I became aware of the reality I didn’t want to believe and three years passed.

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“Sierra, I’m here.”

“Oh, Arzen.”

Since the day I learned the truth of this world, I became friends with Arzen.

My father didn’t bring Arzen before me with the intention of making him my friend like he did with other kids our age.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yeah, you gave me energy yesterday too.”

Like Jenna, Arzen was also a healer, and it seemed that the power he possessed helped improve my condition.

Regardless of whether it was the original or not, it was a matter directly related to my survival, so I actively became friends with Arzen as my father wished.

At first, it was a bit difficult because Arzen had a timid personality, but as time went by, we naturally grew closer.

Thanks to Arzen, I have regained my health to a great extent.

These days, I don’t have to take medicine separately, and I haven’t had nosebleeds either.

Arzen would come to the mansion whenever he had time and use his abilities to help me.

I was curious why he cared about me so much, but I only recently found out the reason.

‘I thought of Jenna the moment I saw you for the first time.’

Jenna, Arzen’s missing twin sister and the protagonist of this world.

Arzen said that our atmosphere was similar.

‘Jena was also weak like you. That’s why I felt more concerned and wanted to help. Of course, she doesn’t resemble you anymore. Jenna was a very quiet and kind child, but Sierra, you…’

Arzen stopped speaking there and awkwardly laughed when he saw my sharp gaze.

Anyway, it was only natural for us to become closer as we saw each other frequently.

I looked at Arzen.

The Bluish-silver hair that fluttered around his shoulders and the seductive deep blue eyes.

‘It’s confusingly similar to Jenna.’

Arzen had a neutral charm that could be mistaken for a girl at first glance.

Because of his unreal appearance, he seemed to have a reputation even in social circles, but in my eyes, he was just a cheerful boy.

As I saw Arzen’s wide smile, a recent issue that had been bothering me came to mind.

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The memories of my past life were vividly recalled as if they happened just yesterday, but the recently emerging content from the original work was a bit troublesome.

Arzen wouldn’t die in my hands, unlike in the original work.

There was no reason for that to happen to me.


‘Even if it’s not me, if it’s original, I’m destined to die by Ludwig.’

In the original work, there was a commonality among the targets that Ludwig went on a rampage and killed.

Crown Prince, Duke of Millain, Duke of Selver, Master of Magic Tower, Archbishop…

They were either the owners of the founding noble family that established the Terium Empire. or their heirs.

The owners of the founding noble family received a special power called the “Blessing of Terium” from the beginning, and Ludwig instinctively slaughtered those who possessed that power.

‘Unwillingly, not intentionally.’

The Terium Empire was founded by the founding hero who sealed the evil dragon Vergeus.

The evil dragon had been seeking only opportunities for revenge for thousands of years in the depths of a lake, and it was known that Ludwig, a distant descendant, had inherited a significant portion of his power.

In the end, the soul of the evil dragon seized the body of Ludwig at the opportune moment.

The evil dragon sought out and slaughtered those who possessed the “Blessing of Terium,” causing the protagonists, to vanish like dust.

…That was the part of the original work that recently came to mind.

‘The problem is that Arzen’s Selver family is also a founding noble family.’

As a prominent heir, the Duke passed down the “Blessing of Terium” to Arzen at an early age.

The blue butterfly pattern beneath Arzen’s right eye was the evidence.

In other words, if Ludwig goes on a rampage and falls under the control of the evil dragon, Arzen will also be killed by his hands.

Is that all?

In the original work, it was not mentioned that Ludwig fell into silence before going on a rampage, but our Drenihan family was also a founding noble family.

Currently, the Blessing of Terium is held by the head of the family, my grandfather, but there was a high possibility that my father would inherit it soon.

‘If my father and Arzen are also killed by Ludwig’s rampage…’

As I briefly recalled the chilling scene from the original work, a sense of horror came over me.

‘That can’t happen!’

I turned to look at Arzen.

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Seeing Arzen, who still appeared more like a delicate young boy than a sturdy man, he seemed completely defenseless against Ludwig.

“Grow up quickly.”

You need to grow up so that you can protect yourself, and then I’ll find a way to help you.

“What? What are you talking about, Sierra?”

Arzen chuckled and gently stroked my head.

“I’m much bigger than you, you know.”


I raised my head stiffly and glared at Arzen.

This guy who is just big in size.

I almost snapped, but as a two-time lifer, I engraved patience into myself.

“That’s right, your birthday is coming up soon. Isn’t there something you want?”

“Hmm… Nothing.”

The only thing I didn’t have was good health. Other than that, I had everything. I, Sierra Drenihan, possessed everything else.

