Zhong Xu’s expressing went from stunned to stony as he asked in a deep voice: “Gu Ning, what do you mean?”

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Gu Ning explained: “After the first round of shooting. The First Company only left him and the Second Company left two men.” Gu Ning pointed out Zhai Jun, Chen Gen, and the other man from the Second Company. She then continued: “Just now, in the second round of shooting, I shot two people, so there should only be one person still ‘alive’ at the end.” Gu Ning glanced at Chen Gen and Zhai Jun before asking coldly: “Which one of you two is the ghost?”

Gu Ning was wearing an ill-fitting camouflage uniform holding the special gun in her hand. Her already small face was half-covered by a hat, making her looks more child-like yet the cold and harsh questioning that came out of her forced everyone to look at her solemnly. Moreover, in such a chaotic situation just now, Gu Ning was still able to see clearly in the situation, which was already a very frightening ability.

The atmosphere in the field dropped to an icy point.

Zhai Jun no longer knew what kind of expression was showing on his face, or rather he was too stiffened up and didn’t know what to expression.

Chen Gen was originally expressionless, and nothing changed at this moment.

Gong MengLong glanced at Chen Gen and then Zhai Jun with a strange expression before focusing on Gu Ning and asked: “You mean that someone cheated?”

The expression of one of the soldiers from the Second Company changed slightly.

“How can you prove it?” A soldier from the First Company questioned: “There was so much smoke around that you couldn’t even see the people clearly, so who knows if you managed to hit it or not? Although you are good at shooting, are you so sure that you had hit it?”

“Do you want to try again?” Gu Ning’s gaze burned into the questioning soldier.

“Why do you have to be so aggressive?” Suddenly, one of the soldiers from the Second Company sneered: “It’s all four slots anyway.”

Gu Ning’s gaze shot past like an arrow and replied coldly: “Then one of these four slots should be Zhong Xu’s.”

Zhong Xu stared at Gu Ning with amazement and touched, he didn’t expect Gu Ning to be so aggressive because she was helping to fight for the spot for him.

That Second Company soldier’s heart chilled at Gu Ning’s stern gaze, but the sneer on his face was even stronger: “If you are saying that, didn’t you still steal a spot from us too?!”

At his remark, the soldiers of the First and Second Companies, except for a few from the Third Company, all had a subtle expression on their faces. It was clear that, although they had never questioned it, they still held quite some displeased feeling against her.

Before Gu Ning could retaliate, Zhang XiaoBai spoke up and looked very annoyed at the Second Company soldier and replied: “If you say it this way, didn’t Zhai Jun of your Second Company get transferred from the military academy urgently?! You think we don’t know that Zhai Jun was urgently transferred from the military academy after pulling in some connection because the quota there was already full. He’s only been in the Second Company for a few days? You say that Gu Ning stole the spot, why didn’t you say that to Zhai Jun too?”

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The entire army knew that Zhai Jun was transferred over urgently, but the news that he was transferred over because the quota for the military school was full was the first time the soldiers had heard of it.

Zhang XiaoBai’s words instantly slapped that Second Company soldier in the face and dragged Zhai Jun down with him. Zhang XiaoBai didn’t care if Zhai Jun was innocent or not, what he wanted was, if you attack our Third Company men, then don’t blame me for firing at your Second Company. He had unknowingly taken Gu Ning as one of his own brothers.

After Zhang XiaoBai’s words, the teammate from the Third Company, all tacitly stood beside Gu Ning, silently forming a confrontation with the Second Company.

Honestly speaking, they were all in the same training ground, the three companies would more or less have some frictions, but usually, there was a boss above them and pressurize them to make peace with each other. Right now, this kind of incident caused the Second and Third Company which usually had the most contradictory, instantly meet with confrontation.

The scene was getting ugly and the tension between the two companies increased greatly.

Worried that something might have happened to cause the whole scene to become unmanageable, Gong MengLong hurriedly interjected and said: “All right, enough, let’s not chat about it now, we can’t do anything here. Let’s all go down the mountain and talk things over and let our Company Commanders decide.”

Gong MengLong had a point, so they left the mountain together.

The men from the Third Company walked at the front while the First and Second Companies soldiers were lurking at the back, unsure if it was intentional or not.

A soldier nudged Zhai Jun and asked in a whisper: “Zhai Jun, what should we do now? If it gets too big, it won’t be able to end well.”

