The Devourer

Chapter 75

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Ling Tian asked Virgo about the circumstances of the world she came from.

And the information he got from Virgo couldn't be more ridiculous.

According to her, a mysterious white haired young man named 'Yuuto' joined Fairy Tail along with Lucy Heartfilia. He had some power called 'Shinigami' Powers instead of magic. He was on good terms with all the Fairy Tail members and is also a womanizer.

One fateful day, when the Fairy Tail guild fought against Acnologia for the second time, 'Yuuto' was forced into a tight position and some sort of white stuff emerged from his chest region and a hole was present on his chest as well. He transformed into some kind of white coloured monster with red markings on him.

Then this 'Monster Yuuto' indiscriminately attacked everyone and at the same time, Lucy had summoned the Celestial Spirit King by sacrificing Aquario's celestial zodiac key. But before the summoned Celestial Spirit King could do anything, the 'Monster Yuuto' attacked him with some red energy and heavily injured the Celestial Spirit King.

Right when the Celestial Spirit King was about to return to the Celestial Spirit world, the 'Monster Yuuto' appeared before him and widely opened his mouth which produced a terrifying suction force and sucked in the heavily injured Celestial Spirit King.

Shockingly, the immortal Celestial Spirit King perished. The moment it happened, the Celestial Spirit World crumbled apart because of it's king's demise.

Lucy and the Fairy Tail members tried to make 'Monster Yuuto' come back to his senses and that was when Virgo was also about to disappear along with the rest of the celestial spirits. But before it could happen, a white light encompassed her and now she is in front of Ling Tian.

" Sigh.." After hearing the story from Virgo, Ling Tian perfectly understood what happened and how it happened.

' So some lucky bastard got the chance to meet some shady prankster god or some system and asked for Ichigo Kurosaki's powers and reincarnated in Fairy Tail World. And the reason the Celestial Spirit King died must be related to that guy's Soul Reaper and Hollow powers. In a way, the Celestial Spirits are almost the same as souls with a spirit body. Sigh... Seriously!' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian looked at Virgo with a worried expression and asked, " Are you okay with this?"

" A voice told me that the world will be reset and everything will return back to normal. So Master doesn't have to worry." Virgo said.

[That's the System, Host.]

' You mean you reset the entire Fairy Tail World ?!' Ling Tian asked the system in a shocked tone.

[No. System didn't do anything. The world was reset by the guardian God of the 'Fairy Tail' World, whom host would prefer as Ankhseram. After all, that hollow Shinigami devoured the soul of almost all living beings and was almost approaching the power of the gods of that world.]

' I see.' Ling Tian sighed.

" Master?" Virgo suddenly called Ling Tian.

Ling Tian snapped out of his stupor and saw that Virgo was holding on to the puppy that was sleeping near Ling Tian.

" What is it's name, master?" Virgo asked.

" Name? I never named it. More like I just got it a few minutes ago." Ling Tian replied.

" How about I name it, master?" Virgo asked while holding the puppy.

" Sure. Go ahead." Ling Tian said.

" Thank you Master. From now on, this little dog is called Rayne Ashbrin-"

" Oii!! Stop!!" Ling Tian yelled.

" Hm?" Virgo tilted her head in confusion.

" Don't 'Hm?' Me!! Why are you giving this dog, my name?!" Ling Tian asked in exasperation.

" Are you going to punish me?" Virgo asked in a slightly excited voice.

" .... "

Ling Tian's annoyance just vanished and he said in a tired tone, " Name it whatever you see fit. Just don't use my name."

" Then it will be called Lycka." Virgo said.

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" Umm... Virgo... That puppy is a male, you know." Ling Tian couldn't help but remind as he found the name a bit girly.

" Mn. From now on it will be Lycka!" Virgo said.

" Wang!" The Little dog which is now called Lycka barked immaturely.

" Sigh.. Whatever." Ling Tian muttered.

" Virgo, come and stand behind me." Ling Tian said.