It was natural for me to have no desires.

“You really have no ambitions.”

“If you fill me with the power of healing, that’s the best gift for me.”

“I always feel that way, seeing me as some kind of remedy, you…”

Arzen said, looking at me with disbelief.

I shrugged my shoulders in response.

It was the same repertoire every year.

I never wanted anything, yet Arzen always managed to bring a fairly nice gift.

The approaching birthday celebration was no different from any other year, just a typical event like always.

Until now, I had no idea of what awaited me in the future.

* * *

Time flew by, and before I knew it, it was the day of the birthday celebration.

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My father, known as the most influential figure in the empire, held a grand celebration for my birthday every year, attracting quite a number of guests.

Of course, they came not just to celebrate my birthday but also to establish connections with my father, who was regarded as the prominent heir of the Drenihan Duchy.

Every year, I would briefly show my face and quickly retreat to my room, feeling drained.

While observing the guests gathering like a dense cloud, a fresh bouquet of flowers was handed to me.

“Happy birthday, Sierra.”

Arzen smiled brightly and handed me a large bouquet of roses.

“Thank you, Arzen.”

Arzen also placed a small tiara on my head along with the bouquet.

The delicately crafted tiara with diamond accents complemented my dress perfectly.

“Thank you for always taking care of our Sierra, Arzen,” my father, who was welcoming guests by my side, said with a smile to Arzen.

My father knew that my noticeable improvement in health was thanks to Arzen. His abilities had been gradually affecting me.

It seemed that the rumors about the Selver Duchy possessing the most powerful healing power in the history of the noble houses were not unfounded.

At that moment, an unwelcome voice came from nearby.

“Once again, you’ve prepared an excessively extravagant celebration, Brother.”

It was Orzen Drenihan, my father’s younger brother and my step-uncle, along with his son, Kalik.

“It’s Sierra’s birthday, which only happens once a year.”

Orzen had fiercely competed with my father for the succession, but he couldn’t surpass my father in any aspect, and the resulting sense of inferiority was still ongoing.

As they say, excessive feelings of inferiority ruin a person, and Orzen had become a wretched man who indulged in drinking, gambling, and resorted to violence on futile days.

Wasn’t it said that character traits were inherited?

His son, Kalik, was also a scoundrel.

“Well, naturally, we should prepare such a lavish celebration. After all, she may not have many days ahead.”

Such a birthday joke. It was a statement delivered with that kind of tone.

Kalik chuckled maliciously, sweeping his red hair, so similar to my father’s, to the side.

‘He’s still so naive even as an adult.’

Ignoring someone like him was the best response. Engaging with him would only provoke his temper.

That’s how I thought, but it seemed my father didn’t share the sentiment.

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“Kalik, you should learn how to speak properly.”

Suddenly, a cold expression settled on him, and unlike his usual self, an indescribable sense of intimidation emanated from him.

Kalik’s body trembled involuntarily when he faced that cold face, as if winter had arrived, and he began to whimper.

“Don’t take my joke so seriously. Well, it may not be entirely wrong, but it’s just a comment. Let’s go, Kalik.”

Orzen forced a smile while wiping off his sweat, lightly tapping my father’s shoulder as he passed by.

I was fine, but I held my father’s hand, fearing that he might not be in a good mood.


Upon hearing that, he immediately erased his dark expression and smiled warmly.

“It’s unusual for you to call me ‘Dad.’ Don’t pay any attention to what they say. You will definitely recover completely.”

“I don’t care at all.”

Whether people speak kindly or not, it doesn’t matter.

I laughed cheerfully and hugged my father tightly.

At that moment, a voice that made me suspicious reached my ears.

“His Excellency Persil Karsian, the Duke, and his nephew, Ludwig Karsian, have arrived!”

What? What did that man just say…

‘I was wondering when I would meet the other main characters.’

Ludwig Karsian?

I should have read the list of participants for the birthday celebration, which had been sitting on the desk for a few days, more carefully.

Well, even if I knew, what difference would it make?

“Oh, how rare for the Duke of Karsian to appear as a guest.”

“I’m seeing him for the first time. He’s known to be reclusive, so today must be my lucky day.”

“Indeed, as the rumors say, he never takes off that mask. There must be a reason for him to hide and conceal himself so thoroughly unless there are no blemishes on his face…”

“But his eyes are clearly visible, bright yellow…”

“The bloodline of a wicked dragon…”

Among the crowd of people, the protagonist stood out prominently as he entered the reception hall.

It was the moment I first encountered the future destroyer.

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