Originally, Jia DaoZhang was forced by Fang Fa to go out for a stroll around the colony with him. Fang Fa looked at the survivors whose lives were countless times harder than theirs and felt very uncomfortable. Seeing his gloomy look and knowing that he used to be a policeman, Jia DaoZhang knew exactly what he was feeling now and dragged him away. Yet, when they were passing through the gates, they met a couple of small groups who had come over from Zhongnan City in search of their relatives. Thus, they received an important piece of information from them.

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The two of them returned to the dormitory and immediately told Gu Ning about the information.

In the evening after having their dinner, Gu Ning asked Huang MengYao to send all the children back to their rooms. Everyone else gathered and held a meeting.

Gu Ning nodded at Jia DaoZhang, signalling him to speak up.

Jia DaoZhang cleared his throat for a moment before speaking up: “The current situation is that the Zhongnan side had built a large base with the support of the capital. There are around 100,000 survivors with aircraft and artillery to defend against the zombies. I’ve heard they have electricity, and the management is better. We can’t defend this small colony for long, so before we are surrounded by zombies, I suggest that we move to the Zhongnan Base.”

This information from Jia DaoZhang had silenced the room of people.

The soldiers all glanced at Brother San but Cheng Ming, Huang MengYao and the few others focused on Gu Ning.

Gu Ning glanced at Brother San and then Hong Jie: “Brother San, Hong Jie, what are your thoughts?”

Hong Jie didn’t expect Gu Ning to ask her opinion on this, but she also perked up at once and replied after looking at the crowd: “Then I’ll say what I think. If we are leaving, then it’s better to leave now instead of later. That base is large so it will definitely attract more survivors. If we don’t go there soon, I’m afraid there won’t be a place for us. If we’re going, then we need to be there before it’s too late.”

Brother San explained his thoughts too: “I’m a bit sad to leave, but with just a few of us, we won’t be able to defend this place. As Hong Jie said, if we really want to leave, we might as well go before it’s too late. Living in a big base is definitely better than being worried here all the time, furthermore, we can leave the kids at the base without worries when we go out and kill zombies.”

Gu Ning nodded as what they said was correct. Here, they had to always be on guard in case the colony was besieged by zombies at any moment. Even when they go out to hunt, they can’t put their minds at ease and have to leave a good number of special abilities users to guard their place. If they went to a larger base, then they would be able to spare more people to go out together when hunting for crystal cores. As of now, the hunt for crystal cores and gaining actual combat experience is way more important.

Their chances of success from breaking out from a siege of a few mutated zombies relied on the tacit understanding between their teammates that they quickly built up during their recent battles.

There were already enough supplies inside her space to last them a year.

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The subsequent supplies Gu Ning collected had at least several millions worth of weapons in her space, the other world could also be considered as her spare warehouse too.

The most important thing now was to ensure the safety of Father Gu and Mother Gu, as well as the people she wanted to protect.

As Gu Ning thought of this, she glanced at a room of people where some were vaguely nervous and some were looking at her with expectant gazes and said: “In that case, Brother San, Hong Jie, let’s leave tomorrow morning at dawn.”

Brother San was a little stunned; “So soon?”

Gu Ning smiled a little: “Didn’t you also say that it was better to leave as early as possible? And since it had already been decided, then there is no point in staying behind for a few more days.”

Hong Jie agreed with a smile: “Then tonight we shall rest well, and get up in the morning to pack and leave!”

From the beginning till the end, Gao Yue didn’t make any comments.

With this decision, some people were happy and some were slightly upset.

Shi Tou was one of those who did not want to leave: “Why must we go to Zhongnan when we are staying here so well…”

Zhang XiaoBai poked his head and made fun of him: “You are really a stone head, tonight’s meeting was in vain. All you have to know is that this is a strategic shift for us, why do you have to think so much!”

Shi Tou was still a bit sullen.

Except for a few, most of them were actually vaguely looking forward to the Zhongnan Base, curious about what the so-called large base was like. They also longed from their hearts to be able to blossom in a broader world.

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After everyone had dispersed, Gu Ning found Gao Yue and gave her a coloured crystal core.

Even Gao Yue, staring at the crystal clear bead in her hand, was in shock: “This is the…… crystal core?” Every day, she saw people from the colony go out, a hundred of them went out and only ten to twenty had returned, all for the little thing she was holding in her hand right now. She knew that this was the crystal core and that there was a certain probability of developing psychic powers after eating it. Her gaze was a little fiery, but more than that, she was very puzzled.

Gu Ning smiled and just stated: “I’m really a generous boss, aren’t I? I wish you success then.” After saying these words, Gu Ning turned and walked away.

Gao Yue slowly gripped the crystal core in her hand, her gaze following Gu Ning’s back view with some odd emotion rising in her heart.

Early the next morning, the children watched the adults go around with their business, and were a little surprised. Most of them were a little frightened to know that they were about to leave the colony. They had almost forgotten the dangers of the outside world because they had been living so peacefully for some time. However, now that they were suddenly leaving what they deemed as a warm and safe “home”, they felt scared from the bottom of their hearts. A small part of that fear was subconsciously fearing that they would be left behind by Gu Ning and the others. After all, no one wants to bring a child on the road with them.

