The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 390: 390

Ye Sheng had all the conditions to break through to the void tier.

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One Dao rhythm.

Ye Sheng had five.

An enormous amount of energy.

Ye Sheng had the essence of Taoist Jiu’s cultivation.

Cultivation comprehension.

Ye Sheng had the comprehension of breaking through to the void tier on Dantian Earth, and also had Taoist Jiu’s cultivation comprehension.

All these things added together, to Ye Sheng, there was no longer any obstacle to breaking through to the void tier.

The purpose of his trip to the sea this time was to break through to the void tier. Now that there was an opportunity, how could ye Sheng give up?

“I’m breaking through to the Void Tier, you continue to protect me.”Ye Sheng transmitted a message to the great demon king of the Void.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

“Ye Sheng, breaking through to the void tier will cause a great commotion, and you will be discovered.”The great demon king of the Void reminded Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng was silent for a moment, then said firmly, “When I break through, whoever dares to come, I will kill them.”

The Void Demon King was silent, and no longer tried to dissuade Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng could defeat the first level of the Void realm with just the seventeen transformations of the Golden Core. Once he broke through to the Void realm, how powerful would ye Sheng, who had five dao charms, be?

The Void Demon King suddenly looked forward to it.


After Ye Sheng finished instructing the void demon king, he immersed himself in it wholeheartedly.

Breaking through to the void realm required too much comprehension. Although ye Sheng had all kinds of things, he still needed to get used to them.

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He was not in a hurry either. First, he cultivated silently and raised his cultivation to the peak of the eighteen transformations of the Golden Core.

At the same time, he was also comprehending the power of the Void realm of Taoist Jiu.

The difference between the Void realm and the golden core, innate and acquired, was that the first three levels were all to lay a solid foundation and sharpen the body. They belonged to the inner realm.

The Void realm was the Great Dao of cultivating the outside world.

After laying a solid foundation, one could come into contact with the Great Dao of the world.

Why couldn’t a jindan stage cultivator defeat an emptiness realm cultivator?

Even if twenty peak jindan eighteen transformations joined forces, they would still not be a match for a first level emptiness realm cultivator.

This was because one was purely relying on the body, while the other was comprehending the Heaven and Earth, comprehending the Great Dao of the world.

The two differences were like heaven and earth, the difference was very obvious.

How could ye Sheng Dare to say that he could defeat a first level emptiness realm cultivator in the seventeen transformations of the Jindan stage?

Because ye Sheng had five dao rhythms.

Even though Ye Sheng and the first level of the emptiness realm seemed to be far apart, five dao rhythms could make up for it, and even surpass it.

Ye Sheng held five dao rhythms in his hands, full of confidence. He did not care about a little time, slowly comprehending the power of the emptiness realm.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, with a Dong Sound, in Ye Sheng’s Dantian, the Earth’s Dantian began to glow.

Eighteen changes of the golden core, peak.

Ye Sheng had finally arrived at this step. The next step was to break through to the void tier.

The power of the void tier was no longer so mysterious in Ye Sheng’s eyes.

He had comprehended the essence of Taoist Jiu’s cultivation and obtained a lot of inspiration. In the next moment, Ye Sheng also borrowed the comprehension of the people on Earth who had broken through to the void tier in their Dantian to take a look.

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There were many geniuses on Earth in their dantian. Especially after Ye Sheng passed down the hundred sage Bamboo Slip, there was another wave of breakthrough.

From the eighteenth change of the golden core to the emptiness realm, this was a qualitative change. During this period of time on Earth, there were more than three thousand people who had made a breakthrough. Among these three thousand people, although most of them had condensed an ordinary golden core, their breakthrough insights.., were real.

Ye Sheng borrowed it and browsed through it. It entered his mind.

In the next second, Ye Sheng steeled his confidence.


Ye Sheng controlled the wine Daoist’s huge cultivation essence and began to charge toward the emptiness realm.

