Chapter 7: Woman, you have successfully caught my attention

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“Xia Yao! Xia Yao! Let’s go take a look at the transfer student!”
As soon as Xia Yao returned to the classroom and put down the yogurt in her hand, she heard the voice of Xu Yinuan, who started to shake her with her arms.
She had no reason to refuse.
[Please, show up at the corner of Class A before 8:02 am and be sure to complete the plot of “The sweetheart of the three big bosses”.]
In the novel, Xia Yao had fallen in love at first sight with Ji Huai, how could she have missed any chance to meet with him? She had followed her friend Xu Yinan and skipped class to go see him—
And had watched him walk step by step to the seat beside the heroine, before sitting there. Xia Yao had then clenched her fists and become crazy with jealousy.
After school, she had followed her sister to the abandoned residential building and had turned her envy into strength and had kicked a kitten, which had been seen by the heroine’s second and third licking dogs.
All those plotlines and characters were connected.

Xia Yao stretched out her hand and glanced at the time on her watch.
“Give me five minutes, let me solve another problem.”
Xu Yinuan was overjoyed but when she saw the test paper on Xia Yao’s desk, she whispered: “Hey, stop writing. You’re always wrong anyway, the teacher will yell at you. Why waste your ink? Just like me, don’t hand your homework in.”
Xia Yao: I finished all my homework yesterday. Those are actually additional questions.

As soon as the bell rang at 8 am, the two girls walked out of their classroom and went all the way to Class A. They met the teachers who rushed to their respective classes in the corridor but all ignored each other. It wasn’t that they could do anything about it anyway.

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Xi Yinuan’s family was on the school’s board of directors and the teachers’ salaries were in their hands. As long as the young miss was not happy and told her parents, they risked being fired and losing their bonuses.

Xia Yao was wearing earphones and listening to English lessons when Xu Yinuan and her appeared outside of Class A. The two of them stood casually but no one dared to say anything.
The students in the A classroom all sneered coldly. They were all the best in the school and they looked down on them but they dared not say anything about it. After all, there was a high possibility they would get beaten up.

Since Ji Huai had appeared, Xu Yinuan’s eyes had never left him. Xia Yao thought they were about to pop out like two heart symbols but her friend was not the only love-struck fool.
The other girls in the classroom were also suppressing the excitement in their hearts, looking forward to seeing where the new transfer student would sit. Xia Yao glanced at Ji Huai and wondered if he was worth such a big commotion; everybody gaped at him when they saw him, without exception.

“Ah, he is as handsome as reported on the forum! Ah, I am dying!” Xu Yinuan held her chest and acted breathlessly.
“Do you need CPR?” Xia Yao asked as she supported her friend. There were so many things she couldn’t figure out; in the novel, Xu Yinuan had been obviously infatuated with Xia Yuan yet she now seemed to like Ji Huai.
“Yes.” Xu Yinuan nodded frantically, “I need him to give me CPR.”
She pointed at the teenager in the classroom, who seemed to feel her stare. He tilted his head slightly and saw Xia Yao standing outside from the window. The autumn wind gently blew her hair and he watched her bright eyes—
Roll as she said: “Okay, okay, restrain your unsatisfied dreaming heart.”

In the classroom, the teacher had already introduced Ji Huai and the next step was for him to choose a seat. Xu Yinuan had no intention of leaving and said: “I want to see where is going to sit. I hope it won’t be next to white lotus Xia Xi.”
She put her hands together at her chest’s level like she was praying, and Xia Yao rooted for her as she thought that the author would definitely not listen to her wishes.

Ji Huai looked around the classroom and found several empty seats. Because he was born with a pair of affectionate eyes, the hearts of the girls who met his gaze immediately started swaying.

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“Ji Huai, take the seat you want. Class is about to start.” The teacher reminded him.
Ji Huai nodded and his eyes flicked through the window again and fell on a bright pair. For some reason, he couldn’t help but recall yesterday afternoon’s incident; a shining and beautiful girl who solved problems violently was not necessarily a bad student, while a girl who was as pure and innocent as a white lotus might have a green tea heart.
His slender legs moved and he walked towards the last row of the classroom, bypassing Xia Xi’s seat.
“Ah! Thank you, Lord, this was really what I wanted!” Xu Yinuan exclaimed with excitement. Her voice was a little loud and every student turned to look at them.
“…” Awkward.
Seeing that her scene was over, Xia Yao covered Xu Yinuan’s mouth and dragged her away, yet in her heart, she couldn’t help but wonder who had touched the author’s pen.

