“It’s warm.”

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Ludwig leaned against a tree and placed his hand near his collarbone.

It was a warmth that was different from the symptoms of a rampage, a warmth that was more comforting than painful.

Yet, there was a sharp sensation as if something was being engraved deep within.

Someone seemed to have etched it near his collarbone, causing a tingling sensation.

Ludwig quickly determined its identity.


It was difficult to gauge just how much meaning was contained in that single word.

In a fleeting moment, Ludwig was imprinted by Sierra.

Among the Dragon blood Tribe, who inherited the blood of dragons, they only experience one imprint in their lifetime.

The catalyst for imprinting varies, but the common characteristic is that it is imprinted on someone who evokes intense emotions that they will never experience again in their life.

It can happen when falling in love or when harboring deep respect for a priest.

Sometimes, when one feels immense gratitude for being saved by someone, it can also lead to an imprint.

In the moment when Sierra embraced him, Ludwig felt his heart pounding.

“Perhaps at that time…”

Even in the pouring rain, her small hands that held him tightly and her smiling face remained vivid in his memory.

He couldn’t forget any of those moments.

It had been a long time since someone had embraced him so warmly.

The way people looked at Ludwig was divided into two categories: disdain or awe.

Sierra belonged to neither side.

She reached out to him without hesitation, treating him like an ordinary person, and called out his name.

When he regained his senses, he realized that he unconsciously longed for the warmth he felt in her voice.

‘Will we be able to see each other again? I want to repay you for helping me.’

He had unexpectedly said those words.

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“It seemed like she felt grateful too.”

Gratitude toward the savior.

Although it seemed that there was a hotter and more persistent emotion hidden within him, he was unaware of it.

For Ludwig, the fact that Sierra appeared as his imprint holder, in addition to the emotions he felt for her, held significant meaning.

Imprint holders were beings who could quell the rampages experienced by the Dragon blood Tribe, like a curse, with just a light touch.

Of course, at present, the majority of the tribe had diluted dragon blood, reducing the risk of rampages, and the presence of imprint holders was not urgent. However, Ludwig was different.

As someone who possessed a strong lineage of dragon blood, he needed an imprint holder.

But he never expected that such intense emotions, surpassing the sorrow and anger he felt from losing his mother, would come to him.


Gently stroking his tingling neck, Ludwig recalled Sierra’s startled face from earlier.

Instinctively, he shattered the ring that was supposed to show a welcoming glow to identify his imprint counterpart.

And soon, when I met those big pink eyes, I thought they looked like frightened rabbits.

Whenever she emitted warmth without fear, it felt like she could easily escape, just like sh did back at the banquet hall.

Ludwig instinctively covered the area near his collarbone where the red crescent moon pattern was engraved with his shirt collar.

It seemed like it could disappear at any moment if he didn’t approach cautiously.

The touch that embraced him without hesitation still lingered.

It felt like a heavy leash was attached, but for some reason, it didn’t feel entirely unpleasant.

* * *

A week had passed since the grand banquet.

“And as a result, the Karsian Ducal Family will govern the kingdom, dividing the roots of the empire into two branches. The blessing of Terium has also been taken by the royal family. By the way… Miss, you’re not listening at all, are you?”

As I spaced out, the young man sitting next to me took off his glasses and let out a sigh.

The white is the paper, and the black is the writing. The imperial history written densely between them didn’t even enter my ears.

“Ruel, is it right to start with imperial history to learn abilities?”

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“You should start with the roots of abilities to understand them more deeply…”

“No, at this rate, I won’t learn abilities until next year.”

Ruel was my personal valet and domestic tutor.

He was a genius who graduated at the top of the Empire’s finest academy, but if there was a flaw, it was that his classes were excruciatingly boring.

His gentle voice reminded me of a professor from my previous life.

“Starting with ancient history, it’s an amazing idea despite claiming to teach abilities.”

I nodded and said, “Enough with the history, let’s start the ability lessons right away.”

“If that’s what you wish…”

Ruel moved aside dozens of imperial history books with a disappointed expression.

