Almost all the girls were captivated by Ling Tian's current expression. Even Yan Zuqing was dazed as she stared at Ling Tian. While Xin Qinyue was staring at Ling Tian with stars in her eyes. Although she doesn't know why Ling Tian suddenly has a serious expression, she very much liked how Ling Tian looked right now.

Although Su Xumei was also dazed for a bit, she soon recovered and her eyes narrowed. She had seen Ling Tian looking at a direction like this before. But he always have a carefree expression when he did that. But now, Ling Tian had a serious expression which is very rare. Su Xumei guessed that whoever is coming here must be powerful enough to give Ling Tian some trouble.

Su Xumei started to get nervous, because in her heart, Ling Tian is an invincible existence, who could never be beaten.

Ling Tian felt her uneasiness with his Nature Sense. So he walked next to Su Xumei and hugged her, which shocked her and many others.

Ling Tian tilted his head towards her ear and whispered softly, " Don't worry. As long as I'm here, I'll always protect you."

Su Xumei blushed and started getting nervous for some other reason. She pushed away Ling Tian and turned away and said in a low voice, " I trust you."

Ling Tian smiled a bit and obviously he had just said what he said to Su Xumei without thinking as he simply wanted to get rid off her uneasiness.

The handsome youth called Lingyun saw the intimate moment between Ling Tian and his dream girl, Su Xumei and was very uncomfortable. He felt his heart creaking. And thus, hatred for Ling Tian was born within his heart.

Ling Tian, of course sensed this, but he couldn't care less about a weakling's hatred for him when a strong one is out there.

Ling Tian didn't have to wait long as a black silhouette landed near the lake. Ling Tian observed the newly arrived persona and saw a black haired man who seems to be in his twenties.

The man observed lake for a few seconds and then turned to the group of disciples and asked, " I am one of the enforcers of Battle God Sacred Lands, Yuan Qinghe. Now, who is the leader of this group? Come forward."

Ling Tian was kind of surprised because this man in front of him is a Saiyan, or rather, a Hybrid Saiyan.

The disciples were all startled by the name 'Battle God Sacred Lands'. Ling Tian had no idea what this sacred land is and thought that it must be one of the eight sacred Lands that Elder Sun talked about.

The handsome youth called Lingyun went forward, bowed and said, " Greetings Senior. This Junior is Du Lingyun."

" Hmm.. Tell me about everything that happened here before I arrived here." Yuan Qinghe didn't bother with Du Lingyun's formalities and got straight to the point.

Then Du Lingyun said about everything that happened and when Yuan Qinghe heard about the part where Ling Tian jumped out of the lake with a little girl on his back, Yuan Qinghe's eyes shined.

Yuan Qinghe looked at Ling Tian and Little Blue since Du Lingyun pointed out their existence during the information exchange.

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When Yuan Qinghe looked at Little Blue, he sensed an energy that is not spirit energy or Ki. He couldn't sense Ling Tian's nature energy because no one can sense it unless Ling Tian wants them to.

' It's that mysterious energy used for making Divine Breaking Pill. And there is so much of it inside that little girl.' Yuan Qinghe thought and then a greedy light flashed through his eyes.

This didn't go unnoticed by Ling Tian and his eyes became cold.

" From now on, the little girl will be under the jurisdiction of Battle God Sacred Lands." Yuan Qinghe said while pointing at Little Blue and masking his greed.

" Boy, now hand her over." Yuan Qinghe said to Ling Tian.

" .... " Ling Tian didn't say anything. Xin Qinyue, Su Xumei and even Yan Zuqing were looking at Ling Tian worriedly.

Seeing that Ling Tian is not responding to him, he said again, " Boy, did you not hear me? Hand the girl over."

" Go fu*k yourself." Ling Tian said in an emotionless tone.

Yuan Qinghe was shocked. Everyone was shocked. Xin Qinyue and the others snapped out of their stupor. Xin Qinyue was about to make Ling Tian apologize to Yuan Qinghe as she didn't want the Divine Path cultivator Yuan Qinghe to kill her Brother Tian. But she was suddenly hit in the back of her neck by Su Xumei and knocked out.

" What did you say?!" Yuan Qinghe asked in an enraged voice.

Every disciple were shivering in fear because of Yuan Qinghe's enraged voice. The ones near Ling Tian were perfectly fine.

" I said, Go fu*k yourself." Ling Tian repeated again.

Yuan Qinghe was very angry, but calmed down when he saw Little Blue clinging to Ling Tian's back.

" Forget it. I'll take her myself and punish you at the same time." Yuan Qinghe said with a vicious smile and took one step.

But after Yuan Qinghe took one step forward, Ling Tian disappeared and appeared right before Yuan Qinghe.

Ling Tian used Time Skip.

Yuan Qinghe was startled by this sudden action of Ling Tian. But before he could do anything, he felt Ki blast aimed right at his below stomach region where his dantian is located.

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