The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 450: 450

Ye Sheng’s 13 sword strikes struck out, directly shocking everyone in this area.

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This sword technique was too terrifying.

Earlier, at least five people at the 11th level of the void initiation stage charged out, wanting to snatch the evil dragon’s soul, but Ye Sheng’s 13 sword strikes struck out and directly sent them all flying, and it even caused them to spit out blood.

Two people at the eleventh level of the void initiation stage had their arms chopped off, and they looked at Ye Sheng with resentment. They gnashed their teeth in hatred, yet they were helpless.

Ye Sheng was too domineering.

“This dragon soul is mine. Whoever wants to die can come and snatch it.”Ye Sheng’s expression was ice-cold, and his killing intent was overflowing.

His Nether River swept out, and in an instant, he withdrew all of the evil dragon’s body, including the Dragon’s blood, and sent it into the Pantheon Pill Furnace.

“Impudent! You’re only one person, and we have so many eleventh level emptiness realm experts here. Can you go against the heavens by yourself?”A furious shout sounded out. It was Mu Yun, and he had brought the eighteen dragon sparrows.

Mu Yun’s gaze was sinister as he stared at Ye Sheng, and the killing intent within was revealed. He was truly shocked.

One day ago, he’d met Ye Sheng at the seven desolations ridge. At that time, Ye Sheng was only at the fourth level of the emptiness realm, and he was heavily injured. He wasn’t a match for him at all.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL.C0M.

But a day later. Not only had ye Sheng recovered from his injuries, but he could also suppress those at the eleventh level of the void stage.

Was there anything more ridiculous than this?

Mu Yun knew that he couldn’t let ye Sheng grow any longer. If he continued to grow, he wouldn’t be able to suppress him, and that would be a disaster.

So he was the first to step out and bring four of the eighteen dragon sparrows at the eleventh level of the void stage to join forces to kill Ye Sheng.

“So it’s you guys.”When Ye Sheng saw Mu Yun, a powerful killing intent erupted from his eyes, and his entire person’s aura rose.

“It really is heaven that you don’t want to walk on, and Hell that has no doors. As Ye Hong’s lackey, I’ll kill all of you today and chop off one of ye Hong’s arms,”Ye Sheng said coldly.

“You’re boasting shamelessly. You can defeat an emptiness realm expert, but can you defeat the four of us?”Mu Yun laughed coldly. He wasn’t afraid at all and directly clashed with Ye Sheng.

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By his side stood three emptiness realm 11th level experts. Although they were inferior to him in reaching the peak, they had already entered the 11th level for a very long time.

If the four of them joined forces, no matter how strong Ye Sheng was, he would still have to kneel down.

Meanwhile, the three emptiness realm 11th level experts that had been slashed by Ye Sheng’s 13 swords to the point of spitting out blood earlier were now filled with rage as they directly charged forward.

“Ye Sheng, you’ll definitely die today.”

“Ye Sheng, hand over the dragon soul, and I can choose not to participate.”

“Ye Sheng, you’re too overbearing. Hand over the dragon bone, Dragon Blood, and Dragon Soul.”

The three of them were people from major powers in the southwest region, and all of them were big shots of a region. However, when they had been slashed by Ye Sheng to the point of spitting blood with the thirteen swords earlier, their expressions were unsightly, and they wanted to seek revenge.

However, Ye Sheng didn’t even look at them. Instead, it was the qilin who stood in the air, and his imposing manner spread out to envelop these three people in an instant. He said, “Your opponent is me.”

The expressions of the three people changed slightly. They wanted to deal with Ye Sheng, not this troublesome qilin.

However, the qilin did not give them a chance to react. He directly pounced on them and covered them with dense true energy.

Bang Bang Bang!

The three of them were immediately pulled together by the qilin to attack.

Ye Sheng looked at the four people among the eighteen dragon sparrows and smiled cruelly. He said, “The hatred between me and ye Hong can no longer be alleviated. Either he dies or I die. Today, Ye Hong is not here, so I will kill all of you first.”

“Shameless boasting, take my attack.”Mu Yun was the first to attack. His hand turned into a hammer and then smashed down fiercely.


Ye Sheng received the hammer directly, and then his eyes focused.

“Increase the power of the 8,000 emptiness realm.”A terrifying aura suddenly surged out of Ye Sheng’s Dantian Earth and instantly filled ye Sheng’s body.