" Is it punishment time?" Virgo asked.

" No, it's not! Now just stand behind me." Ling Tian said helplessly.

Virgo immediately stood behind Ling Tian with Lycka in her arms.

' Now then, system, use a summoning lottery!' Ling Tian gave the command to the system.


[Using Summoning lottery(x1)..]

Ten meters away from Ling Tian, a white light shined and started to condense into a humanoid figure.

" Master, is that.." Virgo muttered to which Ling Tian simply nodded.

After three seconds, the white light faded and an armoured man was standing there.

He was a fair-skinned man with spiky, black hair that had a slight blue tint to it. he wore crimson armour with numerous metal plates, forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders and thighs. a blue high-collared, long sleeve mantle that splits down the lower half and a simple, light-brown obi and a belt.

' It can't be....' Ling Tian thought a bit perturbed.

[Ding! Summoning successful.

Analysing the summon's stats after the random modification....


Name :- Uchiha Madara

Race :- Half-Dragon God

Bloodline :- Chaos Dragon God, Human.

Bloodline level :- 1

Bloodline Attributes :- Chaotic Force, Spatial Force, Temporal Force.

Bloodline Perks :- High Battle Instincts, Combat Perception, High Perception, Unlimited Body Strengthening, Superior Soul.

Energy Cultivation level :- 1st Level Body Refinement Realm

Soul level :- Late Stage White Soul

Body level :- Mortal lv. 9

Numerical Stats.. .

Strength :- 208

Agility :- 232

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Intelligence :- 738

Vitality :- 1,823

Charm :- 102

Luck :- 78

Constitution :- 10,300

Spirit Energy :- 50

Ki :- 10,000

Nature Energy :- 2,000

Soul Power :- 5,000

Eye-Bloodline :-

1. Samsara Eyes - lv.1[Skills :- Supreme Perception, Creation and Destruction, 99 Lives Of Samsara, (The Six Paths - Deva path, Asura path, Human path, Animal path, Preta Path, Naraka path), Outer Path, Corporeal Invisible Shadow.]

2. Copy-Wheel Eyes - lv.1 [Skills :- Eye of Hypnosis, Eye of Insights, Causality Perception, Susanoo, Time Perception, Teleportation.]

3. Dragon God's Eye - lv.1 [Skills :- Domain Of Absolute Dominance, Extinction Vision, Thirty Three Steps To Shatter Heavens.]

Special Powers/Skills :-

World Law Tree - lv.???

Talents :-

1. Illusionist - lv.5

2. Battle Instincts - lv.12

3. All Elements Control - lv.5

4. Spirit Energy Control - lv.3

5. Nature Energy Control - lv.2

6. Close Combat Forte - lv.13

7. Weapons Forte - lv.14

8. Ki Control - lv.1

Persona Growth Skills :-

1. Dragon God's Hegemony - lv.0

2. Dragon God Body - lv.1

3. Nature Dragon Body - lv.1

Battle Skills :-

1. Ninjutsu - lv.58

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2. Taijutsu - lv.29

3. Genjutsu - lv.21

4. Fuinjutsu - lv.21

5. Senjutsu - lv.14

6. Bukijutsu - lv.43

7. Dragon God Transformation - lv.1

Tactical Skills :-

1. Cooking - lv.8

2. Poker Face - lv.11

3. Mad Researcher - lv.24

4. Strategist - lv.31

5. Schemer - lv.39 ]

" .... " Ling Tian was frozen in place from shock, although his face didn't show it.

This fair skinned red armoured man is Uchiha Madara! One of the greatest antagonists in Anime.

' System!!! What have you done??!!'


' You prick! You better answer me! Do you even realize what you have done??!!'

[There is no use in blaming the System, host. As it was said, it was random modification.]

