The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 396: 396

Ye Sheng had been at sea for three months.

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He had spent one month on the journey, and the remaining two months were spent on breaking through and recovering from his injuries.

During these three months, Ye Sheng also spent his 19th birthday.

One night.

The sky was clear and cloudless. The blue sea greeted his eyes, and the scenery was beautiful.

Ye Sheng stood up and exercised his muscles and bones. It was very comfortable. Although his injuries had not fully recovered, his strength had at least recovered to above the fifth layer, close to 60% .

The rest needed time to recover. Ye Sheng estimated that without external nourishment, he would need at least three months.

The giant whale essence had shortened half a year to three months, which was already very good. After all, Ye Sheng’s injuries were so severe.

Looking at the sea, Ye Sheng slowly moved his body, his expression calm.

The sea rippled, and the waves rolled. Occasionally, birds could be seen diving into the sea, picking up fish and flapping their wings.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

The Void Demon King turned into a bird again, squatting on Ye Sheng’s shoulder and looking at the sea with an arrogant expression.

“When do you plan to leave here?”The Void Demon King asked Ye Sheng.

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Ye Sheng thought for a moment and said, “Tomorrow, I’ll recover today. My strength can be recovered to the sixth layer, which is enough for me to protect myself.”

“Three months out at sea, and you broke through to the Void realm. I reckon that ye Hong would be greatly surprised if he knew, right?”The Great Demon King of the Void sneered and mocked ye Hong’s arrogance. From the beginning to the end, he did not put Ye Sheng in his eyes and used ye Sheng as a catalyst.., he used it to deal with Noble Consort Ye and Qin the second.

Ye Sheng’s expression was calm. At the mention of Ye Hong, he did not grit his teeth. A deep hatred had fused into his bone marrow, leaving only calmness and instinct.

Ye Sheng’s ability to make him kill ye Hong could not be stopped by anyone.

“When I return this time, if ye Hong discovers that I’ve broken through to the Void Tier, he probably won’t dare to look down on me. What awaits me will be a violent storm,”ye Sheng muttered.

In the past, ye Hong had ignored ye Sheng and looked down on him because Ye Sheng had not broken through to the void tier.

No matter how much trouble Ye Sheng caused in the golden core realm, in the eyes of the Void Tier, he was only so-so.

The golden core was only the golden core in the end.

However, it was different now. Ye Sheng had broken through to the void tier and arrived at the same realm as them. There was only a difference of a dozen or so realms, but Ye Sheng was still young. These differences would be caught up by Ye Sheng sooner or later.

As such, Ye Sheng knew very well that returning to Great Qin this time would truly be facing an enemy at the Void realm.

It would no longer be like before, where they would fight small battles.

Thinking about this, Ye Sheng could not help but feel a bit more anxious, and the joy he felt after breaking through completely disappeared.

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He still needed to work harder than before to stabilize himself.

Ye Sheng and the Void Demon King looked at the sea and started to chat. As they chatted, Ye Sheng suddenly froze.

He had a strange feeling.

In the direction of Great Qin’s Xianyang, there was an additional concern.

Ye Sheng frowned. What was this concern?


Great Qin, Xianyang City, quasi-sage manor.

Ever since Ye Sheng had left Xianyang, Beauty Zhou had moved back to live with him. The manor that Ye Sheng lived in was managed by the butler.

Beauty Zhou was very sensible and knew that Ye Sheng had many enemies. As Ye Sheng’s wife, her cultivation was not high, so she was naturally a breakthrough.

Therefore, she stayed in the residence and did not go out. Even if she had an invitation from her close friends, she would reject them all or invite them to the quasi-sage residence for a chat.

She did not want to bring trouble to Ye Sheng, because she knew that Ye Sheng was suffering now. Enemies surrounded him, and she was struggling hard. It was fine if she could not help as his wife, but she must not become a burden.

On this day, Beauty Zhou was chatting with a sister who had a good relationship with her since she was young.

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This sister was married just like Beauty Zhou.

The one she married was Fang conglong.

Just a month ago, Fang conglong also got married. It was a family marriage. However, this woman was well-educated and polite, and her beauty was not inferior. After Fang conglong came into contact with her, he also nodded and agreed.

Beauty Zhou even went to give a wedding gift on behalf of Ye Sheng, but she did not attend the wedding.

“Sister, you are pregnant now. Is Ye Sheng not coming back?”A gentle voice said. It was beauty Zhou’s good sister, Lu Qing.

Beauty Zhou smiled gently. She looked at her slightly bulging belly and said, “He doesn’t know yet. I only found out about it after he left.”

Lu Qing said enviously, “Big sister is really lucky. She married a famous young talent and is going to be a mother soon.”

Beauty Zhou smiled sweetly and said, “You will be soon too. Get closer to your husband.”

Lu Qing’s face turned red and muttered, “Don’t look at me about this matter. Conglong is very busy. Recently, he has taken over the matters of the Fang family and is very tired every day. My heart aches when I see him.”

Lu Qing was also quite satisfied with this political marriage alliance. Fang conglong did not have any bad habits. After getting married, he restrained his unfaithful heart and wholeheartedly treated her. Furthermore, he was appointed as the next head of the Fang family, now, he was taking over all the matters of the Fang family. The husband and wife were harmonious and harmonious. She was very satisfied with her current life.

“Sister, you still have to remind brother-in-law that he will not be around during the pregnancy. When the child is born, he must be by your side,”Lu Qing suddenly said.

Beauty Zhou’s expression changed, and she gave a carefree smile, she said, “We are all cultivators. I also have innate cultivation. It’s just giving birth. There’s no problem. There’s no need for him to come back. He has his own things to do, so I can stay at home at ease.”

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Lu Qing looked at Beauty Zhou with admiration. She naturally knew of the grudge between Ye Sheng and King Ye, so she had to admire beauty Zhou. A woman who didn’t have a husband to accompany her and gave birth to a child without the slightest complaint.., if it were her, she definitely would not be able to do this.

“Sister is really the best wife in the world,”Lu Qing said with a sigh.

Beauty Zhou shook her head and said, “The prerequisite for me to be the best wife in the world is that I have met the best husband in the world.”

Lu Qing stood up and turned to leave. “These words are too mushy. I Can’t listen to it anymore. Fortunately, I’m married. If it were any other young lady who heard these words, she would probably want to bow down to you immediately.”

Beauty Zhou smiled happily and got up to send him off. However, she did not continue speaking.

She loved Ye Sheng wholeheartedly and did not want to share it with others.

After sending Lu Qing off, quasi-sage Zhou Yuan returned. Looking at his daughter who had become fatter because of her pregnancy, he sighed. “Time flies. In the blink of an eye, you’re going to be a mother too.”

“Father, it’s been three months. Is there any news about my husband?”Beauty Zhou asked worriedly.

“Three months ago, Ye Sheng went to Tianshan and met with the seven monsters of Tianshan. After that, he made a trip to chaos city. After that, he disappeared without any news,”Zhou Yuan said.

Beauty Zhou’s expression was calm, but the worry in her eyes could not be dispelled.

“Don’t worry too much. No news is good news. It means that Ye Sheng is working hard in cultivation somewhere,”Zhou Yuan comforted her.

“Has the remaining person from the ascendance sacred land returned?”Beauty Zhou asked with a complicated expression. It was because of this person that Ye Sheng left her.

“He’s back. He returned a month ago, but it’s different from what I imagined. He didn’t cause too much trouble.”Quasi-sage Zhou Yuan frowned.

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