That earth ability user had a thick green vine stuck in his chest as if he still didn’t know what was going on, and an excited and cruel smile was still frozen on his face. He looked down in amazement to see the green vine had penetrated his chest and the tip had poked straight through his chest and out from his back. His entire body was penetrated and the tip of the vine was moistened with blood and blossomed into a blood-red flower. Those half-metre-long earth spike conjured by the earth ability user lost their power and shattered to the ground.

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Immediately afterward, the earth ability user was swung up by the vine that was stuck in his chest and wheeled into the wall with a snap. The tip of the vine plunging deep into the wall, pinning the earth ability user into the wall. The earth ability user’s body twitched in pain for a while and the blood on his face faded away, leaving him hanging there with his last breath while the blood tickled down from the vine to the ground ——

Everyone present stared at the scene with incomparable dismay and shock, even the air seemed to freeze. Brother San stopped bellowing and watched dumbfounded as the one who had just been ready to nail him to death was now nailed to the wall by vines that seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Jia DaoZhang squinted his eyes and struggled from breathed in and out with his mouth. He shifted his body slightly with great difficulty, trailing along the vine that had pinned the earth ability user. A huge shock made his eyes widen in disbelief at the person standing on a huge vine that was as thick as a bucket.

Cheng Ming fell to the ground and glanced in the same direction as Jia DaoZhang. The expression on his face could not be read if he was crying or laughing. He just stared in a daze at the person who was standing on top of the vines and was rushing towards them quickly as he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Only Brother San who still had some strength left shouted in shock: “Gu Ning?!”

Gu Ning was standing steadily on top of a giant vine, the wind rustling in her ears, her short blonde hair dancing in the wind. She glanced at Brother San, Jia DaoZhang, who was hanging upside down, and Cheng Ming, whose breathing was sluggish while laying on the ground. Her wave of psychic energy surged up in a manic manner. Underneath her feet, the giant vine was rushing forward rapidly. Behind her, Zhang XiaoBai, Xiang Xu, Xiang Yi, including Hong Jie were all hugging tightly onto the vine for the fear of being thrown off.

This unbelievable scene caused everyone to be speechless.

Just as they were shocked.

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

The sound of three heavy objects crashing to the ground rang out.

It was as if the three people who had fallen from the sky were dropped like worthless sacks to the ground.

“Jiang Xue?!”

The plant ability user cried out in shock as he stared at the person who had been thrown to the ground.

The three people who fell from the sky were none other than Jiang Xue, Sun Guang, and Liang Long, who had gone after Zhang XiaoBai and Xiang Xu!

Jiang Xue dropped to the ground, her face was pale and in extreme pain. Not knowing how many bones had been broken in her body and she looked completely different from the high-spirited person just a few minutes ago. The other two were lying motionless on the ground, unsure whether they were dead or alive.

Jiang Xue cried out in her last few breaths: “Help, help me ——“

Wang Bo stared at the Jiang Xue and the others on the ground in shock and snapped out of it. He didn’t even want to see who was the owner of the vine, and almost instantly without hesitation, his psychic energy surged out wildly and conjured countless water walls out from the flat ground! In the blink of an eye, a dozen or so water walls were erected!

With a wave from Gu Ning, several small arm-thickness vines instantly broke out of the ground! As they grew rapidly, they quickly tangled together and twisted into a single thick vine which then drew a graceful arc in the air before crashing towards the dozen walls of water! The soft vine, which had always been known for its binding skills had now become a powerful weapon!

All that could be heard was the sound of splattering water! The vines effortlessly destroyed the first water wall, then the second, the third, and the fourth —— The seemingly strong and indestructible water wall, looked as fragile as tofu right now and the crashes from the vines made them turn into raindrops and splashed onto the floor. The water wall only stalled the vines for a moment before the huge vine crashed through all the water walls destructively without reducing their speed as they charged straight towards Wang Bo!

The dozens of water walls were all destroyed in less than a few seconds! Wang Bo’s pupils instantly shrank and he retreated sharply. He no longer cared about the consumption of his psychic energy and it gushed out frantically. Instead of creating water walls for defences, he had conjured numerous water arrows that drained up thirty percent of his remaining psychic energy! Then with a wave of his hands, the hundreds of water arrows all shot densely towards the vines!

