The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 414: 414

The Void Demon King used ye Sheng’s blood to carve dao patterns on his body.

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These were the dao patterns of the array formation. They materialized the Great Dao, formed dao patterns, and formed them. Once activated, they could communicate with Heaven and earth.

The Void Demon King specialized in the Dao of array formation. He had a deep understanding of it. In this world, no one knew more about array formations than him.

The formation it had carved for Ye Sheng was called the integration of the body into the Dao.

Once the formation was activated, Ye Sheng would temporarily hide in the world like the Great Dao. The cultivators would not be able to discover him at all. Although the time was very short, it was enough for Ye Sheng to escape.

One after another, formation patterns were carved. Ye Sheng lost half of his blood. His face was a little pale, but he was in good spirits.

When the Void Demon King finished carving, he carved out dao patterns all over Ye Sheng’s body to form an array formation.

“Ye Sheng, this array formation can only last for three minutes. Once I activate it, you have to leave as soon as possible,”the void demon king reminded.

Ye Sheng nodded. He remembered that once it was activated, he could use all his strength to rush out of the Heavenly Fey Holy Land.

“Ye Sheng, then I’ll activate it,”said the Void Demon King.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

Ye Sheng took a deep breath and said, “Let’s begin. If we wait any longer, the people below will come up. It’ll be troublesome when the time comes.”


The void demon king flapped his wings and pressed directly on Ye Sheng’s waist. Immediately, all the array patterns were activated, causing ye Sheng’s body to glow with blood-red light.

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Ye Sheng felt his body being sucked into an empty illusion by a powerful force. Although he was still in the manor and in the world, Ye Sheng knew that others could not see him at all.

“Ye Sheng, hurry up. You only have three minutes,”the void demon king reminded Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng did not think much and immediately used the Kun Peng Transformation, rushing towards the edge of the feather saint land. He wanted to pass through the array formation and leave this place.

Before he left, Ye Sheng looked coldly at Mu Bai’s study. His killing intent surged. In his heart, this person was someone that he had to kill.

Just Like Ye Hong, he was someone that Ye Sheng had to kill.

Ye Sheng wanted to kill them with all the power in the world.

With just a glance, after a glance, Ye Sheng quickly left the sword peak.

He passed directly in front of the disciples of the Heaven Fey Holy Land. The other party didn’t notice Ye Sheng at all and was still waiting for elder Ben Niu to come over.

Just as Ye Sheng left the Sword Peak, elder Ben Niu rushed over. He looked around and said coldly, “No one came down from the Sword Peak, right?”

“No. Under our eyes, it’s impossible for anyone to leave quietly,”a disciple said confidently.

Elder ben Niu nodded in satisfaction, he said coldly, “Follow me up. We’ve searched the entire sect but found nothing. They must be hiding here. The most dangerous place we know is the safest place. If I find them, I’ll beat them half to death first.”

The disciples immediately followed the running bull into the sword edge and began a thorough search.

At this time, Ye Sheng had already left the sword edge.

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He came to the edge of the array formation of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, followed by the Void Demon King. Its speed was so fast that even an emptiness realm expert would not be able to discover it.

“Void Demon King, how do we break this array formation?”Ye Sheng asked.

Three minutes had already passed by one minute, and time was of the essence.

“Step on the Big Dipper Seven Star, walk out with a mysterious eight trigrams step, and follow the life gate.”The Great Demon King of the Void told Ye Sheng and landed on Ye Sheng’s shoulder.

Ye Sheng immediately began to walk on the Big Dipper seven star, and then calmly walked out of an eight trigrams array formation.

Life Gate.

Ye Sheng stepped in.

The array was like water. It created waves, but it did not stop ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng stepped out and left the heavenly demon Holy Land.

“Let’s go.”Ye Sheng’s body turned into a long rainbow. He streaked across the sky and shot straight into the boundless mountains.

The sea was wide, and fish could leap. The sky was high, and birds could fly.

Ye Sheng was free.

The worries of the past few days had disappeared at this moment.

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He had a large number of treasures. All he needed to do was find a safe place and raise his cultivation level. At that time, Ye Sheng would be able to stand firm in the emptiness realm.

The void demon king was also pleasantly surprised. “Ye Sheng, this is considered a blessing in disguise. It seems that the heavens are looking out for you.”

Ye Sheng said coldly, “The heavens are looking out for me. Then, I will have to work even harder. I will make ye Hong and Mu Bai pay the price of blood.”

“Ye Sheng, you have to find a safe place to enter seclusion. After absorbing these treasures, you will definitely be able to raise your cultivation level by several levels,”the Void Demon King said.

Ye Sheng was also looking forward to his breakthrough. He needed to be even faster and leave the heavenly demon Holy Land. He needed to enter a desolate area and enter seclusion to break through.


In the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, elder Ben Niu carefully searched the blade, he roared angrily, “That thief escaped. He escaped and isn’t in the Holy Land. We have to catch him as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the treasures are absorbed by him, even if we catch him, we won’t be able to return the treasures.”

The disciples were furious. These treasures were things that they would inherit in the future. Now that they had all been taken away by Ye Sheng, how could they not be angry?

“Elder, what should we do?”A disciple asked.

Elder ben Niu’s expression was cold as he said, “I’ll go find Wu Zhu and ask him to divine his position. The Treasures of our heavenly monster sacred land are not so easy to take.”

“All of you, stand down. I’ll Go See the Hierarch.”Elder ben Niu waved his sleeve and flew straight towards the meeting peak.

In the Heavenly Fey Holy Land, Bai Ling ‘er was looking at the mountains with a worried expression on a mountain peak that was used to receive guests.

Behind her was Bai Yutian, who was as beautiful as jade. The two of them looked like brother and sister when they stood together, unlike father and daughter.

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“Ling ‘ER, is the theft of the Treasury related to you?”Bai Yutian asked with a calm expression.

Bai Ling ‘er quivered and looked at her father worriedly. She said softly, “It has something to do with me.”

“Who is the murderer?”Bai Yutian was not surprised at all. How could Bai Yu not guess her daughter’s absent-minded and frightened look these few days?

However, he could not understand why his daughter would do such a reckless thing. Her daughter was also very smart?

“It’s Ye Sheng.”Bai Ling ‘er hesitated for a moment, but still said it.

“Ye Sheng?”Bai Yutian frowned, and for the first time, his expression changed. He said, “It’s that son of Ye Hong, the famous genius?”

Bai Ling ‘er nodded and said, “It’s him.”

“It seems that he has already escaped. The array formation of the plume manifestation Holy Land has relaxed.”Bai Yutian suddenly stood up and looked at the array formation hidden in the sky. He muttered.

“Ye Sheng really escaped?”Bai Ling ‘er said in surprise.

“What are you happy about? This Ye Sheng is extremely bold. Does he think that he will be safe if he escapes?”Bai Yutian said disdainfully.

“He escaped. How would the Sky Demon Sacred Land know if he escaped?”Bai Ling ‘er asked.

“Do you know that in the Miao village, there is a profession called Wu Zhu? Wu Zhu can lock onto a person’s position through his aura. He might have escaped now, but the army of the plume manifestation sacred land is about to attack. This Ye Sheng is too whimsical,”Bai Yutian said with a cold snort, he did not have a good impression of Ye Sheng.

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