In the midst of most of the children’s fears and anxieties, Wu Sen, Zuo You, and Wo Wo tagged along in helping the adults with arranging the pots and pans while they were waiting for Gu Ning to store them back in the space. The three children were busy like little adults. There were times when Wo Wo couldn’t help but steal a glance at Xiang Xu, who was sitting on the sofa without having to do anything, and her hands which were carrying things gained more strength.

When Hong Jie greeted the children and got them onto the bus, the previously nervous and terrified children immediately cheered.

When a few children passed by Wu Sen who was standing at the side with Zuo You and Wo Wo, they cursed in a low voice: “Bootlicker!”

Wo Wo’s face was flushed and about to go over and argue with them but Wu Sen stopped her: “Let them be.”

Zuo You joined in and said in a hurry: “Yes. Let’s just do our own thing and not cause any trouble.”

Wo Wo replied resentfully: “But they are badmouthing us! I will go and tell Sister Gu Ning!”

“Don’t!” Zuo You interjected quickly: “The adults have a lot of things to do, so don’t add on to their worries for us. It’s not like you’ll lose any meat if you get belittled.” Then he continued with a small grin while clutching his tummy; “I’ll have to thank them if I really lose some meat!”

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Wo Wo was so upset but when Zuo You said that, she broke into chuckles and nagged: “Look at your fat body, be careful of being caught and eaten! I don’t know how you could not lose any weight at all.” They had heard from the soldiers about the story of cannibalism and often used it to scare Zuo You.

Zuo You replied in agony: “I was born fat, what else can I do about it.”

Xiang Xu stood in the doorway, looking at the three of them smiling together and she was slightly envious of them.

Xiang Yi smiled and nudged: “Xiang Xu, go join and play with them.”

However, Xiang Xu just grunted: “I’m not a child anymore.” Yet her gaze was still staring at the three of them.

There were a total of three vehicles.

The two military trucks were in the front and at the back while the big lorry was in the middle.

Although they left very early, several people noticed their departure. The children were taken with them so it was not hard to guess that they were leaving the colony instead of going out for their daily zombie hunting.

After all the three vehicles had left.

The news immediately spread throughout the colony and the residents were all in a panic at once.

Although Brother San and the others had not deliberately said that they were there to protect them, they had always been the ones guarding the gates. Everyone knew that as long as those special abilities users were here, they would always be at the frontline of whatever happened, and they were their spiritual support in the colony every day. Yet, now that they had left, the residents felt that they were exposed to great danger, and the collapse of their spiritual support brought them endless fear.

There were quite a few quick-witted people who ran to the courtyard where Brother San and the rest had lived. Immediately, they found quite a few supplies that were left behind and they didn’t know whether they had left it unintentionally or deliberately by Brother San.

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Only Lin MeiFeng, after looking at the empty courtyard, started cursing: “F*ck it! No wonder your big sister suddenly became so kind and sent us two bags of food last night! In the end, it was just to chase us away! They’ve all left!”

Jiang Yu just stood there with a stiff expression as she watched Lin MeiFeng curse.

Lin MeiFeng stopped cursing as she saw a man come out of the building cheerfully while holding a bag of bread! She darted over to grab the bread from the man’s hand: “Everything in here is ours! Who told you to take it? Put it all down! Put it down!”

“Where’s this crazy b*tch came from! Get out of my way!” That man was dying with hunger and had just picked up a bag of bread, how could he withstand someone from snatching it away? He kicked and punched Lin MeiFeng and knocked her to the ground.

Lin MeiFeng fell to the ground, whining and cursing while slapping on her legs: “Why didn’t you two come over and help! You both are driving me crazy! All the things here are ours! And the both of you just watched them taking away our stuff! Oh my God! Why did I marry such a loser like you? Even your own sister disowned you!”

However, no matter how she belittled them, Jiang YueZhou and Jiang Yu stood aside with a stony expression, without uttering a single word nor going to help her.

Gu Ning and the others were unaware of these things. They were on their way to Zhongnan at the moment.

When Luo Long and the others stayed behind, they followed Hong Jie’s instructions and opened a few windows in each carriage so that the people inside could get some air but also check the situation outside. It was better than the previously enclosed carriage, but the comfort level was still lacking, so Jia DaoZhang chatted about hijacking a bus along the way which would be more comfortable for their journey.

Before the apocalypse, journeying to Zhongnan and Jinyong would take around five to six hours by train, or seven to eight hours by car. However, right now it was the post-apocalyptic world, and the road towards it was full of unknown dangers.

Each of them prayed in their hearts for a smooth journey, but they also knew at the same time that it would be impossible.

Gu Ning didn’t look out of the window at the rapidly receding scenery, but stared into the far distance in the direction of Zhongnan, wondering what it would be like there? What would be waiting for them ahead?

(T/N: This suppose to be Friday update hahaha. Sorry for the delay.)
(Editor: De Vile)

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