The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 434: 434

Each of the three swords that Ye Sheng slashed out was more powerful than the last.

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These three swords represented the wisdom of the sword-wielding old man and the ultimate dream of the sword-wielder.


The three swords exploded out and pointed straight at the sect master of the heavenly demon sacred land, making his face solemn.

The terror of these three swords made him not dare to be careless.

“Immortal Crane Sword Technique!”

The sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land displayed his own sword technique to compete with him.

The long sword made of feathers was extremely sharp. It was originally the feather on his body, and it was like he was waving his arm.

With a sword attack, an immortal crane flew and spun. With a cry, it charged straight at him.


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A huge sound reverberated in the heaven and earth. Invisible waves spread rapidly. This sword and the seventh of the thirteen swords clashed together, creating a huge wave.

But soon after, the eighth sword directly slashed over.


An imposing rainbow and waves rose, and the entire sky was like an ocean. The eighth sword rode the wind and broke the waves, killing everything.

An extremely terrifying aura directly landed on the body of the sect master of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Land.

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The sect master of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Land raised his sword to block, and his expression was solemn. He couldn’t underestimate this sword either.

Ye Sheng had augmented the strength of more than five thousand emptiness realm experts on earth, augmented the might of three hundred dao rhythms, and augmented the thoughts of the sword-wielding old man. At this moment, it completely erupted.


This sword directly sent the sect master of the heavenly demon sacred land flying more than ten meters away. He continuously retreated. Finally, he stomped his foot on the main hall of the square before finally stopping his body.

But at this moment, the ninth sword came.


The Swift and decisive sword followed closely behind. Just as the eighth sword fell, the ninth sword arrived in front of the sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land.

“Damn it, I shouldn’t have let you use your sword technique so easily.”The sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land Roared angrily. True energy surged out of his body and turned into a huge shield.

He wanted to use this to block ye Sheng’s ninth sword.

But unfortunately, the power of the ninth sword far exceeded his imagination.


The ninth sword slashed down, and a layer of mighty sword qi spread out in a five-kilometer radius. The sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land’s shield directly exploded. This sword hit the sect master of the heavenly monster sacred land so hard that both of his hands trembled. He quickly retreated, trying to avoid this attack.

But the speed of the ninth sword was beyond his imagination.


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The sect master of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Land was sent flying by the sword. He tried his best to stabilize his body in the air, coughing up blood. Finally, he fell to the ground and stared at Ye Sheng with a gloomy face.

“I was careless with you. You are indeed a genius. It’s very good that you could hurt me at the fourth level of the Void Realm.”The sect master of the heavenly demon sacred land wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said gloomily.

Ye Sheng stood quietly in the main hall of the square. Four streams of sword qi surrounded his body.

The tenth sword, the eleventh sword, the twelfth sword, and the most powerful thirteenth sword.

“You underestimated me. Mu Bai also underestimated me. The Heavenly Monster Sacred Land underestimated me, but it doesn’t matter. Now, I have allowed you to recognize me again.”Ye Sheng raised his hand. The tenth stream of Sword Qi surrounded him and was held in Ye Sheng’s hand.

The sect master of the Sky Demon Holy Land sneered. “It’s right to underestimate you, but you’re not as powerful as you think you are. You made me vomit blood. Consider it your ability. Next, I’ll let you know the terror of the eleventh level of the emptiness realm.”

“Enough nonsense. Let’s eat another sword,”Ye Sheng said coldly. At this point, he had no way out. He could only fight.

Fighting to end the battle was Ye Sheng’s only way out.

On the other side, the Void Demon King sneakily picked up the pantheon pill furnace while everyone’s attention was attracted by Ye Sheng.

Because of Ye Sheng’s control, the pantheon pill furnace was easily picked up by the Void Demon King and moved to the side of the qilin.

The moment the Void Demon King approached the qilin, the Qilin’s hair all stood on end. He looked at the Void Demon King vigilantly.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here to save you. Do you still have the strength to fight?”The Void Demon King asked.

Kirin looked at Ye Sheng. At this moment, Ye Sheng had slashed out his tenth sword strike. His unparalleled aura swept through everything. The rolling sword Qi was extremely terrifying as it enveloped the Hierarch of the Heavenly Monster Holy Land.

“Let me out.”Kirin gritted his teeth.

The void demon king nodded and decisively began to smash the Pantheon Elixir Furnace onto the chain.

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The chain immediately resisted violently and collided with the Pantheon Pill Furnace. A loud sound rang out and shocked the surroundings.

When the sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land saw this scene, his gaze turned furious as he shouted, “So this is what you want. Go and die.”

Ye Sheng’s expression was still cold. So what if he was discovered? He still had to endure life. The attacks of the thirteen swords could not be stopped.

The sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land was extremely furious. He slashed his longsword across the sky and ruthlessly slashed down.

Snow Moon Lotus!

A beautiful snow lotus bloomed and directly collided with the tenth strike.


The tenth strike completely exploded at this moment. It exploded together with the snow lotus. Sword Qi spilled out and fell like rain. It was colorful and extremely beautiful.

The sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land was furious. Ye Sheng’s tenth strike was blocked.

Ye Sheng was not discouraged. The gap between them was huge. Instead, he let out a cold snort and slashed out with his eleventh sword.


The eleventh sword flew in mid-air and was shattered by the sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land.

World-toppling Lotus!

The sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land displayed a beautiful sword technique. A lotus flower that was even more beautiful than before collided with the eleventh sword at this moment.

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The eleventh sword shattered, but the lotus flower did not scatter. It directly charged towards Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng’s pupils constricted. The sect master of the heavenly demon sacred land was too terrifying. Ye Sheng really could not defeat someone at the eleventh level of the Void Realm.

But he did not retreat.

The twelfth sword flew out directly.


This attack caused the void to tremble. The world-shaking lotus flower turned into smoke after Ye Sheng’s twelfth sword.

However, the sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land who was right behind him immediately swung his longsword and shattered the twelfth sword.

“You only have this last sword left. What else do you have to fight with me?”The sect master of the heavenly monster sacred land shouted coldly.

Ye Sheng looked at the sword by his side and smiled. His smile was filled with peace. He did not care about the sorrow of things, nor did he care about his own happiness.

“This is my only sword. I can still cut you until you vomit blood,”Ye Sheng said indifferently.

The sect master of the heavenly monster sacred land sneered, “I didn’t use my full strength just now. The current you is no match for me.”

Ye Sheng ignored his confidence. With the thirteenth sword in his hand, he held his breath and his eyes lit up, he said, “This sword technique was taught to me by a senior. That senior is Chu Zhongtian’s grandfather. He has done me a favor and I must repay him. Chu Zhongtian is also my brother, so you shouldn’t have caught him.”

The sect master of the heavenly monster sacred land shouted coldly, “He and you will die today.”

“No. The ones who should die are you.”Ye Sheng suddenly shouted loudly. He raised his hand and swung it down.

Sheng, the thirteenth sword of the thirteen swords.

This was Ye Sheng’s strongest sword technique. At this moment, it exploded with great power. It flickered with light and was incomparably resplendent. It was aimed straight at the sect master of the Heavenly Monster Sacred Land.

He could not resist it.

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