The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 375: 375

Senior Xu had five maps, and she took them all out and gave them to Ye Sheng.

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The map was a piece of paper condensed from vital energy, and it was very clear. On it was carved the location and the total number of nautical miles, marked with landmarks, making it easier to find.

On the five maps, when pieced together, it was a complete route. Ye Sheng took it and looked at it carefully.

“If you go overseas now and obtain this secret treasure within a year, you can still rush back if you can break through to the Void Realm,”senior Xu muttered as he looked at the summit of the Snowy Mountain.

Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked, “Rush back for what?”

“Of course it’s good for you. Remember, if you break through within a year and rush back, you’ll still have a chance. Otherwise, you’ll lose a great opportunity,”senior Xu told Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng nodded and remembered it in his heart. He would definitely rush back in a year.

Although he didn’t know what kind of opportunity it was, Ye Sheng believed that being called an opportunity by senior void would definitely help him grow.

“I’ve given you the map. You can leave now, and grow up as soon as possible.”Senior Void looked at Ye Sheng with a smile, his eyes filled with expectation. He really wanted to see Ye Sheng return after breaking through to the Void Tier in a year.

At the peak of the great snowmountain, the snow-white light refracted and became crystal clear. Ye Sheng bowed deeply to senior void, then turned around and left.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

Senior Void looked at Ye Sheng’s back with a calm expression.

“You gave Daoist Jiu the map, and you’re so optimistic about him?”A figure appeared behind senior void. It was broken blade guest.

“Every era has a son of the era. No one can compete with him. The son of this era is him,”senior void said indifferently.

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“Isn’t it a bit hasty to say that he’s the son of the era before reaching the emptiness realm?”The voice of the human demon rang out in everyone’s ears, but no real body appeared.

“I think he’s the son of the era. This kid can’t be judged by common sense,”said the totem inheritor.

“Then wait a year, a year later when he comes back and breaks through to the emptiness realm. Only then will he be qualified to be recognized by us. At most, he can be considered a qualified candidate now,”said Monk Wood Monster.

“You all acknowledge Ye Sheng’s talent in your hearts and have a better view of Ye Sheng’s future than anyone else, but because you’re jealous, or because you’re uncomfortable, your words are very tough. What a hypocrite.”Senior Xu shook his head and said mockingly.

The faces of broken blade guest and the others darkened. They all snorted coldly at the same time and left with a flick of their sleeves, not wanting to bother with senior Xu anymore.

Senior Xu smiled happily. “I’ve said it to your heart, so you’re angry out of embarrassment.”

After witnessing Ye Sheng’s performance these few days, the seven monsters of Sky Mountain were pleasantly surprised, jealous, and envious.


Ye Sheng went down the mountain and brought the great demon king of the Void to Chaos City.

This city was not far from Sky Mountain. Since ye Sheng was here, he naturally wanted to take a look. After all, this was his territory.

Although the current Ye Sheng did not have any use for chaos city, this was the place where Ye Sheng rose up, and he still held a very deep position in his heart.

To Go to Chaos City, one had to pass through Jade Gate Pass. Ye Sheng’s current cultivation level was so high that no one would be able to notice him. After passing through Jade Gate Pass, one would arrive at a vast grassland.

On the grassland, chaos city stood tall. The number of people entering and leaving was unimaginable.

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After Ye Sheng’s integration, chaos city had its own rules. The advisor, Tie Lianshan, and the others managed it in an orderly manner.

Ye Sheng only used half a day’s time to arrive at Chaos City at a rapid speed.

This city was built even more magnificently and continuously expanded. Now, there were already more than 500,000 people, and all the refugees in the surrounding area had been absorbed.

When Ye Sheng entered the city, he found that the flow of people was endless, but there was not the slightest bit of chaos. The city was well-planned.

Along the way, it could be seen that each patrol team of ten people was at the Xiantian realm, so no one dared to act recklessly.

When Ye Sheng saw all of this, he nodded his head in satisfaction. The Grand Advisor had played a great role in the development of the chaotic city until now.

After looking around the city for a while, Ye Sheng went to the Changle Marquis Mansion.

The mansion was still the same as before. There were no changes at all. Ye Sheng avoided the guards and found the grand advisor who was working.

In the quiet main hall, hundreds of politicians were dealing with a series of matters. The sound of writing could be heard, but no one said anything. The person in the lead was the advisor. He was engrossed in examining and approving the documents. One by one, the documents were revised and noted, the attitude of revising was conscientious and conscientious.

The development of Chaos City today could not be separated from the diligence of the advisor.

Da Da Da!

Ye Sheng walked in and said with a smile, “Advisor, there is no end to the work. A proper combination of work and rest is the right thing to do.”

The advisor’s entire body trembled. He immediately raised his head and said in surprise, “Marquis!”

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The few hundred people in the main hall all looked at Ye Sheng in astonishment. Was this their marquis?

“Greetings, Marquis.”The advisor immediately ran over and knelt down.

“Greetings, Marquis.”The several hundred scholars all knelt down.

“Get up. Everyone has worked hard. Today is a day off. I will also catch up with the advisor.”Ye Sheng smiled and said.

The advisor nodded and said, “All of you can leave. The Marquis said that it was a holiday, so enjoy life.”

“Many thanks, Marquis.”The several hundred scholars said happily and then left one by one.

Only Ye Sheng and the grand tutor were left in the main hall.

“Why did the Marquis suddenly come back? He didn’t inform me beforehand. I didn’t prepare anything,”the grand tutor said.

“There’s no need to prepare anything. I’m just taking a look on the way. I’ll be leaving soon.”Ye Sheng shook his head and said.

“Marquis, aren’t you going to stay here for a few more days?”The Grand Tutor asked.

“No, I’m going overseas to cultivate. I’m very relieved that chaos city is in your hands. You’ve managed chaos city very well.”Ye Sheng praised.

“This is all thanks to the million medicinal pills that master hou left behind. We now have eight thousand xiantian experts to form an army and intimidate everyone. Senior Tian Lingzi has also broken through to the Golden Core Realm and is guarding Chaos City. There’s also tie Lianshan, the Barbarian Commander, and Chi Jun. all of them have reached the peak of the Xiantian realm. In this area, no one dares to provoke chaos city.”The Advisor said proudly.

“That’s right. Do you still have any medicinal pills?”Ye Sheng asked.

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“Even if we economize on them, we don’t have much left. We still have 200,000.”The advisor smiled bitterly. Maintaining a huge chaotic city required a huge amount of resources.

“Do you have a lot of medicinal herbs?”Ye Sheng Thought for a moment and asked.

“Does the Marquis want to refine pills?”The advisor asked in surprise.

Ye Sheng nodded.

“Please follow Xiao Ke. I’ve been collecting medicinal herbs and piling them up in the underground palace. I’m just waiting for the Marquis to return.”The advisor immediately led the way.

Ye Sheng followed Master Hou and arrived at the underground palace. Seeing the densely packed medicinal herbs, the underground palace was filled to the brim.

“These are all medicinal herbs collected from all over,”the advisor said proudly.

These medicinal herbs were more than ye Sheng had ever seen combined.

He took out the pantheon pill furnace and quickly put it into it. Then, he began to refine pills.

“I’m going into seclusion for a few days. I’ll leave after the pills are refined,”ye Sheng told the advisor.

The advisor immediately protected Ye Sheng, not daring to slight him in the slightest.

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