Zhai Jun’s expression changed slightly, then stared at the soldier and replied calmly: “What do we do? We have done nothing so why should we be worried about it?”

Along the way down the mountain, all the soldiers were silences, each of them was in their thoughts.

All three Company Commanders fell into a brief silence after listening to Gu Ning’s calm but clear and precise description.

Then Zhang YueGuo, the commander of the Second Company, asked the same question: “Hey girl, we all know you’re a good shooter, but how do you justify firing all two shots and hitting them accurately in such a situation like that? Are you so confident in your marksmanship?”

Gu Ning nodded: “Yes.”

Zhang YueGuo spoke: “…….hey? Lao Xie, let me tell you, your people have already taken up two spots, there’s no need to be so aggressive right?”

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Brother San glanced at Gu Ning and seeing the determination in Gu Ning’s eyes, Brother San shifted his gaze back to Zhang YueGuo and replied with a frown: “What do you mean by being aggressive? If what Gu Ning said is true, then someone is deliberately playing some tricks and making false claims……”His sharp gaze raked over the soldiers’ faces like a knife: “A man like that, I don’t think he’s qualified for that spot.”

Zhang YueGuo interjected: “Lao Xie, what Gu Ning said was just her side of the story. We can’t believe whatever she says just because she says so, can we? Frankly speaking, you may not know the character of some people either……”

Zhang YueGuo’s words came to an abrupt halt as someone cut him off.

Chen Gen, who had been standing on the side in silence, abruptly interrupted Zhang YueGuo and said with an expressionless face: “I saw it.”

Everyone’s gazes were fixed on him.

Even the commander of First Company looked at Chen Gen with some surprises: “Chen Gen, what did you say?”

Zhai Jun stared at Chen Gen unbelievably.

Chen Gen didn’t look at anyone, but directly named the soldier who had moved at that moment, and continued expressionlessly: “If I’m right, this man suddenly stood up and ran in another direction in his “dead” state. So if I had guessed correctly, he should have deliberately disturbed Gu Ning’s attention and drawn her bullets over to cover up for Zhai Jun.”

Everyone followed Chen Gen’s pointed direction and stared at the man whom he had named out, a soldier from the Second Company called Wei Yong. Just by looking at the man’s instantly paled face, those present knew that what Chen Gen had said was true.

Zhang YueGuo’s face instantly turned gloomy all of a sudden.

Zhai Jun’s expression changed slightly, then immediately returned to its natural state, he glanced at Wei Yong with the same shocked and ashamed look as the rest of the soldiers from the Second Company around him.

Wei Yong subconsciously glanced at Zhai Jun, however, when he saw the gaze on Zhai Jun’s face, his expression was slightly bitter. Thinking about the promise Zhai Jun had made to him, his heart was astringent, so he admitted: “Yes, I had cheated, but it was an act from my own will, there is nothing to do with Zhai Jun.”

Zhang YueGuo gave Wei Yong a resentful glance before saying: “Since Wei Yong has already admitted that he did it, then he will be informed internally and be given one major demerit.” Then he turned to Gu Ning and slightly unnaturally said: “I’ll apologize on his behalf to you guys. It’s also my fault for not disciplining him properly, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Gu Ning showed great generosity, and then she continued: “So how are you going to handle this matter?”

Zhang YueGuo froze for a moment: “What how to deal with it?” Hadn’t it already been dealt with?

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Brother San guessed what Gu Ning had in mind, and he stared into the sky a second before Zhang YueGuo shifted his gazes at him.

Gu Ning stared at Zhang YueGuo and continued: “If this soldier from the Second Company hadn’t rushed out at that time, then my bullet would have fired at Zhai Jun, then Zhong Xu wouldn’t have died unjustly, so wouldn’t the quota need to be reallocated?”

Zhang YueGuo’s face, which had just eased up, turned grimly again: “Girl, aren’t you going a bit too far?”

Gu Ning refused to budge: “I think it would be more outrageous if I let Zhong Xu die unjustly.”

A soldier from the Second Company interjected: “At that time Zhai Jun and Chen Gen were both there, no matter who you shot, that was at least 50/50 chances. Why did you keep biting that it would be Zhai Jun that take your bullet?” His words were very harsh: “You don’t have to be so obvious if you have a problem with our Second Company, do you?”

