The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 378: 378

The Void Demon King revealed his true form and moved in the deep sea. He stretched his body and said, “Ye Sheng, I’ve been trapped in the Heaven Lake all these years and haven’t had the chance to reveal my true form. The deep sea has allowed me to regain the feeling I had when I was young.”

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The Void Demon King’s voice appeared in Ye Sheng’s mind. This was the power of the contract. As long as they didn’t leave a few thousand miles, the Void Demon King and Ye Sheng could communicate telepathically.

Ye Sheng stood on the deck and looked at the deep blue sea. Occasionally, one could see the Kun Peng’s figure as it flashed past.

The Void Demon King swam freely. There was no need to worry about being exposed. The bottom of the sea could not be explored. There were too many ferocious beasts hidden. Even if someone saw it, they would blame it on the sea demon. No one would think that it was a Kun Peng.

The merchant ship rode the wind and broke through the waves. It cut through the brambles and headed forward. The Void Demon King followed in all directions. Sometimes, it would let ye Sheng Walk for a day. It would catch up in ten minutes. The Kun Peng’s speed was not to be underestimated.

A few days later, they entered the deep sea area. The people on the ship began to have nothing to do and chat among themselves.

The manatee managed the people on the ship. When they had nothing to do, they would stroll around. He was quite attentive to Ye Sheng. It was probably because Ye Sheng was generous that he wanted to make friends with him.

Ye Sheng was also happy to chat with him and inquire about the situation overseas.

On this day, Ye Sheng and the manatee sat on the deck, placing food, wine, and meat. They were enjoying the sea breeze. There was a parasol on top of their heads, so they were quite relaxed.

The Manatee and Ye Sheng had a good conversation over the past few days, and today, it was he who invited Ye Sheng to drink.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

Ye Sheng did not refuse.

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The manatee poured ye Sheng a glass of wine, “This is a specialty of the Immortal Spirit Island, and it’s incredibly delicious. It was brewed from the spirit of wine from the deep sea, and its taste is peerless. Great Qin’s people spent a lot of money to buy this wine, but it’s a pity that the yield is not high.”

Ye Sheng was quite surprised; the manatee was actually willing to give him such good wine. It seemed that the manatee was quite generous.

“Have a taste,”the manatee laughed and said proudly.

Ye Sheng tasted it and drank a cup of sake. He felt as if he had drunk a thousand-year-old ice, and it spread from his throat to his stomach. It was as if he had taken off all of his clothes and entered an icy plain, causing him to shiver. However, soon after.., waves of warm sunlight spread from his limbs and bones.

“Good wine,”Ye Sheng blurted out. It was really good wine.

Manatee said smugly, “I told you, this is good wine.”

“Brother Manatee, don’t you feel bad to serve me such good wine?”Ye Sheng asked with a smile.

“What are you talking about? Good wine serves good guests. This is how I, Manatee, conduct myself. I’ve been chatting very happily with you these past few days. I, Manatee, take you as my friend and serve you with good wine. is that not okay?”Manatee said.

Ye Sheng gave him a thumbs up and said, “Heroic spirit. Just because of your heroic spirit, you’re my friend. My first friend after going out to sea.”

Manatee said with satisfaction, “That’s more like it. Brother Ye, you must know that people who go out to sea must learn to find fun for themselves and comfort themselves. They must learn to cherish every good thing that comes their way.”

“Why?”Ye Sheng asked curiously.

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Manatee pointed around and said, “Do you think this vast sea is beautiful?”

Ye sheng nodded and said, “The sea is vast, connecting the sky and the Earth. The blue waves are rolling, and the beauty is beyond imagination.”

“I can tell at a glance that you’re a newcomer.”Manatee pointed at ye Sheng and said, “People like us who live on the sea just want to curse when we see this sea. F * ck.”

“Because we’re tired?”Ye Sheng guessed.

“That’s right, because we’re tired. Do you know how long it takes for us to go out to sea once?”The manatee asked Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng shook his head; he did not know.

“Three months. We’ll come from Immortal Spirit Island and stay in Great Qin for a month. We’ll sell and buy goods, and then we’ll go back for another month. We go out to sea four times a year, and we spend more than half of the year on the ocean. I’m tired of looking at the ocean. If you don’t learn how to adjust yourself and appreciate the small things in life, you’ll go crazy,”the Manatee told Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng nodded as he listened. People who were at sea all year round had to learn how to adjust their mood. It was clear that manatee had treated ye Sheng as a person who could adjust his mood.

“Brother Manatee, you don’t look old, but you do have a lot of experience at sea,”Ye Sheng asked.

“Of course. I went out to sea at the age of fifteen. I started from a small fishing boat. It’s been ten years, but many old masters don’t have as much experience as me,”Manatee said proudly.

Ye Sheng was quite surprised. He didn’t expect to meet an old master.

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“I can read the weather, read the weather, read the dimensions, read the directions, and judge the dangers from the sea view.”Manatee gave himself a thumbs up.

“Brother Manatee, you’re so amazing. Why didn’t you go out to sea by yourself? Instead, you became someone else’s crew?”Ye Sheng asked curiously.

“This family is a big family on Immortal Spirit Island. Young miss and young master want to go out to sea to accumulate experience. Because they know my name, they asked me to come over and help. They gave me a lot of money, so I agreed. After this trip, I’ll go back to buy a small merchant ship and run the goods by myself,”Manatee told Ye Sheng about his ambition.

Ye Sheng listened with interest. Manatee’s experience was quite inspiring. He was poor since childhood. He went out to sea at the age of fifteen and mingled for ten years. He gained a good reputation and became an old hand. Now, he was planning to buy a ship next.

His experience was completely different from Ye Sheng’s.

He was more of a small figure’s hard work, struggle, and progress toward his goal.

His obsession with cultivation was not very deep. Because of his talent, he only wanted to break through to the innate realm and live for two hundred years.

Manatee was a very ordinary person. Among the common people, he was very unremarkable. If he had not told Ye Sheng himself, Ye Sheng would not have known about his experience.

But he was very real.

He lived a very simple life, and what he wanted was also very simple. Such a simple person, on the contrary, gave Ye Sheng a glimmer of enlightenment.

Life was to be simple.

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Set a goal, do your best to complete it, then enjoy the goal, or move on to the next goal.

Ye Sheng had a great time talking to the Manatee. The story of an ordinary person was also inexplicably moved.

The manatee had suffered a lot. He said that he had wandered on the edge of life and death several times, but Ye Sheng did not see his fear at all. All he saw was gratitude for life and a vision for the future.

Such a person made Ye Sheng’s heart, which had always been between cultivators, settle down.

No matter how he cultivated, a person was still a person. It was better to be simple.

After chatting with the Manatee for a long time, he had finished his wine and almost finished his food. Ye Sheng thought that the party was about to end, but the drunken manatee suddenly stood up in shock. His eyes stared at the sea, looking left and right with a nervous expression, he was not drunk at all.

“What’s Wrong?”Ye Sheng asked curiously.

“I feel it. There’s danger coming. It’s the sea monster,”the Manatee said seriously.

“Quickly go back to your room. I’ll notify the owner of the ship. The sea monster is coming. We have to retreat, or we’ll all be annihilated.”The manatee ran away.

Ye Sheng stared at the depths of the sea and frowned. The sea monster was coming.

The voice of the Void Demon King Rang in his mind. “Ye Sheng, there’s a huge python coming from the deep sea. It’s already transforming into a flood dragon. Its target is your merchant ship.”

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