The water arrows looked transparent and watery, but they were not weak in their strength and a hundred arrows in a single shot was even more powerful! The arrows showed off their great power as they met the incoming vines in the mid-air. The vine had already been drained of most of its strength by the dozens of water walls it had passed through, and when they collided, the vine was shattered by the numerous water arrows after lasting a few seconds of resistance!

When Wang Bo saw his water arrows shattered the vine, his spirits lifted and he shouted to the already frozen plant ability user: “Huang Fei!”

Huang Fei, the plant ability user, finally recovered from his shock. Seeing the miserable state of the earth ability user, and Jiang Xue and the others, he knew that if he didn’t put in all his efforts in this fight, he would suffer the same fate. Thus, he immediately got up his spirits and mobilized all his powers to prepare for the attack.

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Gu Ning had reached them by now, Zhang XiaoBai, Xiang Xu, and the others all jumped down from the giant vine. Luo Long even vomited, while the rest ran to rescue Jia DaoZhang, Brother San who were hanging upside down as the other checked on Cheng Ming’s condition.

Wang Bo yelled: “Huang Fei! Attack!”

Huang Fei released all his psychic power and a dozen of vines broke out from the ground, twisted, and rushed towards Gu Ning!

While he was attacking Gu Ning with all his might, Wang Bo stuffed a replenishing transparent crystal core into his mouth, then suddenly retreated after finishing conjuring dozens of water walls! He darted in the opposite directions instantly!

Huang Fei looked incredulously at Wang Bo as he ran away. It was clear that Wang Bo was using him to hold back Gu Ning so that he could escape!

With a single wave from Gu Ning, countless vines grew up and directly wrapped away Huang Fei’s vines before one of them stabbed into his body and pinned him next to the earth ability user.

Gu Ning’s gaze was icy as she stared at Wang Bo’s back view in the distance as he ran desperately and frantically, and she was about to activate her psychic powers to chase after him.

Hong Jie’s anxious voice rang out: “Gu Ning! Cheng Ming can’t make it!”

Gu Ning saw Wang Bo disappear behind the building but she gave up without any hesitation for the pursuit and ran over to Cheng Ming’s side instead.

Cheng Ming was laid flat on the ground by Hong Jie, his eyes were closed in pain and when he heard Gu Ning’s footsteps, he struggled to open his eyes with difficulty. When he saw that it was really Gu Ning, he wanted to smile at her yet he couldn’t even control his facial’s muscle. He was still bleeding from the earth spike that had poked through his abdomen and caused him to lose too much blood. Cheng Ming thought that he was probably going to die and since he was able to see Gu Ning again, he could at least rest in peace. However, there was something he hadn’t said to her and he swallowed hard with difficulty before preparing to speak his last words.

“Shut up.” Gu Ning coldly stopped him: “Don’t speak and just close your eyes.”

Cheng Ming almost couldn’t catch his breath but still obediently closed his mouth yet he refused to shut his eyes and squinted to look at Gu Ning.

“Pass me the knife.” Gu Ning stretched out her hand to the side.

Luo Long hurriedly handed the knife to Gu Ning, who carefully cut off all the clothes next to the wound, revealing the full extent of the wound. It looked particularly ghastly with the earth spike plugged deeply into the flesh.

Gu Ning glanced at Cheng Ming before saying: “Zhang XiaoBai, come over here.”

Zhang XiaoBai hurriedly rushed over.

Gu Ning instructed: “Pluck out the earth spike.”

“What? ? ? ! ! ! “ Zhang XiaoBai stared at Gu Ning with a shocked expression. The earth spike had penetrated Cheng Ming’s entire abdomen, if he just pulled it out hastily, it was likely that Cheng Ming would die on the spot.

Gu Ning didn’t have any time to explain and just instructed: “I’ll countdown from three, then you will pluck it out.”

Zhang XiaoBai stared into Gu Ning’s eyes, before he solemnly nodded, then trembled as he gripped onto the outermost area of the earth spike that had remained out of the wound.

Gu Ning glanced at Cheng Ming and said calmly: “One.”

Zhang XiaoBai tensed up.


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Xiang Yi covered Xiang Xu’s eyes.

Gu Ning, right now was staring at Cheng Ming’s wound with full concentration, placing her hands on either side of the earth spike.