Gu Ning just replied calmly: “Zhai jun shot Zhao Jie, Zou Ming, and Zhong Xu in succession at that time. If it wasn’t because someone who had delayed me, I would have at least saved Zhong Xu. Or do you think I would have chosen not to save my teammates but to shoot at Chen Gen who had been hiding behind a tree and had not shown himself?”

That soldier was rendered speechless.

Zhang YueGuo’s expression became increasingly gloomy while Zhai Jun’s face had finally changed at this point.

Brother San and First Company Commander continued to stare into the sky.

Zhang XiaoBai, who had been holding back from speaking, finally found the opportunity to speak up: “You guys should stop making excuses. If you want to talk about cheating, it’s also your Second Company’s fault. If it wasn’t for the cheating, Zhai Jun would have been eliminated by now. So it’s only right that this spot should belong to Zhong Xu. Company Commander, what do you say?!”

Brother San nodded vaguely, then continued to stare at the sky.

Zhang YueGuo’s face changed a few times before he said to Brother San: “Lao Xie, your Third Company had already taken up two spots, there are only four slots in total and three of them are from your Third Company, this isn’t too fair, is it?”

Brother San couldn’t avoid it any longer, so he glanced at Zhong Xu who was looking nervously and anticipated. He sighed inwardly, then stared at Zhang YueGuo and replied: “Lao Zhang, you can’t say things like that. Although Zhong Xu is a member of the Third Company, he is also an individual. And I am his company commander, of course, I have the responsibility to protect the reasonable rights and interests of my soldiers. Lao Zhang, I hope you can understand.” After a short pause, he continued with a painful expression: “Why not, if they managed to get into the Five Stars Brigade, I will share half, no no, a third of the prize money with you. That’s should be enough, right?”

Zhang YueGuo asked again: “There’s no more room for negotiation?”

Brother San replied with a straight face: “No.”

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“Alright.” Zhang YueGuo sighed: “Don’t forget what you had just said.”

Brother San immediately replied: “That’s absolute! Lao Zhou can testify it.”

“Don’t stand here anymore. There’s nothing more for us to do here. Let’s go.” Zhang YueGuo said to the soldiers of the Second Company, then patted on Zhai Jun’s shoulder as if comforting him and sighed: “Zhai Jun, let’s go, we have to admit when we lose.” Then he led the men of the Second Company away.

Zhai Jun coldly glanced at Gu Ning and Chen Gen, and then followed the group.

Zhang XiaoBai turned around and said to Chen Gen: “Chen Gen, thank you so much just now!”

“I’m just not comfortable with him being a teammate to face off the Five Stars Brigade together.” Chen Gen continued with an expressionless face before turning to Gu Ning and saying: “Happy working with you, two days later.”

Gu Ning smiled; “Happy to work with you too.”

On the way back to the family building, Zhong Xu solemnly expressed his gratitude to Gu Ning. Although it was just a slot, it didn’t mean that he could enter the Five Stars Brigade. Yet at least, he had the qualification to go head-on with them.

There wasn’t any training in the afternoon. Thus, they were all given half-day off.

Gu Ning then simply locked the door and went back to the space.

She spent the whole afternoon roaming around in the space and exploring.

During dinner, Brother San informed that tomorrow would be back to normal training, and the following day, they just had to wait calmly for the Five Stars Brigade arrival. After eating dinner, she chatted with the soldiers for a while before bidding goodbye. Gu Ning went back to the dormitory and phoned her parents to report about her safety. The time was already nine o’clock at night, and as soon as she locked the door, she returned to the post-apocalyptic world. It was seven o’clock in the morning of the post-apocalyptic world yet the sky was still dark.

Gu Ning pushed open the door from the utility room and met Brother San who happened to come back from using the toilet. Looking at the unkempt Brother San with messy hair and beard, Gu Ning was lost in a trance of thoughts for a moment. However, Brother San stared at Gu Ning with surprise and asked: “You didn’t sleep in here last night, did you?”

(T/N: Ahhh soon they will face off the Five Stars Brigade. It was just funny to see that Brother San and First Company Commander trying to avoid the confrontation by just looking at the sky. XD Although, they had frictions among their companies, they were all in good-relationship too. Alright, thanks for reading the chapter and now Gu Ning is back to the post-apocalyptic world again =) )

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