The first school year is over.

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No matter what I said over the past year, my bad reputation remained unchanged. In fact, if I said something, it would only make it worse.


I heard that something was passed on from the commoner girl, and that the commoners are successfully living in this academy with my name. I am happy for them. There is no coldness in the way the children of commoners look at me. And the same goes for some of the lower nobility.

But they are also the lowest status in this school, so they don’t talk to me, who is generally disliked by the royalty and nobility. But via Miloda, I did receive a letter from that commoner girl saying,「Thank you. I am grateful to you.」


I was able to finish the first year at the top of my class.


In response, I was told,「You must have cheated.」And what kind of delusion was that Prince telling me like,「You must have used that body of yours to slut your teacher up.」

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…My breasts are generally considered large, apparently.

And when I was wearing a dress at a party, people would look at my breasts, even though they didn’t like me. I don’t like that kind of stare.


But then again, the average aristocratic young ladies is supposed to be a lady and not be sexually uninhibited, so I wouldn’t do that either… I had never even kissed anyone on the mouth to begin with.


But still, the Crown Princess seems to think that I am cheating, even though she have already graduated from this academy. That is what that Prince said. We were not attending the academy at the same time and I have no intention of approaching either the Crown Princess or His Highness, the Second Prince, so please leave me alone.


What is it about the Crown Princess that makes her so concerned about my movements? And that’s how I feel about it.

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I was very quiet and serious in my classes. I don’t talk to anyone to begin with, so I don’t get into trouble with anyone.


I don’t have a bad reputation among the teachers… I think. Some teachers may be a bit of a crown princess-supremacist, though, and say all kinds of things. But still, as the third son of a great noble family and a teacher at this school, I really don’t want him to make assumptions about me based on the word of the Crown Princess.

I was sometimes looked at with sympathetic eyes by teachers of lower nobility.


It seems that if I was at the top of my grade, it is basically normal to join the student council. But the student council for the next year will have the Prince and his friends, so I was rejected by the Second Prince who was going to be the student body president in the first place. I was going to refuse too, so no problem.

I have no intention of bothering to step into the den of people who hate me in the first place. For some reason, Prince seemed to think I wanted to join the student council.


「How unfortunate for you. I know you wanted to join the student council through cheating, but there is no way we would let someone like you into the student council! Just give up!」

「I am not a cheater. And I have no desire to join the student council.」

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「You are a really thick liar. My sister-in-law said it! You’re about to go off the rails. That you’re acting, even if it’s in a calm way.」

「I am not acting or anything.」

「You can say whatever you want!」


I honestly wonder if the Prince is deaf.


I never wanted anything to do with the prince in the first place, and I never approached him myself. It’s just that I get tangled up with them when they pass in front of me. If they don’t like it, they should just leave it alone.


Come to think of it, Dojeeta-sama has a reputation as the opposite of me, who is rumored to be doing as she pleases at the school. They say that they are trying to keep me from doing whatever I want.

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Sometimes I get tangled up in things I didn’t even do, even with Dojeeta-sama. Dojeeta-sama doesn’t believe all my rumors, she just uses such things to enhance her own reputation because she is a noblewoman.


I am sure those nobles would be grateful for my existence. They can blame me for anything that is inconvenient for them, even if it is something they did.


「I managed to make it through the first year. That prince always said something incomprehensible about me going out of control next year. I wonder if they’ll make some kind of weird accusation…?」

「Really, that blundering prince!! How wrong he was to think that when Milady is trying to be a modest commoner…」

「Miloda, thank you for being angry for my sake. I’ve talked to Father about it, but I don’t want anything to happen to you in the school…」


I’m worried about what would happen if they make strange accusations because I’m sure that in the academy, and Father wouldn’t be able to interfere right away.

But, well, I’ll just have to do my best.

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