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He used his hand as a shield to block the hammer, and then flipped it fiercely.


Ye Sheng didn’t use any cultivation technique, move, or secret technique. He just used absolute strength to suppress Mu Yun.


Mu Yun was directly suppressed by Ye Sheng’s backhand, causing him to stagger and fall into the void. Then, he saw Ye Sheng’s palm cover down.

This palm seemed as if the sky had collapsed. The enormous strength suppressed Mu Yun until he spat out blood. He tried his best to block, but he was still not ye Sheng’s match.

“No, no, this is impossible. You’re only at the fifth level of the emptiness realm. How could you possibly have such formidable strength?”Mu Yun said in disbelief.


Ye Sheng’s palm strike still covered the entire area.

Mu Yun’s body trembled. He was directly pressed down and was severely injured. He spat out large mouthfuls of blood and quickly retreated, staggering.

Ye Sheng placed his hands behind his back. His expression was cold as he said, “This strength was originally intended to deal with Ye Hong, but now, for the sake of the both of you, I can also use it.”

Ever since Ye Sheng cultivated the netherworld sacred physique, he had undergone seven to eight transformations. Every transformation was a qualitative change. After so many transformations, Ye Sheng’s body had long transformed to an inconceivable stage,

in addition to Ye Sheng’s own foreign body, which had transformed into the origin body, the power that he had now augmented had long reached an unimaginable stage.

The power of 8,000 fifth level emptiness realm experts.

It was also fortunate that Ye Sheng had passed all the knowledge that he had obtained to Earth, allowing the people on Earth to continuously cultivate. Until now, there were over 10,000 emptiness realm experts.

Ye Sheng, who was at the fifth level of the emptiness realm, had all sorts of cultivation techniques, and with the addition of the 8,000 power of the emptiness realm, he did not need three moves to kill Mu Yun.

That was why ye Sheng said that he was invincible below the 12th level of the emptiness realm.

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He was truly invincible, and he wasn’t just saying that.

Mu Yun and his three brothers frowned. This was too abnormal. Ye Sheng’s strength had exceeded their expectations.

“Kill, attack together.”Mu Yun was still unwilling. If he didn’t Kill Ye Sheng today, given a certain amount of time, even those at the 12th level of the emptiness realm wouldn’t be his match.

“Thousand miles of Ice Seal!”

“Instant is eternal!”

“Raging Flames!”

“Zhan Tian, draw your sword!”

Four extremely powerful attacks attacked in an instant. Their terrifying auras shook countless mountains, and their light was dazzling.

However, in Ye Sheng’s eyes, all of this was just so-so.

He had added the strength of 8,000 void realms, and his body had already reached a limit.

In the next second, Ye Sheng pulled out a single hand in the air.

With this pull, he pulled out a longsword. It was a virtual longsword, and Ye Sheng held it in his hand.

Samsara sword technique!

This was the secret technique passed down in the Samsara sect. It was a very powerful one. When one cultivated it to the peak, it was not inferior to Sheng’s thirteen sword techniques.

Sheng’s thirteen sword techniques were the insights of the sword-wielding elder, and the Samsara sword technique was also a sword technique that the successive sect masters of the Samsara sect had continuously learned and modified.

“Die!”Ye Sheng’s sword directly slashed out.


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The light was dazzling, and at this moment, it transformed into a sword Qi that was a thousand feet long.

Within this sword qi, yin and yang were left and right. Life and death accompanied it, and Samsara was born within it.

This sword represented a kind of life and death comprehension.

This sword was the foundation of Samsara, and it was displayed.

This sword was ye Sheng’s fusion of yin and yang, the Dao rhythm of samsara.

This sword was so powerful that it covered up all of its might.


Boundless light erupted. Life and death, yin and yang, and Samsara intertwined together.

It killed directly.

Mu Yun and the other two’s attacks were so weak at this moment.

It was like the water in a pool compared to the waves in the sea.

So powerless.

The Sword of rebirth crushed over without any form of resistance.

I’m crushing.

Mu Yun’s pupils constricted, and he immediately wanted to escape.

However, when the sword of rebirth swept over, everything returned to silence.

The four eleventh level emptiness realm experts of the eighteen dragon sparrows completely vanished into nothingness at this moment.

No corpses were left behind.

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