After my body improved to some extent with Arjen’s ability, my father recommended that I take ability lessons.

Most noble families start taking ability lessons before the age of ten, but I was much later in learning.

“Will my health improve if I really learn abilities?”

Ruel responded with certainty to my dry voice, “Of course. Abilities are like blessings, a power that can improve your physical condition just by cultivating it.”

“Can abilities cure illnesses like Lisbeth’s?”

“That… I’m not sure.”

The lack of a confident answer was expected for this question.

Lisbeth, an incurable disease that I was well aware of, was a death sentence for most people in their early twenties.

My father was searching for various methods to extend my lifespan, and ability lessons were one of them.

Nevertheless, I knew that I had a talent in my body from what I heard.

Even though I had a frail body that would collapse at a touch, I agreed that I needed some kind of insurance.

Ruel was an excellent scholar and also a researcher of abilities, so he would undoubtedly be a good mentor.

As far as I knew, water abilities had a wide range of applications if used properly, so they could also be helpful in times of need.

* * *

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“I can’t believe it…”

Ruel and Arzen were doubting their own eyes, just like me, on both sides.

Ruel, who suggested we study theory diligently even if we tossed away imperial history, had borrowed six heavy books, but they were now neglected in a corner.

“Sierra, you’re a genius?”

Arzen exclaimed in pure admiration.

A sharp ice pillar rose from the glass of water on the desk.

At first, the water was lukewarm, but I got bored with Ruel’s sleep-inducing theory study and lightly tapped the glass, resulting in this outcome.

It was hard to believe that I could manifest abilities with just the basic knowledge Ruel taught me.

Although noble youths receive basic ability lessons from a young age, the majority of them never manifest their abilities.

I had never heard of anyone realizing their abilities in just one day, let alone manifesting an ability like this…

“It’s the power of water.”

It was an elemental ability.

I already knew this fact from reading the original work, but Ruel was overwhelmed with excitement, making me even more amazed.

‘It’s somewhat predictable when you think about my father.’

In some families, a unique ability is inherited, and in the case of the Drenihan Dukedom, it was water.

Both my grandfather and father were water ability users.

I tapped the water turned into ice and my eyes sparkled.

It’s fascinating, this is an ability.

It seemed useful if honed and polished.

Until then, I had no idea of the tremendous impact it would have.

* * *

“Huh? Why am I here?”

The grand banquet hall, dimly lit and extravagantly decorated with gold, was surrounded by numerous servants standing in perfect order.

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The spacious area was quiet without a single sound, but surprisingly, there were seven people dining in this space.

As I looked around, I met eyes with my father who was sitting next to me.

He smiled and elegantly placed a sliced piece of meat on my plate.

It had been a long time since I had a meal together with my father like this.

I usually had my meals brought to my room by my nanny, Nella, but today that was not possible.

It was because of my grandfather’s order to attend the grand banquet.

At the head of the long dining table, there was an elderly man with a dignified appearance that belied his age.

Despite his age, he had a sturdy and imposing figure.

He was the head of the Drenihan family, Tercon Drenihan.

The aura emanating from him was truly formidable.

‘I have a rough idea why you called me…’

In the moment I was secretly observing my grandfather, our similar pink-colored irises met abruptly.

I froze in place.

When was the last time I directly faced my grandfather like this?

Before I regained the memories of my past life, I used to tremble in fear whenever I saw him.

In the end, my last memory of him was fainting in his presence.

Tercon Drenihan, who brought glory to the Drenihan Dukedom, had an indescribable aura in his tired eyes, making it rare for anyone to dare to meet his gaze.

Even now, look.

While I locked eyes with my grandfather, my sophisticated father and Kalik, who had a calm demeanor, quietly continued their meal, their noses buried in their plates.

But unlike them, I didn’t shy away from his tired gaze.

There was a time when I once avoided my grandfather’s gaze when I was young, but recalling how he passed by with a sigh, avoiding eye contact was one of the behaviors he disliked.

To not disturb his mood, I should not avoid his gaze.

In the midst of this confrontation, he set down his utensils and spoke.

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