The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 151: Prince Trash (fourth update)

Chapter 151 Chapter 2, Prince Trash (fourth update)

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More than 200 Xiantian lords had disrupted the plans of Chu Xiong Hall and the Saintess.

They had never expected ye Sheng to bring over 200 Xiantian lords. Originally, they had planned to join forces to capture Ye Sheng and hand him over to the third prince. But now, it seemed that they couldn’t do that at all.

Tie Lianshan said with a gloomy face, “Are we still going to fight?”

This question was asked without any sense, but everyone who heard it understood. “Can we still fight?”Chi Jun said angrily. He stared at Ye Sheng who was rushing over, and his eyes were full of indignation.

200 xiantian lords were equivalent to 200 Xiantian pills.

If they knew that Ye Sheng had so many, they wouldn’t have backed down. They would have fought to the end to kill Ye Sheng and take these Xiantian pills. “Did he empty Mount Longhu?”The Barbarian commander asked indignantly.


Chu Xiong Tang suppressed the panic in his heart and said coldly, “He said that Mount Longhu gave him his pills, is that true?”

Tie Lianshan took a deep breath and said, “Since we can’t do anything now, Let’s show our goodwill. We’ll take it one step at a time. Fortunately, these innate pills have just broken through. They’re just in large quantities and the quality isn’t very good.”

After saying this, tie Lianshan himself felt sour, so he simply stopped talking.

The four big gangs were somewhat shut down by Ye Sheng

Previously, they wanted to encircle and annihilate ye Sheng, but they were stopped by Ye Sheng who made fifty innate experts.

Now, they wanted to make a move against Ye Sheng, but Ye Sheng made another two hundred and forty innate experts.

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What the F*ck!!

Even the shrewd and shrewd Chu Xiong Tang couldn’t help but want to curse. You have so many innate experts pills, why don’t you use them all at once? Is it fun to play with people like this?


While the four great gangs were in a state of confusion, Ye Sheng brought his men and rushed over. He stopped in front of them, dismounted his horse, and walked towards the four leaders.

“Four Big Brothers, I’m not late, am I?”Ye Sheng was very ‘enthusiastic’as he shouted from afar.

Tie Lianshan and the other three opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

Ye Sheng continued, “The four Big Brothers kept asking me to bring those 50 Xiantian lords. I was worried that it wouldn’t be enough, so I brought some more. This time, it’s enough.”

Chu Xiongtang looked at the ‘enthusiastic’ye Sheng. He was so depressed that he wanted to pull out his knife and directly Chop Ye Sheng.

On purpose. Ye Sheng was deliberately angry at them.

Tie Lianshan, the Red Army, and the barbarian commanders all knew that their faces didn’t look too good.

They were depressed. Everything had been arranged. Once Ye Sheng came, the four of them would attack together. With their subordinates, Ye Sheng wouldn’t be able to resist at all.

But now, no one dared to make a move even if they had ten guts.

The Xiantian experts behind Ye Sheng who were forbidden by the order were densely packed together. With a distance of more than ten meters, once they made a move, it could instantly develop into a large-scale team battle.

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Regardless of whether they won or lost, it was an unacceptable loss.

Ye Sheng saw their expressions and smiled even more happily. He went up and hugged them one by one, disgusting them.

Tie Lianshan was really disgusted. He endured the disgust and was hugged by Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng looked at the four leaders and smiled slightly. He said to the xiantian experts behind him, “These four are my older brothers. call them older brothers.”

“Greetings, older brother.”The 241 people shouted in unison. Their voices were loud and they were extremely obedient to Ye Sheng.

The four leaders felt bitter in their hearts. They knew that Ye Sheng was showing off and showing off his strength, but they still couldn’t throw their faces away.

“Greetings.”Tie Lianshan’s face twitched. He endured his anger and squeezed out a


Chu Xiong Tang suppressed the panic and anger in his heart, he laughed out loud, “Brother, you brought so many people. It was really out of my expectations. Since you’re here, let’s enter the military tent. Let’s discuss the road ahead.”