He broke the shackles of his body and communicated with the heaven and earth. Then, Ye Sheng wanted to do a big thing and imprint the Great Dao he had comprehended into his body.

Layer by layer, they intertwined.

Following this step, Ye Sheng began to slowly proceed.

The first step was to break the shackles of his body and communicate with the Heaven and earth.

With the help of the wine master’s immense essence, Ye Sheng’s body appeared so fragile at this moment.

The first attack did not succeed because he had no experience.

However, the second attack, surging energy, caused a sound to come from within Ye Sheng’s body.


The shackles were hit!


The Spiritual Qi from the outside world crazily surged into Ye Sheng’s body, wanting to fill him up. Countless rays of light flickered, and at this moment, Ye Sheng’s body underwent a higher transformation.

His Netherworld sacred body was undergoing another transformation.

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In the outside world, because Ye Sheng had broken through and broken through his shackles, heaven and earth could sense five-colored lights flashing and illuminating the sky. The Spiritual Qi within a few hundred miles was instantly absorbed by Ye Sheng, and in the next second.., it spread to an area of a thousand miles.

This change alarmed the Void Demon King. It flew in the sky and said with a frown, “Now that we’ve been exposed, Ye Sheng needs to speed up.”

As Ye Sheng made his breakthrough, the heaven and earth phenomenon became more and more massive.

Moreover, other people’s breakthroughs absorbed everything within a radius of a hundred miles, but Ye Sheng did not agree. Even a radius of a thousand miles would not be enough for him.

As the area gradually expanded, it would definitely attract the attention of the Void realm experts on the other side.

The Void Demon King’s worry was not without reason.

However, the current ye Sheng could not care so much. He only knew one reason — he needed spiritual qi.

The shackles on his body had been broken, and he was transforming towards a higher level. This was the sixth time, and Ye Sheng was slowly improving from a mortal body. This time, there was finally a qualitative change.

From quantitative change to qualitative change was a small step, but ye Sheng had paid too much for it.

Ye Sheng, who was sitting cross-legged in the cave, suddenly took a step forward and arrived above the sea.


Spiritual energy was like a storm, sweeping in all directions with Ye Sheng as the center.

A radius of one thousand li.

A radius of two thousand li.

A radius of three thousand li.


Ye Sheng didn’t stop until he reached a radius of six thousand li. This six thousand li area covered the entire Black Sea area.

The spiritual energy was forcefully absorbed by Ye Sheng, fusing into his body and transforming into a new body.

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“I want to condense a foreign body.”Ye Sheng’s eyes flashed.

A foreign body was blessed by nature. Compared to a mortal body, a foreign body was like a member of the royal family, with countless resources at birth.

Ye Sheng transformed step by step from a mortal body. Every transformation was a form of progress.

And now, he wanted to transform himself into an alien body.

It doesn’t matter if the heavens don’t give it to me. I’ll make one myself.

One that is unique to the world.

One that has never been seen before.

One that will never be seen again.

The Void Demon King Knew Ye Sheng’s thoughts in the storm and said in shock, “Ye Sheng, don’t mess around. An alien body can only be encountered by chance, not by request. Don’t hurt yourself.”

It was considered knowledgeable and had encountered many mutants, but without exception, they were all born from nature.

No one had ever created a mutant after birth. This itself was against the Heavenly Dao and would be punished by the heavens.

Ye Sheng was unmoved. He steeled his thoughts and said, “I will definitely create this mutant.”

“Ye Sheng, you will attract the punishment of the Great Dao. This is heaven-defying,”the void demon king shouted anxiously.

“Cultivation is heaven-defying to begin with. If others don’t dare to create a variant, I, Ye Sheng, will,”ye Sheng said coldly. He did not listen to anyone’s advice.

The creation of a variant was something that Ye Sheng had been thinking about, but he did not tell anyone about it.

Every time he transformed himself, it was extremely complicated. Ye Sheng gradually had an idea to create a variant that would grow infinitely.

In that way, he can continue to grow, borrow the power of the Dantian Earth will be more.

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