The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 332: 332

The luojia mountain range was very large, so large that Ye Sheng didn’t know where to look.

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Zhou Yi had a few methods. He probed the earth veins, pressed the acupoints, and used feng shui. With the arrangement of the stars, he could find some clues.

Ye Sheng stood on the vast land and looked at the luojia mountain range. He asked, “How did the people of the Great Zhou find it?”

“The writings of the philosophers,”Zhou Yi replied. “The writings of the philosophers can communicate with the hundred sacred halls and guide them. Once they find the direction, they can find the location.”

“Then how did you find it last time?”Ye Sheng asked.

This time, only Ye Sheng, Zhou Yi, and the great demon king of the Void came out. However, the great demon king of the Void knew nothing about this. It came from the void and knew little about the hundred schools of philosophers. It just stayed on Ye Sheng’s shoulder and became a mute.

“Last time, we used the clues we found in the grassland. We searched here for half a month before we found the location of the Hundred Sacred Hall,”Zhou Yi said.

“So now you still need to search for half a month?”Ye Sheng asked.

“Yes, I’ll go and find it. You concentrate on cultivation. I know you want to break through to the Golden Core Realm. Once you break through, we’ll have more confidence. After all, this time there will definitely be many great experts in the eighteen transformations of the Golden Core.”Zhou Yi said seriously.

He was only in the eighth transformation of the golden core, one of the best among the younger generation. However, this time, it was not only the younger generation. Other than the emptiness realm, they could not interfere or enter. They could even enter the eighteen transformations of the Golden Core.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

It could be predicted that there would definitely be many undying old men stuck in the eighteen transformations. Zhou Yi knew that he could not beat them, so he could only rely on Ye Sheng.

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Ye Sheng nodded in agreement. He needed to cultivate well and turn the earth in his dantian into his golden core. In this way, Ye Sheng’s strength would definitely increase greatly.

Just like that, at the foot of the Luojia mountain range, Ye Sheng built a simple wooden house and cultivated inside. Zhou Yi often went out and entered the Luojia mountain range to find the location of the hundred sacred halls.

Ten days passed.

During these ten days, Ye Sheng’s compatibility with Earth became more and more perfect. If there was a progress bar, it would definitely exceed 50% .

However, there was still a long way to go before he succeeded.

Ye Sheng was not in a hurry. He slowly accumulated his strength. Now that he was cultivating, every step he took would greatly increase his strength.

The Netherworld Sacred Physique had also reached a critical point. He needed to undergo the next transformation.

The cultivation of the Samsara seal could also form a third seal. However, because the first seal was used by Ye Sheng, the third seal was formed, and Ye Sheng only had two.

The reincarnation sword technique, the ten Yama palaces, the Netherworld River, the sword of the Great River, the Kun Peng transformation, and other cultivation techniques had all improved a lot.

Ten days later, Zhou Yi returned. This time, he brought bad news.

“There are many experts in the LUOJIA mountain range. I saw many of the older generation’s eighteen transformation golden cores appear,”Zhou Yi said seriously.

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Ye Sheng opened his eyes and said, “Before the hundred sacred halls appear, try not to provoke them. When I break through, I can fight them.”

Zhou Yi nodded and said, “I’ve searched the dozens of mountains nearby. They’re all empty. If we want to go deeper, we have to go together.”

Ye Sheng stood up and said, “Then let’s go together. We can take care of each other.”

Ye Sheng brought the great demon king of the void and followed Zhou Yi into the Luojia mountain range.

In the depths of the Luojia mountain range, the weather suddenly changed. The first place was breezy, but the next place was covered in white snow. The cold wind whistled on the ground, and snowflakes danced in the air. It was cold.

Ye Sheng and Zhou Yi stepped on the white snow mountain, making creaking sounds. As they walked back and forth, Ye Sheng actually found traces of people.

“Are those human footprints in front?”Ye Sheng’s eyes focused.

Zhou Yi carefully observed and said, “It’s not strange that there are barbarians in the luojia mountain range. These footprints are deep and shallow, and there are many of them. They are hunting in a snowy day. If I’m not wrong, there is a barbarian tribe nearby.”

Ye Sheng said in surprise, “How is the Barbarian tribe different from the barbarians on the Grassland?”

“The barbarians here belong to the mountain barbarians. They live in the luojia mountain range all year round and can be said to be the masters of this land. The barbarians on the grassland have long been assimilated. Although they retain the name of the Barbarian tribe, they don’t have the name of the Barbarian tribe.”Zhou Yi explained.

The two continued to move forward. Finally, after an hour, they saw a barbarian village.

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It was a huge mountain, and most of its center was cut open to form a village. There were over a thousand people living there.

The mountain was very isolated. It was like a sharp knife that pierced straight into the sky. The path down the mountain was very steep, and Ye Sheng saw dozens of huge chains crossing the sky. There were berserkers walking on them, and their speed was very fast. Their skills were extraordinary.

These berserkers were all bare-chested and had strong physiques. Their qi and blood were thick, and their levels of cultivation were not ordinary. Ye Sheng saw that most of them were in the Xiantian realm.

“This tribe is very powerful,”ye Sheng said. Most of the ordinary villagers were in the Xiantian realm. How could they not be powerful?

“Let’s go in and pay them a visit,”Zhou Yi said.

“Aren’t you afraid that they will turn against you?”Ye Sheng asked in surprise. This kind of people who kept the habits of primitive berserker tribes were very dangerous.

“You haven’t come into contact with this kind of barbarian tribe before, right?”Zhou Yi asked.

Ye Sheng shook his head. Indeed, he hadn’t come into contact with them before.

“These barbarian tribe people won’t just stand on their own feet. They will also send young people out to learn advanced culture and reform the vulgar culture of the tribes, preserving the essence. Otherwise, they won’t be able to develop for a long time, especially in the Luojia mountain range,”Zhou Yi said with a smile.

Ye Sheng seemed to be deep in thought.

Zhou Yi went up through the bottomless cliff and shouted at the barbarian village on the lone peak, “The scholars of Great Qin have come to pay a visit.”

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This voice caused the people of the barbarian village to look over. An old man wearing a beast robe and holding a cane said, “A guest from afar is welcome to enter.”

Zhou Yi smiled and said to Ye Sheng, “You see, the Barbarians will also evolve. If they continue to be rigid and unchanging, they will eventually be eliminated.”

Ye Sheng nodded and memorized it in his heart.

The two of them followed the iron chain and headed towards the village.

The iron chain was very large, very thick, and its quality was extraordinary. Ye Sheng came into contact with it and discovered that its quality surpassed that of the thousand-year-old cold iron. It was a rare treasure for weapon refinement.

The Pantheon Pill Furnace moved in his dantian, wanting to devour it.

Ye Sheng stopped him. If the iron chain were to be devoured, there would probably be a fight. Ye Sheng and Zhou Yi would definitely not be able to defeat this village.

After walking over from the chains, Ye Sheng and Zhou Yi entered the village’s open-air square and saw hundreds of people, Young and old, looking at them curiously.

The leader was the elder who had just spoken. He looked at Ye Sheng and Zhou Yi and asked, “I am Tian, the village chief of the Barbarian village. Where did you two esteemed guests come from?”

“Xianyang.”Zhou Yi bowed and said.

“Great Qin’s capital?”The village chief’s expression changed.

“Yes, I am Tian, the son of Great Qin’s quasi-sage.”Zhou Yi smiled and said.

Ye Sheng looked at him strangely. Why did he announce his family?

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