' You bastard! You gave Madara of all people, the strongest race's bloodline and also of the rarest Dragon God, The Chaos Dragon God. If that's not worse, why the fu*k does he have Ki? And 10,000 Ki level? With his basic physical stats with that Ki, he has the battle power of a 2nd stage Life Reconstruction Expert while being only a fu*king beginner in Cultivation! Even I wasn't that overpowered!!' Ling Tian said to the System in a very jealous tone.

[Calm down, host. The Original Sin Spirit Root is amplifying your envy. If host doesn't calm down, host might go out of control.]

" .... " Ling Tian tried to calm his mind while still keeping a poker face on the outside.

' System?'

[Yes, host?]

' Can I take his bloodline?' Ling Tian asked.


' Why is there no soul link between me and Madara?'

[It is because 'Uchiha Madara' does not belong to the servant category summons. Virgo belongs to the servant category just like those heroic spirits from the 'Type Moon world' host knows of.]

' I see.. That makes sense.'

Suddenly a voice interrupted his conversation with the system.

" This energy called Spirit Energy, it's much stronger than chakra. It seems to have the property of raising one's life span." Said Madara while feeling the Spirit Energy in the surrounding.

" Nature Energy... It seems to be much more advanced version of Natural Energy from my world." Madara muttered.

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Virgo was very alert right now. She could feel that this man before them is extremely dangerous and she might lose her life if she drops her guard down.

Lycka the puppy was silent in Virgo's arms. It was terrified by Madara's presence. It was feeling a natural suppression over it.

Ling Tian was the only one unaffected by Madara's presence. Dragon God bloodline might be stronger, but his Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline will never feel fear.

' This Spirit Energy can take me to unimaginable heights. And my new lineage seems to be very interesting. The Ten-tails is nothing before this bloodline. Rinnegan and Sharingan are not connected to each other in this world. Their powers far surpass my previous Dojutsus. This new eye power is also very powerful.' Madara thought as he felt his new body.

' This Ki is also very interesting. To think such an energy exist in every living being along with life force. But... Why is all this given to me? Is it just like what that voice said? Am I given an another chance to live?' Madara thought with a serious expression.

Madara then looked at the group of Ling Tian and observed them. Virgo didn't seem much in his eyes. But when he observed Ling Tian, he frowned.

His instincts are honed from battle. Madara can feel it. The young man before him is terrifyingly powerful. Even Kaguya is unable to compare to this young man.

" Are you the one that brought me here?" Madara asked Ling Tian with a serious tone while on his guard.

" You could say that." Ling Tian said.

" No. You're not the one that brought me here. Sure, you might be powerful, but I don't feel helpless before you like I felt with that voice." Madara said.

" Well.."

[Ding! Host has been warned not to divulge the existence of the Void Origin System. Extreme punishments will be applied if host doesn't heed this warning.]

Ling Tian didn't know what to say. Soon he came up with an answer.

" Well, I'm only a medium for that voice to send people of its choice to this world." Ling Tian said.

" What? Why would it do that? Is it a god?" Madara asked.

" It's not a god, it's something much higher. But it will die very soon, so it transported unfortunate people to this world and gave them another chance to live." Ling Tian said.

Virgo's eyes shined a bit.

" Why are you the medium?" Madara asked Ling Tian with narrowed eyes.

" No idea." Ling Tian said.

" .... " Madara didn't believe what Ling Tian said.

Madara turned around and started to walk away.

Ling Tian was startled by this and asked, " Where are you going?"

Madara didn't turn around and simply said, " There are so many powerful people out there. I obviously won't be stuck with you! I'll explore this world and see what level of heights I can reach."

Suddenly Madara stopped and asked, " What is your name?"

Ling Tian was surprised for a moment before replying, " Rayne, it's Rayne Ashbringer!"

" ..... I see... One day, I'll come and personally kill you." After saying that, Madara disappeared from the place.

" Uhhh..... Why would he want to kill me?" Ling Tian muttered in confusion.

' In the end, he went on his own after all. Well, he is Uchiha Madara after all.' Ling Tian thought with a wry smile.

' One Summoning lottery.... Wasted!'

' System, use the next one!'

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