Seeing this, Ye Sheng nodded. He did not provoke them anymore. Seeing them suffer, it was fine if he could not vent his anger in his heart. If he really forced them, it would not be good to cause any trouble.

However, Ye Sheng didn’t want to cause any trouble. Some people didn’t want to let him.

“Move aside. where is the new changle marquis? take him down for me. I want to chop him into pieces to vent the anger in my heart.”An arrogant and domineering voice sounded, causing Chu Hongtang’s expression to change drastically.

“Not good. It’s the third prince.”Chu hongtang slapped his forehead. He knew that he was in trouble.

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He had previously pacified the third prince and promised to capture him immediately when Ye Sheng appeared.

Now that the third prince heard that Ye Sheng had appeared, he must have thought that Chu Hongtang had made a move. That was why he was so arrogant and rushed over unscrupulously.

Ye Sheng stared at Chu Hongtang with a displeased expression and said unhappily, “Old brother, what do you mean by this?”

Chu hongtang apologized, “The third prince drank too much. I will go and persuade him now.”

Tie Lianshan, the Red Army, and the barbarian commander immediately walked to the side and watched coldly, not caring about these matters.

They were not trying to please the third prince.

At this moment, the third prince walked out from the military tent next door. Beside him were thirty Xiantian lords and a well-known woman. She swayed three times as she walked, looking elegant and graceful.

“Chu Xiong Tang, tie up this brat who doesn’t know the immensity of Heaven and earth. He dares to kill my people and take away my territory. Are you tired of living?”The third prince stared at Ye Sheng coldly, his cold and arrogant aura coming from him, seeing how handsome ye Sheng was, Chu Xiong Tang was very unhappy. “Third prince, these are all misunderstandings.”Chu Xiong Tang immediately started to explain. He was extremely flustered. This had completely deviated from the plan. His heart was full of anger and he had nowhere to vent it. He still had to appease the third prince. It was really


The third prince didn’t know the inside story. He frowned and said coldly, “Didn’t you say that you were going to make a move?”

“I didn’t. I’m not. Don’t talk nonsense.”Chu Xiong Tang immediately denied three consecutive claims. He really didn’t dare to fall out with Ye Sheng now.

Those two hundred Xiantian lords were watching from behind like tigers watching their prey. Ye Sheng was no longer the Ye Sheng from before.

“Enough, I know that you’re unreliable. You Don’t really want to rely on me at all. Scram to the side. Iron Slave, make a move and take down this brat who doesn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth.”The third prince waved his hand and said coldly. He was going to kill Ye Sheng today. No one could stop him.

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Iron Slave was the third Prince’s bodyguard. His strength had reached the fifth sky of the innate realm. He was more than two meters tall, like an iron tower.

“Don’t worry, third prince. It’ll be over soon.”Iron slave smiled malevolently and walked out in large strides, wanting to capture Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng stood in place with a mocking smile. He looked at the third prince and said, “Are you sure you want to attack me?”

“You killed my people, occupied my territory, and burned my old servant to death. Today, I will pull out your tendons and peel off your skin, “said the third prince with a cold snort.

Ye Sheng smiled disdainfully. He didn’t want to pay attention to this brainless prince. He looked at Chu Xiong Tang and said, “You really don’t Care?”

Chu Xiong Tang’s expression was extremely ugly.

“He is a piece of trash. He actually doesn’t dare to attack you. What right does he have to care about this prince’s matters?”The third Prince mocked.

Chu Xiong Tang’s expression was as dark as water. He clenched his fists tightly. He really couldn’t hold it in any longer. His anger was burning his rationality.

“If you don’t interfere, wait for my people to make a move. This third prince won’t have a chance to live.”Ye Sheng narrowed his eyes and said.

“Stop!”Chu Xiong Tang exploded. With a loud roar, the true energy in his entire body transformed into a large hand. With a vicious slap, he sent the unprepared iron slave flying.

The third prince was stunned. He roared, “You are courting death. With my order, the land of chaos can be leveled for you. I will let you die without a burial place.”

Chu Xiong Tang looked at the third prince coldly and scolded, “Shut up, you useless prince.”

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