The Devourer

Chapter 93

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Ling Tian looked at these people who looked like they wanted to fight him, in confusion.

Ling Tian wasn't aware of his surrounding when he was surrounded by the Heavenly lightning, so Ling Tian has no idea what these people did during that time.

" Heehh~" Ling Tian was amused by these people's 'bravery'.

It was obvious that these are aware that they are no match for Ling Tian, even though they don't know Ling Tian's strength.

Ling Tian flew towards them and landed on the ground and asked, " Do you all intend to fight me? If so, I'll give you a simple advice."

" Don't bother me, if you want to see another morning."

Yet, the opposition parties only sneered at Ling Tian's words.

Despite the superiority of his strength, getting rid of these people wasn't as easy as a snap of the fingers. The enemies were after all either Late-stage Divine Emperors or Peak Late-stage Divine Emperors in strength. People who managed to make it this far are all people with a large amount of experience gained from battle. In situations where life and death was split only by one small line, experience was a huge deciding factor.

Ling Tian could easily get rid of these people if he relies on his eye powers and the Lightning Source within him. Not to mention his Weaker version Legendary Super Saiyan transformation.

But Ling Tian's goal wasn't to kill them, but to subdue them or scare them away.


Ling Tian flared up his Ki while releasing a tremendous pressure on the opposition in hopes of scaring them away.

Although Ling Tian didn't achieve his intention, his power still scared the opposition.

"Damn! Who is this guy? How is he so strong?!"

A gray-robed man cried out as he was barely containing his fear and holding back his urge to flee. Ling Tian's pressure was too much for them to bear.

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Ling Tian's eyes widened as if sensing something. Head snapping off into a random direction, Ling Tian's face paled with anxiety!

"Crap!!! Immortal Imprisonment Formation?!" Ling Tian yelled with a pale face but others weren't able to see this because Ling Tian was wearing a mask.

Before Ling Tian could even react, Ling Tian couldn't feel any of his energy anymore as a formation lit up with four coloured lights right below him.

*Puchi!* *Puchi!* *Puchi!* *Puchi!*

Four different coloured spears with chains attached to their tail end, pierced Ling Tian and impaled him on the formation.

All this happened in a split second that Ling Tian couldn't even react because of his shock of seeing this formation.

Ling Tian knew that he was in a bad situation. The Immortal Imprisonment Formation seals away the use of all and any energy and impale the target with four divine beast spears.

No matter how strong Ling Tian is, he is in deep sh*t this time.

This wouldn't have happened if Ling Tian was on his guard, but after his power up, Ling Tian had become overconfident that he completely disregarded the fact that these people who are weaker than him could ever do anything to him.

He had completely dropped his guard, didn't even bother to look at these people seriously because of his overconfidence.

But now, he is in a position where he might even lose his life because of his overconfidence.

Ling Tian is unable to get any access to any of his energy, so his eye bloodlines and Super Saiyan transformation is also out of question since, soul power and Ki is also unable to be used by Ling Tian.

" Kkhhkk...." Ling Tian was angry with himself. To think that he, with all the experience of Devil God ended up in such a position.

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Ling Tian knew what factor he missed. It was..... Human's Greed!

Ling Tian scared away the others before with his aura. But he had underestimated the greed of cultivators, especially humans. They are willing to risk their life to get their hands on a heaven defying natural treasure like Lightning Essence.

That was why, while Ling Tian was facing off against the heavenly tribulation, these people had set up a very high levelled Formation in order to deal with Ling Tian.

The only way to break away from the Immortal Imprisonment Formation is to have more power than the catalyst used as the power source for the formation.

As for the power source, it is almost over three thousand divine cultivators and most of them were Divine Lords. Ling Tian might have overwhelming battle power, but he doesn't have enough energy to overpower thousands of divine cultivators.

A white robed man who seemed to be in his thirties floated before Ling Tian with a sneer on his face. He shot a beam of light from his finger that destroyed Ling Tian's mask, revealing his face.

"Puny 'Mysterious' bug, are you scared?"

Hearing the white robed man's words, a hideous expression appeared on the face of Ling Tian who was impaled into the ground.

If he could move now, Ling Tian would have smashed this guy into oblivion for the way the white robed man addressed him.