By the time the two friends returned to Class F, the lesson was already halfway through. They had stopped by the cafeteria to buy ice cream on their way back and ate as they walked. They sneaked in through the back door but woke up the sleeping person in the classroom.

Xu Shizhou’s eyelashes trembled and he opened his eyes. Half-squinting, he picked up the pen beside him and poked the back of the person who just came in: “What are you eating? Why does it smell so sweet?”
Ah? When did she get a back deskmate? But this wasn’t important, listening to the lecture was best.
“Ice cream.” Xia Yao didn’t look back.
Xu Shizhou: ?? Was this person mocking him? Not only had they disturbed his nap, but also were so short with him! Xu Shizhou felt awake at once and poked the student in front of him again with his pen, not ushering another word.
Xia Yao was taking notes; she had just skipped class with Xu Yinuan and had already lost precious study time. She didn’t want to allow herself to fall behind any more, but her classmate kept bothering her. She felt really annoyed; she didn’t want to allow anyone other than the system to keep her from learning!
Xia Yao put her pen down and sighed, before turning sideways slightly. She didn’t look at her classmate but stared at the slender hand holding a fountain pen, which she snatched and broke in a split second.
She faintly said: “I am warning you, don’t disturb my studies.”

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Xu Shizhou was stunned. No one had ever dared to speak to him in this tone before! He glanced at her delicate profile and at this moment, the light of the sun on her fair face was strikingly beautiful and he immediately recognized her; she was the girl who had jumped in the queue at the convenience store this morning.
No one had ever dared to jump the line in front of him either. And now, it was—
His broken pen fell heavily on his table and the girl turned back to the blackboard.
“Hey, my name is Xu Shizhou.” He changed his pen and poked her back once more, “What’s yours?”

Xia Yao, who was trying to go back to learning, was bothered again but before she could really get angry, she heard the boy’s name. She froze and the two words echoed in her mind for a long time.
Licking dog number three.
If there was a person that should not be provoked in the novel, it wasn’t Xia Yuan, the artistic first dog, or Jihuai, the second dog with affectionate eyes and a smile that could melt glaciers, but Xu Shizhou, the third one who was a gangster boss. He had a powerful background, dealt in martial arts and his underworld status was really— hearing the wind and losing gall1.
“Xia Yao.” She turned around and stiffly raised the corners of her mouth at the boy who was full of trouble. If she remembered correctly, the main reason her character had ended miserably in the novel was that she had targeted the girl Xu Shizhou liked.
And also because she had kicked a kitten…
When he had seen her, karma had come around2; he had tied her up and kicked her leg in retribution.

The frowning teenager was stunned. He had not expected the girl would suddenly show such expression. The bright smile that bloomed on her always indifferent and alienated face looked— somewhat sweet.
The girl seemed to love to study and he had been interrupting her just now. He could guess she was irritated but was still smiling at him and suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind. He glanced at the notebook on her desk and asked: “You must be doing well in your studies. Can you lend me your notes?”

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As soon as the words fell, he regretted it; he really didn’t want to do homework at all.

Ah? What kind of plot was that? Xia Yao was taken aback for a moment but when she thought of Xu Shizhou’s temperament and of the fact that she really shouldn’t provoke him, she nodded reluctantly: “Okay, but don’t disturb me.”
The novel had never mentioned Xu Shizhou was also in Class F and Xia Yao was really surprised to see him here. Fortunately, after accepting his request, he didn’t bother her any longer.
And once class ended, the boy forgot about it and went to play basketball without asking for her notes.

After a full day of lessons, Xia Yao was still full of energy.
[Please show up in the abandoned residential building before 17:42 and be sure to complete the plot of “The sweetheart of the three big bosses”.]
The system issued a new task and Xia Yao put her pen away, before rubbing her temples and sorting out her bag.
“Xia Yao, today is so peaceful. We have no report of any scumbag cheating, do you want to celebrate with a cup of milk tea?” Xu Yinuan put her arm around her shoulders with enthusiasm.
“I have something to do today.” Xia Yao put her bag on her back, “I will treat you another day!”


The light of the sun setting fell on the concrete and the gray bricks of the building were tainted in a faint golden color.
This residential area had been deserted for a long time and the greenery inside had not been taken care of and was growing freely. A girl in a white dress walked along the path and heard the meows of a few cats from afar.
With a headache, Xia Xi was holding a can of cat food in her hand. She was so tired after class today, she really didn’t understand why she was here to feed stray cats.

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