Translator: Fira

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Editor : none

Aiming for the future

「Father, Carol thinks she will join the Knight Order,」

「Can’t happen!」


As usual at the dining room, meal started with my father sitting beside my mother, and I sat down beside my brother.

That’s how I started our meal, I told my father [I was going to join the Knight Order], but father quietly denied raising a rough voice. My mother silently listened, but older brother was surprised.

「Carol, what are you thinking!」

「I want to become a strong woman who can survive even by myself, for that I am going to join the knight team and train both my mind and the body.」

「There is no way I can accept you, the daughter of the Duke to become a Knight! Impossible!」

「There is no rule that the nobleman’s daughter can’t enter the Knights Order,」

「Even if there is no such a rule, such a precedent is impossible! What on earth are you thinking about!」

Mu~u, my father is strongly opposing me.

I thought that it was a good idea to train both my mind and my body. And my older brother also belongs to the Order. There is no reason why I should not join it.

「Honey, please calm down a little.」

「… but, how can I accept such a thing?」

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「Before that, you should listen to your daughter’s opinion, if you are telling her that it’s wrong It is the duty of the parent to correct her path.」

「 Mum … …」

To my mother’s words father, who was standing up agitated, quietly sits down. But his face is obviously not convinced at all. I must persuade him somehow!


「Yes, my brother」

「Maybe you want to join the Order to get close to Leader Wilhelm? Am I right?」

「No, It’s wrong.」

It’s true that I crave to be on the side of Wilhelm-sama, but… However, that is not the matter to join the Order, till the end, I would like to enter the Knight Order to train my will and heal my temper.

「I know that the garrison of the female Knight Order is in a different place.」

「…… I see, so you knew about it.」

The Female Knights are different from ordinary knights. Their main role is the protection of royal women and noble ladies, also the security of the shrines. In the event of an emergency it is said that they will also enter the battlefield, but that garrison is built in a place different from the garrison station of the Knight Order. After all, it doesn’t mean that men and women have to be trained in the same place.

That is why I don’t want to join the Order just to be near Wilhelm-sama. I would like to be closer to him if possible, but I should show it with my actions aiming for the future.

「Well … why did you want to join the Knight Order then?」

「There is nothing to bind me now, so I wanted to know about the outside of the mansion.」

「Then, wouldn’t it be better something other than Knight Order? 」

Father grimaced his face and continues to deny! But the only place that will make my wish come true is only the Knight Order.

「I am a weak woman ~desu, easily moved to tears, becoming emotional I easily run away, I have bad stamina and am bad at exercises, also I don’t have any means for self defense. From the age of 9, I have received education to become a queen, but it is academic discipline such as etiquette, law, social relationships with people in various countries, knowledge to entertain people, medicine knowledge, pharmacology. That’s why I finally understood what I was lacking, and it is the ordinary common sense.」

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「 … but, just because of this… 」

「The future where I can become queen is already closed, as long as my older brother is alive, There is no necessity to succeed Duchy of Ambrose, because I had also voluntarily withdrawn from the school, I am not a student, there is nothing left to represent myself.」

「 … …. 」

My father is silent to my words. Saying it bluntly, my father had robbed me from my own future. It is my father who decided to engage me to Rayford. That’s why he feels responsible.

「… It’s wrong, but I cannot agree, Carol.」


「I can only say this because I already belong to the Order, you cannot live as a knight with a half-hearted preparation. There is also training, there are human relationships with colleagues, you must also go to the battlefield in case of an emergency, there is even the possibility of dying there, and since the Order is a longitudinal society, even Carol as a daughter of the duke could be discarded.


「And at that, most of the colleague’s would be commoners, and for commoner, the daughter of the noble could even become the target of hatred. For me the only future for Carol is being bullied by the Knights.」

Surely it might be as my brother says. I am noble, a native aristocrat. And a clear identity difference between commoners and nobles may lead to bullying. Perhaps, my older brother may have experienced it.

「If you want to train your body, you should just ask Natalia.」

That’s when Father cut in.

「Originally, Natalia is an escort of Carol. If it’s about combat capability With high fighting ability, if training under her, fitness, self-defence ability will be possible to master.」

「I also think so, Carol.」

「but is ……」

That path is too easy! Until now, It was too comfortable for me. That is why I want to settle down in a harsh environment. In order to become a “good woman” that my mother teaches me. I should corner myself.


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At that moment.

My mother, who kept silent all the way, opened her mouth. My father and older brother closed their mouths. Mother is the most admirable, so no one can oppose her words.

「What do you want to do after you enter the Order?」

「I want to train both the mind and the body.」

「If you want the body to be trained, do it with Natalia, and your mother will train the mind. There is no need to join Knights.」

Mother also opposed it. What shall I do, I’m cornered by everyone. My wish will not come true unless father and mother approves of it, no matter how much I wish for it.

「That’s why, I will listen to Carol’s reason to join the Order.」

「I … ….」

「Think carefully, so your words will move this mother’s heart.」

The reason I want to enter the Order. It is because I want to train mind and body. And I want to be a “good girl” that mother want to see. More than anything, I would to be a lady who can support Wilhelm-sama by his side.


That’s an excuse.

Such words are nothing but excuses. I understand. A visit to the Order, we had with Wilhelm-sama. I was excited as if I was watching an opera. That is why I became fascinated. If I tell this to my mother, she may rebuke to it.

My mother looks really serious.

Then I should also think of it seriously.

「It was really cool.」

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「I had a tour around the Knight training ground, I think that because the strong knights protect this country, we could have peace in our hearts.”

That is true, I admire the knights.

「I wanted to be a strong woman. The strong ones for me are the knights, and that’s why I also wanted to become strong, and for me, the best way to do that is the Knight Order, that is what I think, and that’s why I want to enter.”

It is just yearning. But, I also want to become a strong person. For that reason, I can make any effort.

「…… OK then.」


「Let’s head to the garrison of the female Order together with your mother tomorrow afternoon. The Knights have entrance exams, not anyone can enter, and your mother cannot help you there, so you have to pass the entry test on your own, only then will I approve.」

「Elisabeth! What?」

「Gilliam, keep silent. This is my decision, closing off Carol’s future once, it is not a place for you to cut in.」

Entry Examination. Surely it is a tough one. But, I will pass it. I am not good at exercising, but I will make an effort. I’m not good at fighting, but I will make an effort.



「There is more than one road, so think carefully.」

I don’t know what kind of exam it is. However, whatever trials I would meet, I can overcome everything.

After that, surely.

I can support Wilhelm-sama, because he is waiting for me.

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