“Three ——“

Everyone’s heart jumped ——

“Ah!” Zhang XiaoBai shouted and with great force, he pulled the earth spike out of Cheng Ming’s body! There was blood spurting out! Cheng Ming’s face instantly turned a few shades paler than previously as his whole body twitched violently and fainted from the immersed pain ——

Gu Ning’s hand, which had been placed beside the earth spike, immediately pressed down onto the wound the moment the earth spike was plucked out while closing her eyes.

The green ocean in the space suddenly fluctuated and then began to rotate at high speed which formed a huge whirlpool from the middle while a column of water rose and spun towards the sky —— There were countless green dots of light emerging from Gu Ning’s palms and flowed into Cheng Ming’s wound ——

Xiang Xu was covered by Xiang Yi’s eyes, but that did not prevent her spiritual power from perceiving it.

She sensed that the green dots of light emerging from Gu Ning’s palms and was shocked: “What a powerful fluctuation of psychic energy ——“ A powerful fluctuation meant that the amount of psychic energy was also greatly consumed.

Gu Ning closed her eyes and concentrated on directing the green seawater from the space to pour into Cheng Ming’s wound. An endless stream of green seawater rose from the ocean into the air, transforming into green dots of light in Gu Ning’s palm while entering into Cheng Ming’s body through her guidance, rapidly repairing all the organs damaged by external forces ——

Brother San and the incredibly weak Jia DaoZhang looked incredulously at the occasional green dots of light leaking out of Gu Ning’s palm. Although they didn’t know what these green dots of lights were for, they were very clear that Gu Ning was trying to save Cheng Ming.

Zhang XiaoBai and Zhong Xu, who had already been rescued and treated by Gu Ning, still felt very shocked even when they saw it for the second time.

Gu Ning’s hand slowly detached itself from Cheng Ming’s abdomen.

The crowd of onlookers subconsciously padded over.

The bloody hole in Cheng Ming’s stomach that ran through his abdomen had disappeared. If it weren’t for the residual blood on his stomach, it would have been as if he wasn’t injured at all. Cheng Ming remained unconscious due to the loss of a large amount of blood.

Jia DaoZhang was shocked till speechless: “This……”

Gu Ning smiled: “These are my psychic power, the plant, and healing ability.”

Jia DaoZhang swallowed hard: “This is incredible.”

Gu Ning used the same technique again to heal the wounds on Jia DaoZhang and Brother San.

Jia DaoZhang was still immersed in this shock.

Brother San, however, asked: “Gu Ning, what was the reason for your disappearance then?”

Gu Ning replied mysteriously: “I’ll explain it to you all later.”

By the time they reached the supermarket, with a little wave from Gu Ning, the entire shelf of stuff had all vanished into the thin air!

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Everyone’s jaws dropped.

Brother San stared at the empty ground, not knowing if he should be nervous, excited, or even scared. His tongue was tied in a knot before asking: “What, what’s going on here?”

“This is my other psychic power. I call it the Spatial ability.” Gu Ning replied, spreading out her hand, and there was an extra packet of chips that appeared on her palm. As soon as she closed her palm, the chips disappeared again: “To put it simpler, it’s similar to a large storage cabinet, but the key to this locker is only available to me.”

Everyone’s mouth was left hanging wide open.

Jia DaoZhang asked: “So, how much stuff can you fit in this large storage cabinet?”

Gu Ning thought about it, even she didn’t know how much could she fit in her space, so once again she showed a mysterious smile and said: “Follow me.”

Everyone just followed Gu Ning in a dumbfounded manner, and then they saw that everywhere Gu Ning had been to, all the things in that place disappeared! She managed to empty the entire first floor of the department store.

All of them felt like they were hallucinating as they watched the vast first floor of the department store which had been filled with shelves and various items become unbelievably empty.

Afterward, they followed Gu Ning to the second floor.

The second floor was selling clothing and attires.

Gu Ning walked around for a while and then it was fully emptied.

The third floor was selling all kinds of home appliances. After Gu Ning strolled around, it was also cleared away.

When they reached the fourth floor, it was all filled with all kinds of household products. Gu Ning took a stroll again, and it was also fully emptied.

The group of people who stood behind Gu Ning were all in a trance.

Finally, Brother San broke down and whined: “Gu Ning, how is that a storage cabinet, where can we find a locker that can hold that much stuff!”

