Yin Sang looked gloomily at the strand of hair on the ground, then stared at Zhuang Chen who was standing outside the main gate: “Zhuang Chen, you want to die!” With a raised hand, the psychic energy gushed out frantically and abruptly! Countless vines broke out from the ground in front of her! They were growing at a terrifying speed, like countless tentacles from the earth flying straight up into the sky, and then abruptly changed direction in the air and flew directly over the gate towards Zhuang Chen!

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Zhuang Chen’s expression was frozen, but she had no fear, her gaze was stern and a fierce wind rose! Hearing the sound of gusting wind, countless wind blades spun around Zhuang Chen. Then, with a single wave of her hand, the blades spun around her sped out from her side and towards the vines that had tangled and twisted together like a huge ordeal that was crushing down towards her! The sound of air slashes could be heard continuously! Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! The sound of things being cut and broken by sharp weapons kept ringing out, and in an instant, the wind blades had severed those vines all over the sky, and then one by one, those severed vines dropped from the air.

Several wind blades broke through the vines and raced forward, slashing directly towards Yin Sang’s face!

Yin Sang was horrified.

Several swishes! Those wind blades were struck on the earth wall that appeared out of thin air. Yin Qi frowned at Zhuang Chen: “Zhuang Chen, are you trying to kill her?”

Zhuang Chen replied with an icy tone: “She was the one who wanted to kill me first.”

The moment those words spoke, Yin Sang suddenly cried out in pain and covered her face. A thin fine cut by the wind blade instantly oozed blood out and stained her palm, she stared at Zhuang Chen in disbelief and her face turned pale.

Instead, Zhuang Chen didn’t even look at her but directed at Yin Qi: “Since you refuse to educate this sister of yours, I’ll do it for you. If she is still so rude to her elders next time, I won’t be just slicing that face of hers.” After saying that, she glanced at Yin Sang who was glaring at her with resentful eyes, Zhuang Chen continued faintly: “If you ever look at me with such disgusting look again, I’ll gouge your eyes out.”

Yin Qi said to Yin Sang: “Go and find Doctor Gao first.”

Yin Sang covered her face in disbelief: “Ge?!”

Yin Qi wrinkled his brows and continued: “Do you really want to die?”

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Yin Sang’s pupils shrank and her expression changed immediately. She knew that Zhuang Chen’s words were not just an empty threat. In the past, Zhuang Chen was already bold and reckless, but right now she was even bolder without the restraint of the law. Thus, Yin Sang had to put up with the humiliation and cover her face as she turned around and walked towards the infirmary. To the end, she didn’t even dare to look at Zhuang Chen again.

Zhuang Chen glanced at Yin Qi and asked: “So, are you going to open the gate to let me in now or are you going to help me to call Bai Lang over?”

Yi Qi glanced at Zhuang Chen then ordered coldly to the guards who had been completely stunned by the battle just now which had exceeded their understanding: “Open the gate.”

It took those guards a moment to react and rush over to open the gate.

Zhuang Chen got into the car and said to Fang Fa: “It’s done.” Then she drove into the colony.

“Zhuang Chen, why are you here? Shouldn’t you already be in the capital by now?” Bai Lang was slightly surprised by Zhuang Chen’s sudden appearance before returning to his normal state.

Zhuang Chen’s expression was unspeakably grim at the mention of this: “Don’t mention it again, it was difficult to contact the capital and when they agreed to send a plane to pick me up, the plane was hijacked and I almost died. If it wasn’t for that little police, you wouldn’t be able to see me now.”

“No wonder, it’s unlike your style to travel with a wounded man during this situation.” Bai Lang asked: “But who would be so daring to hijack your plane? If I had the chance, I’d really like to meet them.”

Chuang Chen snorted coldly: “You know those people. *Lie Ying.”

(T/N: 猎鹰 Liè Yīng means Falcon.)

Bai Lang was stunned for a moment, then replied: “Tch, these guys are that bold? How dare they make a move on you?”

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Zhuang Chen replied lightly: “They probably thought I wouldn’t survive. Who knew that not only was I alive, but thanks to their blessing, I had developed a special ability. When we meet again, I will let them feel what it means to die by a thousand slashes.”

Bai Lang exaggeratedly winced then said: “I definitely wouldn’t dare to offend you anyway. But what about Ji JiuZe and Yi ShaoQing? Didn’t they come together with you to Jinyong?” Bai Lang continued with malicious intent: “They wouldn’t have been eaten, would they?”

Zhuang Chen rolled her eyes at him: “Do you think Ji JiuZe looks like someone who would be eaten by zombies? We ran into a zombie swarm and got scattered. Seeing that you’ve got it pretty good here, you’re not going to use this place as your base, are you?”

“I’d like to.” Bai Lang suddenly withdrew his usual cynical look on his face and replied solemnly: “As you should have noticed, it’s not just humans, the whole world is changing now. The zombies are getting stronger and there are even zombie beasts. We can’t protect this place for too long. I’m going to leave Jinyong after all the people under my command have developed their powers and go to the downtown area to collect enough supplies.”

