The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 337: 337

The eldest princess had been killed, and Ye Sheng had fulfilled his promise.

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Back in Xianyang, Ye Sheng had warned the eldest princess that if she dared to try anything funny, Ye Sheng would kill her.

In the eyes of others, Great Qin’s princess was quite amazing, but in Ye Sheng’s eyes, she was nothing more than that.

In Chaos City, Ye Sheng had killed the third prince, and now he had killed the eldest princess. Ye Sheng did not have much respect for Great Qin.

On the other side, Cuba and Zhou Yi had easily killed two of the guards, and the people that the eldest princess had brought with her had all been wiped out.

Ye Sheng stomped on the ground, causing the ground to tremble and crack open, burying all of the corpses.

No one knew where the eldest princess was, and no one knew that Ye Sheng had killed them here.

“The first half of the eldest Princess’s life was too smooth. She grew up under the protection of King Ye. When she returned to Xianyang, she was like the Sun in the sky. She didn’t put anyone in her eyes. She brought this calamity upon herself.”Zhou Yi shook his head and said.

“Is this person’s background very big?”Cuba asked.

“Just don’t tell anyone. No matter how big his background is, he’s already dead.”Ye Sheng said lightly. He didn’t take this matter seriously.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

“Let’s go. We’ll continue to the Desert Peak,”Zhou Yi said, no longer discussing this matter.

“Follow me.”Cuba led the way. He was very familiar with the Luojia mountain range.


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The luojia mountain range was vast and endless. The scenery was different and very different. There were snow mountains, rainforests, swamps, and also huge rivers.

Ye Sheng and Zhou Yi followed Cuba and trekked through mountains and rivers. Finally, three days later, they saw the desert peak.

Compared to the surrounding mountains, the desert peak was very unique.

There were no plants on the entire desert peak. There were many strange rocks and sandstorms. It was bare and did not fit in with the surroundings. It was worthy of the name Desert Peak.

Ye Sheng and Zhou Yi did not enter rashly. Instead, they observed a nearby mountain peak.

“There are a lot of people around here,”Zhou Yi muttered.

He could sense that there were many people hiding on the dozens of nearby mountain peaks.

Cuba looked at the desert peak and said in puzzlement, “There is no one on this desert peak. The treasure you mentioned is nowhere to be found.”

Ye Sheng frowned as he watched.

The Void Demon King, who had been standing on Ye Sheng’s shoulder, suddenly said, “On the Desert Peak, there is a secret realm that has been sealed.”

Zhou Yi looked at the void demon king in surprise and nodded. “That’s right. If you want to enter it, you have to wait until the seal is broken or break it.”

“Can you break it?”Ye Sheng asked.

Zhou Yi shook his head and said, “I can’t. Last time, I came to find the location, but this seal was set by the hundred schools of philosophers. With my ability, I can’t open it.”

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“Unless…”Zhou Yi hesitated.

“Unless what?”Cuba immediately asked.

“Unless the people of Great Zhou took out the book of philosophers again. This treasure has the aura of the hundred schools of philosophers. Perhaps it can. Otherwise, we can only wait for the seal to break by itself,”Zhou Yi said.

“The people of Great Zhou are definitely hiding around here.”Ye Sheng carefully observed and saw several terrifying auras hidden among the mountains.

These people were all waiting. Ye Sheng and the others did not arrive quickly and were already very late.

Zhou Yi said indifferently, “Since these people want to continue waiting, then we will continue to wait. I reckon that if no one stands out, the people of the Great Zhou still have to think of a way. They can’t afford to delay.”

If the people of the Great Zhou stayed here, it would become more and more dangerous. Only opening the Hundred Sacred Hall as soon as possible, obtaining the inheritance, and quickly leaving would be the correct path.

Therefore, Zhou Yi was not in a hurry.

The people of some large sects were not in a hurry either. They hid among the mountains and stared at the desert peak.

Ye Sheng thought carefully and immediately understood. He smiled and said, “Now, besides the people of Great Zhou, anyone who climbs the desert peak will be the target of public criticism, so we should just wait.”

Cuba was confused. He did not understand, but he knew that he could just follow Ye Sheng and Zhou Yi.

One word, wait.

On the Nameless Mountain Peak, Ye Sheng sat cross-legged and meditated. He closed his eyes to cultivate and continued to complete the work of condensing the Earth into the Golden Core.

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Zhou Yi and Cuba took turns to supervise, and at the same time, they protected Ye Sheng.

The Void Demon King flew to the highest point and looked down at the mountains, monitoring all abnormal movements.

Ye Sheng sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to cultivate. The spiritual energy of the mountain range was absorbed into his body and fused into the Earth to begin refining.

His progress was slow and unceasing. Two long, milky-white dragons of spiritual energy emerged from ye Sheng’s nostrils and continuously absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy.

Sometimes, Cuba would look at him and say in surprise, “The amount of spiritual energy he absorbed is even more abnormal than the eighteen transformations of the Golden Core. Isn’t he afraid of bursting?”

Zhou Yi thought for a moment and said, “His skin is rough and his flesh is thick. He shouldn’t be able to burst.”

The first day of arriving at the desert peak passed quietly just like that.

At night, Ye Sheng went even more overboard. He didn’t let go of a single mountain range’s spiritual energy or the moonlight essence.

The moonlight condensed into a latex color. When it was projected down, Ye Sheng’s entire body was under the moonlight and was enveloped by a white light.

He was absorbing the moonlight essence.

The plan of the Earth becoming the golden core was more than half completed, but he still needed to continue condensing.

Ye Sheng’s will entered the Earth’s origin and began to learn.

All kinds of dao charms were absorbed into Ye Sheng’s body.

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The spiritual energy in his dantian boiled to a certain limit, and then it was condensed into a drop of light blue essence by Ye Sheng.

After that, the light blue essence continued to appear, drop by drop, and finally condensed into a big river. The waves were turbulent, and it could be seen how much spiritual energy ye Sheng had absorbed.

All of this spiritual energy was used by him to refine the earth in his DANTIAN.

On one side, Ye Sheng absorbed it very well. On the other side, there were people who couldn’t stand it anymore.

The group of six people were all middle-aged men. Each of them had a golden core of at least ten transformations and came from a big force.

Nine small swords were embroidered on the sleeves of the six people. When they were combined together, they looked like a blooming flower.

This was the symbol of swords gate. These six golden cores were all elders of swords gate. Three of them had a golden core of eighteen transformations, two of them had a golden core of fifteen transformations, and one of them had a golden core of twelve transformations.

This was a very powerful force. If they did not meet an emptiness realm expert, they would basically be swept away. That was why they had the confidence to come and explore.

Originally, they had been waiting for the people of Great Zhou to come and cultivate. However, who would have thought that someone would actually absorb all the spiritual energy of the entire mountain.

“This is too much. These new kids simply don’t know what’s good for them. Don’t they know the consequences of being greedy?”A long-bearded middle-aged man said angrily. He realized that the amount of spiritual energy he absorbed was pitifully small. Most of it had been snatched away by Ye Sheng.

He was only in the fifteenth transformation of the Golden Core realm, but he couldn’t snatch it away from others. Just thinking about it made him very angry.

“Third brother, go and teach those kids a lesson. Don’t you know what it means to leave a line in life so that we can meet in the future?”A man with gray hair in the eighteenth transformation of the golden core said with a cold snort.

Third Brother, who was also the angry fifteenth transformation of the Golden Core Realm, immediately stood up and said with a sinister smile, “I’ll go and teach them a deep lesson right now.”

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