Zhang XiaoBai also broke down: “Gu Ning, you’re practically incredible! Either there was no psychic power or suddenly you had developed three psychic powers! Three psychic abilities! How can that be justified? How can the rest of us live?”

Only Jia DaoZhang’s eyes narrowed with joy, sighing that he really had good foresight, that he had known from the beginning that Gu Ning was someone special. Now, she even had three psychic abilities at once, what a crazy concept?!

All the soldiers had all gone crazy.

Gu Ning spoke solemnly: “ I hope you all can help me to keep my healing ability a secret and it’s best not to share with anyone about my spatial ability too.”

Brother San calmed down and continued: “That’s right if that news of your psychic abilities leaked out,  I’m afraid it will be disastrous.” In the post-apocalyptic world, the medical conditions were unimaginably poor, if others knew that Gu Ning had healing powers, the trouble caused would be beyond their imagination.

All the people presented obviously understood the consequences and all of them agreed to it.

Then, they all joyfully flocked around Gu Ning and travelled down to the first floor.

When Bai Lang, Zhuang Chen, and the others arrived at the Haining Department Store, they knew that the place had been visited by someone when they saw the earth wall that had been crumbled at the entrance and the wet mud footsteps all over the floor. However, they were stunned when they entered and faced the empty first floor and all fell into a short silence.

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Then a man spoke in shock: “How is that possible?!”

Zhuang Chen was also a little shocked.

She had been here the day before the apocalypse happened, and there was a huge variety and quantity of stuff. There was no way it could have been moved away so cleanly, not even a scattered biscuit on the floor and even the shelves were all gone. How was this possible?

Just as they were all greatly perplexed.

Some people were coming down from the second floor.

The sound of footsteps mixed with the relaxed laughter was very eye-catching.

As soon as Bai Lang waved his hand, all the special abilities users including Zhuang Chen prepared themselves for the first exchange of blows.

Both sides froze as soon as they met.

Especially when Zhuang Chen saw Gu Ning on the escalator, she couldn’t help but blurted out: “Gu Ning?!”

Zhuang Chen’s red hair was extraordinarily conspicuous and Gu Ning naturally saw her at a glance, and was still a little stunned: “Zhuang Chen? Why are you here?”

Gu Ning was really too surprised, if nothing went wrong, Zhuang Chen should be with Fang Fa now, already reached the capital or on the way to the capital…… Her heart suddenly thumped, her eyes searched quickly in the crowd next to Zhuang Chen, and didn’t find that familiar face. Suddenly her expression changed slightly: “Where’s Fang Fa? Where is he?”

When Zhuang Chen noticed the changes of expression in Gu Ning’s face, she hurriedly explained: “He is fine for the time being, and is now at your colony.”

Gu Ning relaxed a little and then questioned: “What do you mean he’s fine for now?”

Zhuang Chen replied: “He was injured and I am here to find medicine for him.”

Gu Ning asked as she walked down the escalator: “Is he badly injured?”

When this unfamiliar name spoke from Gu Ning’s mouth, Brother San, Jia DaoZhang, and the rest were all curious about this person as none of them knew him. Plus, it was very obvious that this person was very close to Gu Ning.

“It’s a bit of a problem.” Zhuang Chen frowned and continued: “The doctor said he needed an operation, but there were no tools and medicines. I just came out here to look for these things and I didn’t expect to meet you first.”

Gu Ning replied: “I have all these things.” She asked directly: “So are you coming with me now or?”

Without hesitation, Zhuang Chen agreed: “I’ll go with you.”

Bai Lang’s expression was a bit stunned: “Zhuang Chen?”

Zhuang Chen stared at Bai Lang with a straight face and answered: “What? I came out to look for medicine and Gu Ning in the meantime. So of course, I’ll leave first after finding everything I’ve needed at once.”

(T/N: Tada!!! The long awaited Gu Ning’s psychic abilities totally revealed! Woooots just in time for the last day of 2021!
Thank you all for reading this and chasing this novel translation till the end of this year! haha =)
Hope everyone will have a great day and a wonderful start of the new year 2022. Happy New Year Everyone! Stay safe and healthy!
Thank you, De Vile, my editor who had been trying to edit all my previous chapters. XD Hope we can continue working well for next year too!)

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