Zhuang Chen asked: “Getting ready to head back to the capital?”

Bai Lang replied: “Where else could we go? After all, the military is the strongest there, and no matter what, the zombies can’t break through the capital right?” He paused and said half-jokingly to Zhuang Chen: “Besides, I’ve been away from home for too long, so it’s good to have a chance to go home for a visit.”

Zhuang Chen, however, suddenly thought of something else and asked; “I see that you have gathered a lot of survivors here, so, have you ever seen such a person?”

“A female, in her twenties, wearing black sportswear, with short blonde hair……”

The more Bai Lang listened, the stranger the expression on his face became and he couldn’t help but interrupt Zhuang Chen: “Wait, the name of this person you’re looking for wouldn’t be Gu Ning right?”

Zhuang Chen was flabbergasted: “How do you know?” Then came the realization: “You’ve seen her?!”

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Bai Lang was also stunned for a moment, not expecting for it to match, and replied: “Not only have I met her, but she is also now in the colony.”

Then involuntarily he asked: “Do you have a grudge against her too?”

Zhuang Chen replied: “Of course not, where did I get that many enemies! That little girl is a friend of mine. She’s very strong!”

Bai Lang snorted: “What’s so great about her, you don’t even acknowledge Yin Sang, while she can’t even beat her. It seems like you really hate Yin Sang.”

“First of all, let me get this straight, It’s not that I hate Yin Sang, It’s just that she’s so annoying. Furthermore ——“ Zhuang Chen said with a straight face: “Yin Sang has been studying martial arts for over ten years, yet Gu Ning was an ordinary girl three months ago. Maybe now Gu Ning still can’t beat Yin Sang, but I believe she will be able to do so soon.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you speak so highly of a woman.” Bai Lang was slightly taken aback.

“That’s because she’s worth it.” Zhuang Chen smiled faintly and continued: “You should spend some time with her if you have the chance, and I’m sure you’ll agree with me too.”

Bai Lang raised his eyebrows and replied indifferently: “Really?”

Doctor Gao came out of the room, interrupting the pleasant conversation between the two of them.

“The wound is a bit deep and shows signs of infection, so stitches will have to be performed. But I’ve run out of the haemostatic anaesthetic and also the sutures left by Gu Ning last time when I was here.

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Bai Lang instantly reacted: “Don’t look at me, the medicine I’ve searched had long been used up.”

Zhuang Chen immediately frowned and glanced at Bai Lang and asked: ” Where is Gu Ning? Where is she now?”

After learning that Gu Ning had gone out, Zhuang Chen also prepared to head out, mainly to find medicine for Fang Fa. It just so happened that Bai Lang and the others were also heading out, so Zhuang Chen left Fang Fa in the infirmary and got into Bai Lang’s car while Yin Sang was forced to stay guard at the colony by Yin Qi.

On the other hand, Gu Ning was completely unaware that Zhuang Chen and Fang Fa had already arrived at the colony and right now they were discussing if they should head deeper into the downtown area or not.

Brother San and the others were all confident, stating that although there were many zombies, they had all managed to escape from there the other day. Right now, with so many special abilities users, it would be even safer.

Gu Ning said cautiously: “There are too many zombies there, and the zombies evolved earlier than the humans, so it’s hard to guarantee that a more powerful evolved zombies won’t appear in a place with such a high density.”

Brother San explained: “The last time we accidentally broke in, we found that all the supermarket shops and stuff were basically untouched, and in terms of the situation now, it’s the same as a mountain of gold and silver piled in there. Jinyong city is so big, in places we don’t know, there might even have some special abilities users that were hiding while eyeing on those supplies as well…… And if it’s true that while we’re getting stronger, the zombies are also evolving, then won’t it be the same if we don’t enter it now or future.”

Gu Ning was silent.

“I know you’re worried about our safety.” Brother said as he squeezed Gu Ning’s shoulder: “But like you said at the colony, we can only get stronger when we fight in actual combat.”

Gu Ning knew that Brother San was right, and the supplies were becoming increasingly scarce. As Brother San had said, there was no way to tell how many people were now eyeing the supplies in that part of the downtown area, so if they didn’t take advantage of the situation now, they might not even have crumbs. She glanced at the others, who all seemed to be waiting for her to make the final call. Not sure since when had Gu Ning became in the same position as Brother San in the group for decision making.

On the contrary, because of this, Gu Ning felt that the responsibility on her shoulders was getting too heavy. She glanced at Brother San, knowing that such a situation might be caused by his intention. She should thank him for looking up to her, but this responsibility was too heavy for her to bear and Gu Ning struggled slightly in her heart before finally saying: “You should decide, Brother San.”

Brother San seemed to sense the meaning of Gu Ning’s glance and was slightly disappointed but then he lifted his spirits and said with a grin: “Let’s go then! Let’s do a big job this time!”

(T/N: Woots! Next chapters would be battling scene again =) The battle crossover into two chapters, so I would upload them together. Thus, it might be slightly delayed hehe. The latest by Monday, the two chapters would be up. Please wait for a while and thank you for your kind understanding =) Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! )

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