The white robed man laughed laughed when he saw Ling Tian's expression.

" Ah! Where are my manners. I am Liu Leishen! Known as the Heavenly Lightning Emperor, the Master of Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands! It's a pleasure to meet you, 'Mysterious' bug!" The white robed man named Liu Leishen said while mockingly smiling at Ling Tian.

One could say that Liu Leishen was really enjoying treating someone overwhelmingly powerful like Ling Tian in such a manner.

"So much for being an almighty being. But, in the end, even he is more powerful than Battle Emperor Jun, he still fell victim against master's grand formation."

A warm male youth sounded.

A tall male and short female were walking towards Liu Leishen. The male was a blonde youth who seemed to be at his twenties. The other figure was an eight- or nine-year-old girl.

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The little girl's face was as white as snow, but what was more incredible was that she had no cultivation. Her eyes were also pale-white.

Behind Liu Leishen, the blonde youth and the white-eyed little girl standing together made the scene even weirder.

"Master… he is strong... very strong... Master... not beat him…."

The white-eyed girl looked toward the Ling Tian who was impaled on the ground, with a mysterious light in her eyes.

Ling Tian still had the perk of cultivating the Genesis Empyrean's Infinity, that blocked all types of soul power and senses. So it was impossible for anyone to sense his cultivation level.

"Strong? Of course he is strong, otherwise, master wouldn't have revealed his trump card."

The white-eyed little girl looked at the bright and blonde youth, only half-understanding what he was saying.

"Uh… I forgot that you don't even know what a basic formation is …."

The blonde youth felt slightly awkward. The little girl in front of him was like a blank piece of white paper that knew nothing.

Ling Tian would have been amused by this little girl if it was any other time, but now, he doesn't have the luxury to do so as he was finding a way out of this predicament.

Liu Leishen noticed that Ling Tian's expression suddenly became calm and even carefree for some reason. He felt an uneasy sensation creeping upon his heart.

" That's enough chit chat, I suppose! Mysterious bug! You can die now!" Liu Leishen suddenly exclaimed which startled the blonde youth while the white-eyed little girl didn't show any reaction and simply looked at a distance away from Ling Tian.

A golden large axe appeared on his hand as tendrils of lightning swirled on the golden axe.

Liu Leishen swung the golden axe at the neck of Ling Tian and...

Decapitated Ling Tian by cutting off his head as a fountain of blood showered from the headless body of Ling Tian.

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" Hehe... So what if you are stronger than me? I'm still the victor!" Liu Leishen laughed.

The blonde youth also smiled.

Suddenly, the white-eyed little girl closed her eyes and after three seconds, she opened her eyes as her eyes shone with brilliant white light.

Suddenly, the surrounding started to crumble and crack like glass and then fully shattered revealing a new atmosphere, which startled Liu Leishen and the blonde youth.

Liu Leishen's eyes went wide with shock because...

A few metres away from him, Ling Tian was standing with a cold smile on his face. Clearly, Ling Tian was pissed.

" Hey... Didn't think you will see me again did you?" Ling Tian asked.

Ling Tian had four bloody wounds on his body. But if one were to look closely, they would see his would see his wounds regenerating at a speed visible to naked eyes.

Liu Leishen immediately understood what happened. He was trapped in an illusion.

Ling Tian was able to get out from the formation within seconds after he was caught off guard. If he didn't, he would be disgracing Devil God's knowledge. While he was at it, he cast an illusion so that these people would not be aware of his activity.

Ling Tian was curious about the white-eyed little girl, but he saved it for later as he is going to unleash a massacre now.

Ling Tian appeared before Liu Leishen in a flash and unleashed a flurry of fists on Liu Leishen's body. Making him look like a bloodied loser unlike his grand appearance.

Ling Tian caught Liu Leishen by his hair and asked, " Now who's the bug?"

" Some guy once said that, every battle can teach you something! Guess it was true after all." Ling Tian said

" Well, you did make me understand some of my weaknesses that went unnoticed by me, so I'll give you a painless death."

The weaknesses Ling Tian mentioned was his overconfidence and arrogance that was unknowingly building up ever since he started gaining more strength.

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